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Hakim ullah Mahsood ALLEGEDLY Killed on 12th - Jan

Interesting indeed. Could be the US trying to win over Pak support like Asim said. Could be the US finally acted on ISI's Intel and took him out, to win over Pak. Could be part of limited drone campaign that focus on fewer and bigger targets.
A news to keep the 'DroneStrikes' show running?...US have not released any 'confirmed kill' press release yet.
without boots on the ground, how do you expect them to release confirmed kill press release..??
So you think they should be allowed to pay a visit to the place & confirm that? Where they get Intel' about such terrorists? Its either the local people employed by CIA/IS/other agencies that do this work...don't you think such sources can confirm that too?
A news to keep the 'DroneStrikes' show running?...US have not released any 'confirmed kill' press release yet.

That would be an admission by the CIA that they are committing drone attacks. Even though its no doubt they are doing it they still considered it classified and never discuss it. They won't admit it.
CIA bargained with two TTP groups to take out Hakimullah

ISLAMABAD - The CIA had tried to bargain with two powerful TTP factions to have Hakimullah Mehsud taken out but failed before launching fresh spate of drones in Pakistan’s tribal region, it is learnt.

Some influential tribal chieftains in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) believe that the Central Intelligence Agency’s reported manoeuvring in this regard has risked the lives of tribal militias (lashkar) members amid TTP suspicions that tribal leaders were influential in trying to broker a covert deal between the two Taliban leaders and CIA.

On the other hand, Spokesman Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Ehsaanullah Ehsaan insisted that the TTP central command and its allied factions were “one united unit” and reports of rifts, according to the militants mouthpiece, aimed at “breaking this unity.” “We are one single unit. Sometime there occur differences that we sort out but our unity is intact against Pakistan’s security forces and everybody who joins hands with expansionist forces.”

Ehsaan said that TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud was the top target of CIA’s renewed drone campaign in Pakistan’s Waziristan region. “They have made many efforts to martyr our Ameer (chief) but failed. They’ve no idea where he might be.”

The TTP spokesman refused to give details of Hakim’s whereabouts. “He could be here (in Pakistan) or he could be there (in Afghanistan). It would get known to you and those who want to know.” Ehsaan shared these views during a satellite phone conversation with this journalist from an undisclosed venue on Tuesday.

As per information available with this newspaper, Wali-ur-Rehman group and Naimat Mehsud group were two Taliban factions the CIA tried to strike a deal with, to have taken out Hakimullah in return of prisoners release and monitory benefits the exact details of which remain unknown. Wali and his men are reported to have been based in North Waziristan or its adjoining areas while Naimat Mehsud faction is largely based in Tank, Dera Ismail and has partial presence in North and South Waziristan. Reportedly, Naimat and Wali’s representatives held covert meetings with CIA command in Emirates but the deal failed following fears in Taliban ranks that ditching the central leadership could isolate them and result in their elimination. Following this, the TTP and Afghan Taliban had reportedly called a joint Taliban council meeting that pledged allegiance to Taliban leadership in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Political Agent North Waziristan Yahya Akunzada said neither political administration in FATA nor any Pakistani government department was involved in reconciliatory talks with militants. “I can’t comment on behalf of the US but I can safely say that nobody from our side tried to reconcile with Taliban or facilitate any deal.”

He believed, the motives of TTP new attacks on security forces aimed at deterring the security establishment from taking on terrorists and demonstration of unity between different Taliban units to dispel reports of rift. “The TTP allied units are waging these attacks. We’ll counter them,” Akhunzada told The Nation from Peshawar.

Wazir tribe chieftain and head of tribal peace lashkar in South Waziristan Malik Idrees Khan slammed what he termed as CIA “backfired manoeuvres” to risk the lives of tribesmen.

“They (Taliban) believe that we were instrumental in facilitating backdoor deal between their men and CIA. Our lives are at high risk. Our men are being killed.” With the support of Pakistan’s military establishment in July last year, Khan had strengthened a powerful tribal militia to counter TTP and cross-border incursions from Afghan side. Despite being one of the most influential tribal lords in FATA, Khan and other pro-Pakistani chieftains have seen the killings of their numerous tribesmen at the hands of TTP. “We are already in the middle of a very dangerous war. Any stupidity could land us in even deeper trouble,” Idrees Khan said from Wana. Mehsud tribe chief Dilawar Khan Mehsud said that TTP militants were regrouping with changed strategy to launch fresh attacks. “People are the eventual sufferers of stealthy bargains.” Mehsud said tribal militias needed to be equipped with sophisticated weapons and surveillance technology to get the killings of their men stemmed. “This is a very dangerous situation. We need to be better equipped.”

CIA bargained with two TTP groups to take out Hakimullah | The Nation

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