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HAL HTT-40 First Flight in June - Armed Variant offered to Indian Army


Jul 22, 2013
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Armed variant of HTT-40 variant offered to Indian Army
After Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., (HAL) was able to save its in-house HTT-40 project to develop light trainer aircraft for Indian Air force, after IAF had repeatedly turned down the project recently it got a boost when Defence ministry ordered IAF to place orders for HTT-40 to be used in Stage-I training of Pilots.

HAL now fears that IAF which operates Swiss-made Pilatus PC-7 Mark-II in large numbers will not a place a large order to make whole project financially viable, IAF also showed no interest in Armed variant of HTT-40 offered by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL). So HAL now plans to offer Armed variant of HTT-40 to Indian Army. HAL sources close to idrw.org have confirmed that HAL wants to develop Armed variant of HTT-40 but refused to confirm if talks are been held with Indian Army.

Hal plans to incorporate 4th-generation avionics and weapons system on armed variant and from design stage HAL had factored in weapons station in aircraft structure, so there is lower turnaround time to develop armed variant. HAL’s key selling point will be aircraft’s ability to be used in counter-insurgency and Anti-Naxals operations by Indian Army and Paramilitary forces.

According to HAL, Armed HTT-40 can also be used for light attack, counter-insurgency (COIN), close air support, aerial reconnaissance missions, in low threat environments and work in close operations with attack helicopters like LCH (Light combat Helicopter ) in support of anti-tank role and scout duties .

HAL also is trying to get Indian navy on-board HTT-40 project. Navy currently is dependent on IAF for training its pilots in Stage-I/II level. HAL also sees great export potential for such light-armed attack variant which could be used by Air force in low-threat environments.

Source:- Armed variant of HTT-40 variant offered to Indian Army | idrw.org
So which weapons this bird can use ??
Only guns.... May be some unguided free fall light bombs.... Don't expect much from it to carry.
Armed variant of HTT-40 variant offered to Indian Army
After Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., (HAL) was able to save its in-house HTT-40 project to develop light trainer aircraft for Indian Air force, after IAF had repeatedly turned down the project recently it got a boost when Defence ministry ordered IAF to place orders for HTT-40 to be used in Stage-I training of Pilots.

HAL now fears that IAF which operates Swiss-made Pilatus PC-7 Mark-II in large numbers will not a place a large order to make whole project financially viable, IAF also showed no interest in Armed variant of HTT-40 offered by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL). So HAL now plans to offer Armed variant of HTT-40 to Indian Army. HAL sources close to idrw.org have confirmed that HAL wants to develop Armed variant of HTT-40 but refused to confirm if talks are been held with Indian Army.

Hal plans to incorporate 4th-generation avionics and weapons system on armed variant and from design stage HAL had factored in weapons station in aircraft structure, so there is lower turnaround time to develop armed variant. HAL’s key selling point will be aircraft’s ability to be used in counter-insurgency and Anti-Naxals operations by Indian Army and Paramilitary forces.

According to HAL, Armed HTT-40 can also be used for light attack, counter-insurgency (COIN), close air support, aerial reconnaissance missions, in low threat environments and work in close operations with attack helicopters like LCH (Light combat Helicopter ) in support of anti-tank role and scout duties .

HAL also is trying to get Indian navy on-board HTT-40 project. Navy currently is dependent on IAF for training its pilots in Stage-I/II level. HAL also sees great export potential for such light-armed attack variant which could be used by Air force in low-threat environments.

Source:- Armed variant of HTT-40 variant offered to Indian Army | idrw.org

HAL should focus more on IJT Sitara instead if this
HAL HTT-40 First Flight in June?????

June 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.......

I do not believe on HAL................. When they start testing & production.... why people listing HAL everytime.

Terrible colour scheme
Hal DRDO etc have no sense of aesthetics
What the heck happened to the HJT-36?


Still no IOC? It was conceptualized in 1999!! WTF is going on at HAL?
What the heck happened to the HJT-36?


Still no IOC? It was conceptualized in 1999!! WTF is going on at HAL?

I really really hope HAL's management is changed through tough measures.

They are drowning public money into nothingness.
Armed variant of HTT-40 variant offered to Indian Army
After Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., (HAL) was able to save its in-house HTT-40 project to develop light trainer aircraft for Indian Air force, after IAF had repeatedly turned down the project recently it got a boost when Defence ministry ordered IAF to place orders for HTT-40 to be used in Stage-I training of Pilots.

HAL now fears that IAF which operates Swiss-made Pilatus PC-7 Mark-II in large numbers will not a place a large order to make whole project financially viable, IAF also showed no interest in Armed variant of HTT-40 offered by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL). So HAL now plans to offer Armed variant of HTT-40 to Indian Army. HAL sources close to idrw.org have confirmed that HAL wants to develop Armed variant of HTT-40 but refused to confirm if talks are been held with Indian Army.

Hal plans to incorporate 4th-generation avionics and weapons system on armed variant and from design stage HAL had factored in weapons station in aircraft structure, so there is lower turnaround time to develop armed variant. HAL’s key selling point will be aircraft’s ability to be used in counter-insurgency and Anti-Naxals operations by Indian Army and Paramilitary forces.

According to HAL, Armed HTT-40 can also be used for light attack, counter-insurgency (COIN), close air support, aerial reconnaissance missions, in low threat environments and work in close operations with attack helicopters like LCH (Light combat Helicopter ) in support of anti-tank role and scout duties .

HAL also is trying to get Indian navy on-board HTT-40 project. Navy currently is dependent on IAF for training its pilots in Stage-I/II level. HAL also sees great export potential for such light-armed attack variant which could be used by Air force in low-threat environments.

Source:- Armed variant of HTT-40 variant offered to Indian Army | idrw.org
Utter stupidity at play, has the IA EVER expressed a need for a fixed wing, slow speed CAS a/c? What Indian COIN ops utilise armed air-power today? None.

Well done HAL, you've solved a problem that doesn't even exsist.
HAL now fears that IAF which operates Swiss-made Pilatus PC-7 Mark-II in large numbers will not a place a large order to make whole project financially viable, IAF also showed no interest in Armed variant of HTT-40 offered by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)

So it's basically the same case with DRDO developing other varients of Arjun, to increase the total production and therefor make it financially more viable. Even HAL officials stated earlier, that a production of less then 80 (if I remember correctly) x HTT40 would not justify the costs and since IAF is not interested in more, IN might not have an additional requirement, they now propose IA with something to stretch the "hope" that HTT40 would be useful in any way. That however doesn't make sense, since IA can't operate fixed wing aircrafts in CAS roles, without IAF fighters securing the area anyway. So duplicating capabilities is not really an efficient use of the defence budget, not to mention that IA wants armed Rustom H in the long rung, which obviously will be the far better choice for CAS (linger range and endurance, less prone to enemy air defences, higher weapon loads possible).
HAL is just desperate to sell a project in the last minute, that they messed up on their own. Too little, too late!
So it's basically the same case with DRDO developing other varients of Arjun, to increase the total production and therefor make it financially more viable. Even HAL officials stated earlier, that a production of less then 80 (if I remember correctly) x HTT40 would not justify the costs and since IAF is not interested in more, IN might not have an additional requirement, they now propose IA with something to stretch the "hope" that HTT40 would be useful in any way. That however doesn't make sense, since IA can't operate fixed wing aircrafts in CAS roles, without IAF fighters securing the area anyway. So duplicating capabilities is not really an efficient use of the defence budget, not to mention that IA wants armed Rustom H in the long rung, which obviously will be the far better choice for CAS (linger range and endurance, less prone to enemy air defences, higher weapon loads possible).
HAL is just desperate to sell a project in the last minute, that they messed up on their own. Too little, too late!
June they mentioned or July to be precise. If HTT 40 exceed in terms of performance. Then its time to put everyone behind bar who ordered a half cooked cookie without ejection seat etc etc.
June they mentioned or July to be precise. If HTT 40 exceed in terms of performance. Then its time to put everyone behind bar who ordered a half cooked cookie without ejection seat etc etc.

Nobody cares about performance, it's the simple fact that it was nowhere near to be available when it was needed! HAL just waited for years to do some more work on their own and IAF had no choice than to buy foreign stuff with HTT32 operations even stopped. NOW, when HAL did exactly that, they suddenly are able to present a prototype (promised this year), so what stopped them for so many years although they knew at best when replacements were necessary? Their own laziness and the confidence in having monopoly in the aviation field. But since the former MoD changing policies to invite privat players and the current government even keeping HAL out of several deals, things getting tough now and they have to work to get their share of the aviation market now. That's why I hope that they get the IJT problems fixed ASAP, but the HTT40 at this point is a complete waste of time and money since it doesn't add any operational benefit (rather the opposite) and it increases costs for IAF.
Nobody cares about performance, it's the simple fact that it was nowhere near to be available when it was needed! HAL just waited for years to do some more work on their own and IAF had no choice than to buy foreign stuff with HTT32 operations even stopped. NOW, when HAL did exactly that, they suddenly are able to present a prototype (promised this year), so what stopped them for so many years although they knew at best when replacements were necessary? Their own laziness and the confidence in having monopoly in the aviation field. But since the former MoD changing policies to invite privat players and the current government even keeping HAL out of several deals, things getting tough now and they have to work to get their share of the aviation market now. That's why I hope that they get the IJT problems fixed ASAP, but the HTT40 at this point is a complete waste of time and money since it doesn't add any operational benefit (rather the opposite) and it increases costs for IAF.
Well we don't know if its IAF laziness or HAL babus laziness.All I want is a Desi trainer not some half cooked one where you always have to take permission of OEM for virtually everything.Now IAF got approx100 PC-7II in their inventory so they can wait till HTT-40 fructify.
Well we don't know if its IAF laziness or HAL babus laziness.

Just look at when HAL started showing the NG trainer mock ups at Aero India and when they actually started working and you will see the sad truth.

All I want is a Desi trainer not some half cooked one where you always have to take permission of OEM for virtually everything.Now IAF got approx100 PC-7II in their inventory so they can wait till HTT-40 fructify.

And that's the problem, because IAF simply can't afford to wait! They have to keep their training levels up, especially today when multi role fighters demand more from pilots than in the past and limiting it's basic trainer numbers for the hope that HAL comes up with something sometimes, is what they already do with IJT.

Moreover, we are talking about a trainer here not a combat fighter, there is nothing that would require major changes or upgrades, where the HTT40 can offer an operational advantage. The only benefit is, that we can maintain and upgrade it with more indigenous sub-systems, but both still will provide the same basic training capability. That's the difference to LCA, where we have the benefit to add any kind of weapon or EW system that we have access to, which improves the operational capability and not only the maintenance. Which is also why we add more and more indigenous weapons to MKIs, apart of the indigenous avionics.
So developing indigenous fighters or even indigenize foreign fighters is crucial, while adding 2 different types of trainers for the same purpose, just to support a Desi trainer is not!
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