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Hakkari'de çatma: 8 askerimiz ehit oldu

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Allah rahmet eylesin. I think we need those surveillance satellites up quicker. and get better equipment. We need to improve camera and security systems throughout the country to instantly notify police or security about any illegal activities. And we need professional military personnel to protect the borders and active surveillance systems. day and night.
...after reading a few of your previous comments in order to unerstand what kind of person you are, i have come to some conclusion about you, and thats why i do not see you as how you describe yourself.

first of all, it is very unfortunate that you come to the thread about news of 8 şehit, and talk about in favour of the terrorism by doing it with the worst explanation and believe me it is very unfortunate, and i know you even do not realize it, or i believe so,

second of all, before the akp took the power, the terror had nearly finished, and more importantly the terror was only on the mountains, not in the streets of cities, no one would die in a shuttle bus before akp came to power. no one did burn turklish flags in streets of cities, no one waved terror symbols in streets of cities, no one praised the leader of that terror group in front of cameras, no one in turkish parliement did threat turkish state,

thirdly, if what you wrote the reason of that terror, then why does it still continue? do you think akp and its bs opennes is seen as a solution or as a sign to demand more? pkk supporters have many times declared that they want a separate state after reaching the point of federation; however, you(i mean akp supporters) are still singing the same song, and blaming others for your mistakes, which is actually called the psychology of guilt,

fourtly, the fm of turkey have hosted the ''leader'' of north ıraq, and called it ''gakguk'', turkey have been supplying anything to ıraq, especially to the north, to develop ıraq and get it to the old good days(!); however, the same ıraq is doing quite the opposite for turkey, they host that terror group, they treat their wounds, they supply them food etc.; otherwise , why would pkk go back to their camps after attacking turkey; however, you(i mean akp supporters) are still singing the same song,

fifth, the terror always uses illegal ways to get what they want; even when they are in negotiation; the akp did (or still) negotiate( without any parliament decision) them in oslo around a table in a restaurant(btw, totally treason and scandal); which could be seen as a peace meeting by you (i mean akp supporters), however, it is not so, it is another sign for the terror group that they have the initiative; show me one country that did meet a terror group while they continue killing and refusing to capitulate. Shorly, if you start to negotiate, it means you start to lose it.

sixth, AKP was the one who used to protest usa in any chance while they were with Necmettin ERBAKAN; but when they came to power, the usa governments became their ally(i mean boss); without permission they cannot cross the border of ıraq by one inch; however, they sent troops to afghanistan to fight against the terror; they did send warships to libya even though they many times did say that there was no bussiness for Nato in libya, but usa ordered and akp obeyed, it is sad but the truth,

seventh, i tried to write it as simply as you(i mean akp supporters) can understand, because i know if i try to communicate with you by thoughts that carry very deep multiple approaches, you start that name-calling policy and to make fun of me, because i know the intelligence is censored by you (i mean akp supporters) according to the test of how religous you are ( as if it is possibel to decide who is more religous by checking their religous activities), the rest ( i mean education, experience, credentials etc are just the words to make fun of) is not important.


ps: i know you(i mean akp supporters) would not bother what i wrote, it is boring for you; you do not listen to who are not one of you.

I stopped reading when i reached the bold part. This is the most idiotic way of conducting an argument, and you fail at the very beginning to catch my attention with an extremely stupid way by calling me a terrorist supporter. If it means supporting terrorism to favor Kurdish rights, then you got serious problems mate. You people are only good at emotionally manipulating people and then completely ignoring the realities behind terrorism.
Your mentality: Let us wipe out the PKK militarily (which is virtually impossible when you ignore the Kurds rights).
My mentality: Let us find the core problem for why PKK still gains support, and wipe out that ideology. If it means granting Kurdish rights, gladly and happily.

If you want to wipe out PKK you first have to entirely get the support of the Kurds in the east. Because it is an ideological problem, the Kurds firstly and foremost need to feel attached to Turkey. Once Kurds come to understand that Turkey is their country as well, it will be easier to eradicate the few remaining radicals.

PS.: Better write Turkish next time, because your English is not good enough for these kind of discussions.
...after reading a few of your previous comments in order to unerstand what kind of person you are, i have come to some conclusion about you, and thats why i do not see you as how you describe yourself.

first of all, it is very unfortunate that you come to the thread about news of 8 şehit, and talk about in favour of the terrorism by doing it with the worst explanation and believe me it is very unfortunate, and i know you even do not realize it, or i believe so,

second of all, before the akp took the power, the terror had nearly finished, and more importantly the terror was only on the mountains, not in the streets of cities, no one would die in a shuttle bus before akp came to power. no one did burn turklish flags in streets of cities, no one waved terror symbols in streets of cities, no one praised the leader of that terror group in front of cameras, no one in turkish parliement did threat turkish state,

thirdly, if what you wrote the reason of that terror, then why does it still continue? do you think akp and its bs opennes is seen as a solution or as a sign to demand more? pkk supporters have many times declared that they want a separate state after reaching the point of federation; however, you(i mean akp supporters) are still singing the same song, and blaming others for your mistakes, which is actually called the psychology of guilt,

fourtly, the fm of turkey have hosted the ''leader'' of north ıraq, and called it ''gakguk'', turkey have been supplying anything to ıraq, especially to the north, to develop ıraq and get it to the old good days(!); however, the same ıraq is doing quite the opposite for turkey, they host that terror group, they treat their wounds, they supply them food etc.; otherwise , why would pkk go back to their camps after attacking turkey; however, you(i mean akp supporters) are still singing the same song,

fifth, the terror always uses illegal ways to get what they want; even when they are in negotiation; the akp did (or still) negotiate( without any parliament decision) them in oslo around a table in a restaurant(btw, totally treason and scandal); which could be seen as a peace meeting by you (i mean akp supporters), however, it is not so, it is another sign for the terror group that they have the initiative; show me one country that did meet a terror group while they continue killing and refusing to capitulate. Shorly, if you start to negotiate, it means you start to lose it.

sixth, AKP was the one who used to protest usa in any chance while they were with Necmettin ERBAKAN; but when they came to power, the usa governments became their ally(i mean boss); without permission they cannot cross the border of ıraq by one inch; however, they sent troops to afghanistan to fight against the terror; they did send warships to libya even though they many times did say that there was no bussiness for Nato in libya, but usa ordered and akp obeyed, it is sad but the truth,

seventh, i tried to write it as simply as you(i mean akp supporters) can understand, because i know if i try to communicate with you by thoughts that carry very deep multiple approaches, you start that name-calling policy and to make fun of me, because i know the intelligence is censored by you (i mean akp supporters) according to the test of how religous you are ( as if it is possibel to decide who is more religous by checking their religous activities), the rest ( i mean education, experience, credentials etc are just the words to make fun of) is not important.


ps: i know you(i mean akp supporters) would not bother what i wrote, it is boring for you; you do not listen to who are not one of you.

Parmaklarina saglik.

i am responding you, because you are not the only one who think like you and also read my post; so please keep responding me,therfore giving me more chance to leave you without any ''argument''.

by no means am i call you , as you called, ''a terrorist supporter''; so stop that habit of name-calling policy when you have no argument to say,deal?

i know you would be bored to read my post, andjin advance i told it in my ps note, and i know you have no argument to contradict my clailms, so you did chose the easy way, and started to insult me personally and the people who think otherwise. you call me emotional; however, it is not me crying each time in front of tv cameras on daily bases; your motto ''analar ağlamasın'' is the most hypocratic policy in this respect, and also akp is the biggest manipulator in the history of turkey, you or your child will understand it in the future, believe me they will, however, your current behaviour, as i said, is the psychology of guilt.

i know you will again start to mark me some insulting adjectives; however, i would still like to ask you: as you know there were nearly zero terror attack before akp came to power, do you think at that time there were no support of ethnic population in southeast? if you say no; then you do contradict, in both ways, which is the most humiliating way for you, yourself with the second parahgraph of your post above .

you are talking about the full support, however, as i know akp did get the majority votes of the people in there; the rest voted for bdp, and the bdp in connection with pkk want a federation before the separation; and you mention to get full support, what are you implying, he? i think this is the most solid example for me to prove who is manipulator.


ps: please continue writing, in turkey media is in the hands of akp and bdp supporter, but in here it is not, so continue please in order to show the true face of mine and yours.

Gecen yaptim da ne oldu? Gene kapatti Zakii denen herif.

please change the title with english, do not give them(akp supporter members) the chance to shut the thread.


I read your first post now. And there is absolute nothing which is of relevance. You talk empty without any solutions, and just trying to bash AKP policy but fail miserably (typical CHP "uni" kids). Only thing i found interesting in your post is that you claim civilian death has escalated in AKP time. I just found the real numbers
1992-2002: 4127 civilian deaths
2002-2010: 272 civilians deaths

Can you tell me why i should take a liar seriously?

Edit: and to be perfectly honest i don't even see the point in your posts. It seems your agenda is only to bash AKP policy. I always critisize certain policies of theirs, but i am not totally glued to only demonize them. Also i am tired of people like you whose only purpose is political discussion with no sense and direction whatsoever like the turkish tv debates. For me to take a person seriously in discussions or debates there has to be certain criteria and minimums for how much one can lie openly. Being a totally emotional kid with absolutely no sense whatsover won't get you kids anywhere in life, other than hatred and misery. Your close-midedness and totally being against every single policy of a certain party is just amazingly idiotic.

Again instead of repeating your daily AKP bash cycle, will you answer me this question which i asked in my first post: DO you think it is possibly to solve this problem without considering Kurdish rights? i know it hurts many to see Kurds gaining rights such as being able to speak Kurdish openly and being taught their language. But hey, live with it, we are not a dictatorship.

And the discussion is over for me, the level is extremely low and the lies are extremely high.

I read your first post now. And there is absolute nothing which is of relevance. You talk empty without any solutions, and just trying to bash AKP policy but fail miserably (typical CHP "uni" kids). Only thing i found interesting in your post is that you claim civilian death has escalated in AKP time. I just found the real numbers
1992-2002: 4127 civilian deaths
2002-2010: 272 civilians deaths

Can you tell me why i should take a liar seriously?

i will answer all of your comments ,even you continue insluting me personally...

i talked about the time when akp did not come to power; just before akp came to power there were nearly zero attack of pkk; however, you are talking about 1992-2002; are you trying to contradict me or continue humiliating your self more( btw, it seems your english is not enough to understand what i meant, or it is you who understand what she wants).

i did not say anything about my personal choices( my political stance, my english etc), so stop writing about my personal stuff, otherwise i start to report you.



why are you insulting, looking down on people, why? if you are smarter than me, then just explain it through the topic, and answer my question with arguments, but do not insult people never please, even they have some shortcomings.

i answered your question, but as i said even i wrote it as simply as possibel, you just overlooked it, read my first post again. the answer is there.


the runner is gone with full insult to others, but zero scrap of solid argument in her post.
My condolences to their families. We've been here for over a thousand years. If 30 years of terror gave you the self doubt our military can't handle this then it's best for you to stay in denmark.
My condolences to their families. We've been here for over a thousand years. If 30 years of terror gave you the self doubt our military can't handle this then it's best for you to stay in denmark.

Military can not handle this problem all by itself. It is a proven fact. No matter how advanced our equipment is. PKK keep replacing dead terrorists with brainwashed Kurds. Reforms are needed in order to dry that source and most importandly to become a true democracy.
Amen, About a year ago a young man from our neighborhood was killed by Pejak (The branch of PKK in Iran) near the Iraqi border. Thanks to those never accept to categorize all Kurd as PKK. Never forget that is the sole aim of PKK to bring hostility between races.

The most effective weapon against a racist group like PKK is diminishing any discrimination against Kurds. Make sure they enjoy living in Turkey, The new changes in Turkiye are really admirable. That is the road-map in which PKK will find no one to wash the brain.

Fight PKK terrorists, but never forget that the story will continue until cutting the sources of washable brains. You know the person who has written this, is a man who has experienced living in a minority.
Almost all of my cousins have served in the Iraqi border it could have been one of my family who was killed.
I really whant to know if those who think war is the eight way would like to lose one of there own family.
We can NOT stop this just by the military. We have to take the political options and solve this mess.

I am sick of reading news of dead soldier one day that soldier can be my friend or relative.

My condolences to the families.
Allah mekanlarını cennet eylesin.

Vatan bölünmez diyoruz ama vatanın içindekileri bölürsek o vatan kime yarar?
Önemli olan sınırı korumak deyil asıl mesele sınırın içindekileri korumak.
(sorry for the language)
Almost all of my cousins have served in the Iraqi border it could have been one of my family who was killed.
I really whant to know if those who think war is the eight way would like to lose one of there own family.
We can NOT stop this just by the military. We have to take the political options and solve this mess.

I am sick of reading news of dead soldier one day that soldier can be my friend or relative.

My condolences to the families.
Allah mekanlarını cennet eylesin.

Vatan bölünmez diyoruz ama vatanın içindekileri bölürsek o vatan kime yarar?
Önemli olan sınırı korumak deyil asıl mesele sınırın içindekileri korumak.
(sorry for the language)

At long last there are people who see the realities in Turkey. Thank you for expressing your honest point of view, many thinks this problem is solvable with only military. People need to understand that suppression and discrimination will only alienate many Kurds in East Turkey. Win your Kurdish citizens and the rest will solve automatically. We are doing right at the moment with granting more Kurdish rights, tv, education, etc. No matter what some says, this is a right thing to do. Equality and freedom has never been wrong and never will be. Conflict begets conflict

Edit: Empathy. People need to put themselves into their places. Being born and raised in a place where from birth you are taught by your sorroundings, that the state and your own country discriminates you. Where the Turkish teachers slap you just because you said a few words in Turkish during school, where singers who sang in Kurdish were labelled as traitors just because of the language of their song. Where education is the lowest, where there is almost no economic prosperity. What do some do in such circumstances? They turn to extremity and take arms against their own country, because they don't have the "belonging" sense to that country. You can label me whatever you want, i am a Turk from both my parents, in fact Kayseri (nationalistic city), but these are the realities. If we don't take these things seriously we will fail as we have done the last 30 years. There are reasons to PKK and their support, as i said to begin with you can cheat uneducated ignorant people very easily, think of Ogün Samast who killed Hrant Dink when he was 17 years, he thought he did something great for the country but was lied to by "nationalists". Those people who take arms and fight against Turkey are not born evil, it is their sorroundings that push them to such cruelties.
I critisize the AKP for many things, but their effort to try and solve this diplomatically, educationally and socially s the only right way.
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