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Hagel warns Pakistan to resolve drone strike protests, open shipping routes


Sep 18, 2011
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Anti-American protests along Pakistan's borders have disrupted U.S. military shipments into Afghanistan.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned Pakistani leaders Monday that if they don't resolve protests stalling some military shipments across the border with Afghanistan, it could be difficult to maintain political support in Washington for an aid program that has sent billions of dollars to Islamabad, defense officials said.

In response, the officials said, Hagel received assurances from the Pakistanis that they would take "immediate action" to resolve the shipment problem. The officials did not provide details on how that might be done.

Just last week, anti-American protests along one of the primary border crossing routes in Pakistan prompted the U.S. to stop the shipments from Torkham Gate through Karachi last week, due to worries about the safety of the truckers. The protests center on the CIA's drone program that has targeted and killed many terrorists, but has caused civilian casualties.

The defense officials said Hagel described a political reality on Capitol Hill that could complicate support for the billions of dollars of aid Pakistan now receives. It was Hagel's intent to try and pre-empt any problems with the aid, said the officials who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the private meetings publicly on the record.

Hagel had back-to-back meetings Monday with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the new army chief, Gen. Tahaeel Sharif, in a move to further repair what has been a strained and sputtering relationship between Washington and Islamabad. Defense officials said Hagel is first high ranking U.S. official to meet with the Army chief, who took over at the end of last month.

After leaving Islamabad, he flew to Saudi Arabia where he is meeting with Crown Prince Salman.

During the Pakistan meetings some of the more contentious issues also were raised, including Islamabad's opposition to ongoing CIA drone strikes and Washington's frustration with Pakistan's reluctance to go after the Haqqani terrorist network, which operates along the border and conducts attacks on U.S. and coalition troops in Afghanistan. The officials acknowledged that little progress was made other than to agree to continue talking.

Sharif's office said in a statement the prime minister and Hagel had "in-depth exchanges on a whole range of issues of mutual interest" including bilateral defense, security cooperation and Afghanistan. Sharif's office also said the prime minister conveyed Pakistan's deep concern over continuing U.S. drone strikes, "stressing that drone strikes were counter-productive to our efforts to combat terrorism and extremism on an enduring basis," the statement said.

Shireen Mazari, the information secretary for the political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, said in a statement Monday it's time for the government to speak forcefully to the U.S. to demand an end to the drone attacks. The party is leading the protests.

Pakistan has called the drone strikes a violation of the country's sovereignty, but the issue is muddied by the fact that Islamabad and the military have supported at least some of the strikes in the past.

Following their meeting in Rawalpindi, Hagel and Sharif echoed each other's desire to work to strengthen the countries' ties. The top military men discussed the defense relationship between the two countries and regional stability, according to the Pakistani army chief's office.

Hagel's warning to the Pakistanis about the supply route reflects what has been a growing frustration among U.S. lawmakers with Pakistan in recent years.

The Pakistani government blocked the supply crossings for seven months following U.S. airstrikes that accidentally killed two dozen soldiers on the Afghan border in November 2011. Pakistan finally reopened the routes after the U.S. apologized.

The rift largely led the U.S. to sever most aid to Pakistan for some time, but relations were restored in July 2012. Since then the U.S. has delivered over $1.15 billion in security assistance to Pakistan. Some of the items include advanced communications equipment, roadside bomb jammers, night vision goggles and surveillance aircraft.

Since July 2012, relations between Washington and Islamabad have been improving. Sharif met with President Barack Obama and Hagel in late October in Washington.

The last Pentagon chief to visit Pakistan was Robert Gates in January 2010.

Hagel flew to Pakistan from Afghanistan, where he visited U.S. troops but declined to meet with President Hamid Karzai, who has rankled the U.S. by refusing to sign a security agreement before year's end.

Hagel warns Pakistan to resolve drone strike protests, open shipping routes | PBS NewsHour
I would love to see all of them fuming anyways its only the likes of Musharaff that scares his people into becoming slaves. Leaders who have a little "ghairat" in them don't.
this is turning out to be interesting.
how long can he deny them the route?
Is that the best Hagel could come up with? "we will stop aid" - OTOH, i think it was enough - GOP has already promised to do it.
Has Pakistan benefited from allowing the American military into the region?

How many suicide bombings were there before 2001? Not many I think.

If Afghanistan wants to destroy itself, just landmine the entire border and leave them to themselves.
Has Pakistan benefited from allowing the American military into the region?

How many suicide bombings were there before 2001? Not many I think.

If Afghanistan wants to destroy itself, just landmine the entire border and leave them to themselves.

- the guy is talking about Billions of dollars !!! I am sure thats enough to called benefited. But to whom might be the question.

- Oooh !!! You really didn't know the Pak opinion about Afagan ??? Its like the teenage boys claim and protect their play ground and allow nobody to play in it even if they are not playing ;) hope you get the idea.
And what you have suggested will just help evil India to settle better in Afghanistan. So cant be done ;)
the blockade,Its definitly hurting them then ... he was here for arm twisting then ...
if Karzai can refuse from signing a security agreement

then why cant Nawaz (the person under whose supervision the nukes were conducted) stop drones or is he openly justifying himself as more disgraceful than karzai ??

I compare both of them as they both are officials of the same reputation.

At least express your stance on drones !!!!! by listening to your countrymen. Imran may be from a different party but he too is from Pakistan, and as a leader he (Nawaz) should respect the people who are with Imran as well because they too are Pakistanis, But before respecting the people with Imran he should respect the people of PAKISTAN and their interest's.
Has Pakistan benefited from allowing the American military into the region?

How many suicide bombings were there before 2001? Not many I think.

If Afghanistan wants to destroy itself, just landmine the entire border and leave them to themselves.

What you are suggesting will be suicidal to Pakistan's Afghan Policy. It will then have painted itself into a corner vis-a-vis. Afghanistan.
Notwithstanding all the groaning and moaning that you hear over here; Pakistan needs to remain involved in Afghanistan; to the extent of wallowing in all the quagmire.
Because that is the only way it can hope to maintain some "traction" in Afghan matters!!
Just think that over.
if Karzai can refuse from signing a security agreement

then why cant Nawaz (the person under whose supervision the nukes were conducted) stop drones or is he openly justifying himself as more disgraceful than karzai ??

I compare both of them as they both are officials of the same reputation.

At least express your stance on drones !!!!! by listening to your countrymen. Imran may be from a different party but he too is from Pakistan, and as a leader he (Nawaz) should respect the people who are with Imran as well because they too are Pakistanis, But before respecting the people with Imran he should respect the people of PAKISTAN and their interest's.

...and how far would you take that respect of "Pakistani" opinion? What if the U.S. didnt stop? What if they did stop but warned you that Pakistan will be the main target in case of a terrorist attack on the U.S. originating in Pakistan? What if the U.S. imposed sanctions? Got other countries to do the same? Easy to talk, a lot harder to back it up.
Has Pakistan benefited from allowing the American military into the region?

How many suicide bombings were there before 2001? Not many I think.

If Afghanistan wants to destroy itself, just landmine the entire border and leave them to themselves.

That was the Pakistanis biggest mistake to jump on WOT.. but they didn't have any option because bush threatened to send pakistan to stone age if it doesn't cooperate.
But Pakistan madein billions ha, No Joke...

Stopping the NATO supply rout is only gonna hurt Pakistan's economy... +Aid may be cut down or stopped.. which is very well needed for Current Pakistan
well stopping NATO supply routes will not be very beneficial to the big players in pakistani establishment and we all know who they are and this latest hot air from chuk hagel is for there ears onli and looks like they got the massage

as for alternative supply route which seems like iran is right now reluctant to give to USA/NATO loks like USA/NATO have "like don corleone" siad once "made him an offer he cant refuse" and thats the onli language thse cowboy americans know to speak so well

now if pakistan right now trys to squeeze USA & NATO then i guess it will have to say 'bye-bye' to all the USA & NATO surplus supplies which pakistan so desperatelli neads and dreams of once USA & NATO starts packing there bags

so now its in the court of very power heads in pakistani establishment to make there call and in other words it just might also be a signal to SA royalty to arm twist pakistani establishemnt and there political and beurocratick hirarchy which is so much emotionally attached to saudies

hope things will be normal well beofre they reach a tripping point cause if that happens it will sevearli hurt the interests ofthose who are in driving seat of pakistani establishment

good luck pakistan you need it now more than ever before
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