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Hakkari'de çatma: 8 askerimiz ehit oldu

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Zulkarneyn please cut the liberal sh*t. I can't cope with the boredom anymore

neo-hippies everywhere

This is an open forum, if you don't like it ignore it. Obviously you have done that for a long time.
Allah rahmet eylesin. Kandils the source; a proper millitay operation is neccecary, to destroy PKK camps. Our country can not do this; there is not point of being proud of our defence industry and armed forces, when it does no come in to effect. This country needs a strong leader or at least Erdogan has to take solid steps against this, which i doubt he would, considering how Bülent Arınç just implied a house arrest for the animal in imralı...
This is an open forum, if you don't like it ignore it. Obviously you have done that for a long time.

Problem is not just you the whole new generation. We've always been a warrior nation and it's saddening me to see nobody's coming with military tactics here. They like to see it as a political issue and im sick of it.

Our ancestors would see a fight and jump in there without a second thought but these rookies try to cheat their way out of it. You go on try and "win their hearts" it will never be as effective as carefully planned and air coordinated strikes.

It rhymed :)
You say we shouldn't give any rights to Kurdish citizens such as their own tv channels, being taught Kurdish in primary school and University. And you are talking about "imperial support". If you had the slightest idea about politics and society making you would understand that granting equal rights to each and everyone in the state is the way forward in modern statemaking, how should i know it tight? I only study political science at the University.

You want to alienate and discriminate about 10 million people in Turkey and want to rule over them with iron fist, any person with an ounce of intelligence would understand that discrimination leads to conflict and problems. And to the question why there still are Kurds who want to fight against the state.

1: In the past the Turkish military has done cruel mistakes in the east and murdered a lot of civilians. This has implemented hatred in their hearts and we still experience the consequences of these actions.
2: Kurds has always been looked down on in Turkey and seen as 2. rank citizens. Kurdish was illegal, even singers who sang Kurdish were seen as traitors just because they sang in their own language.
3: No socio-economic development and very low education level has led to extremity in the east. Trust me it is easier to cheat people who are uneducated and poor, than cheating people who has education and a specific level of economic prosperity.

Conclusion: So yes, this problem is deep and happened as consequence of bad governance. Therefore the way forward is openness and transparency. We need to grant Kurds rights (which is happening, we need to further education in the east, we need to integrate Kurds into the society, we need to raise the level of economic and societal prosperity. And remember war and conflict begets war and conflict, hatred begets hatred.
sounds perfectly resonable to me.

Hurriyet says 26. Can you send the link?
Hopefully, the news are true and the number will increase.
You see? That's what im always talking about. If this operation was started before the attack on dağlıca those eight men could live to fight another day. We went too far with democracy and "analar ağlamasın" bullsh*t military actually CAN handle PKK it's all about the momentum and right tactics.

We did it in 90 ies with a fraction of the resources we have today. Get your heads out of your democratic arses and think for a second.
Terrorist camps are at another side of border. While usa is coming from beyond of ocean it's shame that we can not pass border because of usa doesn't let us.
You see? That's what im always talking about. If this operation was started before the attack on dağlıca those eight men could still be alive to fight another day. We went too far with democracy and "analar ağlamasın" bullsh*t military actually CAN handle PKK it's all about the momentum and right tactics.

We did it in 90 ies with a fraction of the resources we have today. Get your heads out of your democratic arses and think for a second.

Bro, no one is saying anything against the operations by the military. But the army can not destroy PKK all by itself as you're suggesting. PKK maintaining its militant number around 5000. No matter how many we kill, those dead ones are replacing by the sympathisers. In order to stop this, politicians and soldiers must work together. The fragile balance between 'negotiations with civillians' and 'operations against PKK' must be kept. And rights of the Kurds must be restored.

Although the "Kurdish Opening" is one of the few policy of AKP that i like, you are right. They gave more than necessary compromises to PKK. That is why i said AKP has failed in fighting with the terror in my previous post.
They didn't fail to fight. They didn't fight at all. We no longer have military goals we aren't planning to destroy PKK we are negotiating it's disgusting.

AKP is scared of the military. They don't want army to take credit from PKK's destruction that would hurt their political agendas.

Whatever it is i don't want to discuss this under the news of martyrdom please don't make me. Zulkarneyn and the others.
bu konuya bari siyaseti karıştırmayın
Even if all the 300 terroists were killed, that would not solve anything! The source is Iraq. Kandils like a water tap, unless you turn the tap off, you would always have water flowing.
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