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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

The 'scum' never went in hiding or avoided his trial, he shows up to court hearings, fights his case. If he loses the case he will go to jail.

Well thats a cover up, as I said before, Indian Airlines hijackers roam free in Pakistan. In fact it is your policy.
Bl[i]tZ;2772977 said:
Pakistani sovereignty ends where Americans good faith ends. See the drones in tribal agencies or the raid in Abbotabad.

Drone strikes were authorized by the Pakistani government, and there are suggestions that Abbotabad was as well.

If someone is striking your country against your permission, that means war. But the USA and Pakistan are still allies.
The 'scum' never went in hiding or avoided his trial, he shows up to court hearings, fights his case. If he loses the case he will go to jail.
Pakistani judicial system doesn't work. Zero convictions for terrorism in the last 10 years!!!
And you are expected to, because the militants happen to be all in your country. NATO or US doesn't have boots on the ground there. NATO periodically sends in hellfire missiles to take high value targets, but that's all they do, since they don't have the mandate to operate (overtly) in pak. But guess who trained and armed these militant groups in the first place? You reap what you sow.

Guess who started LeT? You know why the reason LeT started? Indian oppression in Kashmir. Ye reap what you sow.

Bl[i]tZ;2772992 said:
Pakistani judicial system doesn't work. Zero convictions for terrorism in the last 10 years!!!

That's our problem. If he isn't a terrorist, he isn't a terrorist. We don't put everyone who has a beard into Guantamono Bay.
Drone strikes were authorized by the Pakistani government, and there are suggestions that Abbotabad was as well.

If someone is striking your country against your permission, that means war. But the USA and Pakistan are still allies.

Pak PM: No Sanction Given For US Drone Strikes

Let me know if you're privy to some "inside" info.

US has done a lot of things to Pakistan that mean war. They killed 26 Pakistani soldiers with their aircraft and never apologized.

Yes, Pakistan and US are allies.
Excuse me, but I tend to take such violations seriously. Unfortunately my government doesn't, so I want to increase awareness of the US plans.

Respect is earned boss, you can't demand it. As per US law they have enough evidence to issue such a notice.
The 'scum' never went in hiding or avoided his trial, he shows up to court hearings, fights his case. If he loses the case he will go to jail.

Just saying man. Somehow the chances of him lasting till the official end of the case do not look too bright as of now.

You might as well turn it to your advantage and come out of it with some face and smelling of roses.

Reverse some of the Abbotabad shame.

I do not think your army or leadership can take many more of these incursions on your sovereignty.

Something will break sooner rather than later.
India's tormentor-in-chief Hafiz Saeed, the head of Pakistan's deadliest terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba, now carries a $10 million bounty on his head. The US has announced this reward for the capture or information leading to the capture of Saeed, making him one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

In her maiden visit to India, US undersecretary of state Wendy Sherman told Indian officials and a select audience at the Aspen Institute that apart from Saeed, his brother-in-law and co-founder of Lashkar Abdul Rehman Makki now carries a bounty of $3 million on his head.

LeT, and principally Saeed, are accused of planning and executing the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai with the help of Pakistan's spy agency, ISI. Under Saeed's watch, Lashkar has grown to become a terror group that rivals al-Qaida in its reach and lethality. Although primarily focused against India, LeT, which has links with the ISI (some claim it has been nurtured by it) has reached European and Australian shores.

The US has $25 million on the head of Ayman al Zawahiri, the head of Qaida after the killing of Osama bin Laden, making him the most wanted terrorist in the world. Saeed is in the second rung - he joins the ranks of Mullah Omar and the Qaida chiefs of Iran and Iraq, all of whom carry a reward of $10 million.
Drone strikes were authorized by the Pakistani government, and there are suggestions that Abbotabad was as well.

Every single Pakistani leader (including military) is on record confirming that drone strikes are not authorized by the govt. Only people who say they are, are the ones who are too embarrassed to admit that USA violates Pakistan's air space at will
Militancy is over in Kashmir? Please don't joke with me...

Go read official figures - the amount of violence in Kashmir is less than that in Delhi because of petty crimes.

Osama wasn't convicted as a terrorist? Wth? He was recognized as a terrorist by GoP but we couldn't find him and US took him away so how did not convict him (or convict him)?

My point was Pakistani opinion doesn't matter. They didn't seek your permission before the raid on OBL, nor do they ask when they bomb your country daily using predator drones.
Just saying man. Somehow the chances of him lasting till the official end of the case do not look too bright as of now.

You might as well turn it to your advantage and come out of it with some face and smelling of roses.

Reverse some of the Abbotabad shame.

I do not think your army or leadership can take many more of these incursions on your sovereignty.

Something will break sooner rather than later.

No, our number one issue is lack of implementation of law. Not benefits from the US, till the very end I will support lawful means.
Just one question to you - the Hindustan Times headline reads: US puts a $10m bounty on Pakistan-based 26/11 plotter

Then why did you change the title of the thread to: US admits to sponsoring hits in Pakistan ?

This is not quite ethical at all. As it is there is a some-what rampant practice to change titles of threads here which is quite deplorable. I would suggest that you revert to the original title as it is in the headline. That will certainly be commensurate with reasonable standards of integrity and probity.
Thanks in advance.

I merged my thread and his thread together.
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