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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

He is not in hiding, what are we protecting him from? We are conducting a case, India is not submitting the evidence needed to start the case. We are doing something, Indian state is hiding the evidence.

Problem is till now we don't even know if JuD was involved in the Mumbai attacks. India told us that Ajmal Kasab told them that HS ordered the Mumbai attacks. Ok fine, now let Ajmal Kasab tell that to us too.

Solomen already answered this charade of Paksitan asking India for access to Kasab. Pakistan hasnt shown any credible move on the evidence provided to it by India so far. Hence India does not feel that the demand for access to Kasab is honest and worthy.
Hey hey, Indians are quoting here he admitted to Mujahids (without quoting anything as usual, just hawai firing) -

I have already said, the final authority is at the end of the day Pakistan's courts.

Looks like final authority is US decision to declare a Supari on his head. There will be change now.. either he will go in hiding , or taken out. Now thats final authority. Pak has also taken money from US on OBL and for the right to fire drones within Pak territory.
Hey hey, Indians are quoting here he admitted to Mujahids (without quoting anything as usual, just hawai firing) -

I have already said, the final authority is at the end of the day Pakistan's courts.

Looks like final authority is US decision to declare a Supari on his head. There will be change now.. either he will go in hiding , or taken out. Now thats final authority. Pak has also taken money from US on OBL and for the right to fire drones within Pak territory.
Why does it feel like if this guy isn't handed over to America it might become an American excuse to attack Pakistan "bacause it was sheltering this "terrorist""? And why does it feel like if this guy is handed over to America it'll be like literally selling our people?

What has this guy even done to deserve a bounty?

ohh by the way there were attacks on mumbai in 2008. i dont know a single muslim group leader who doesnt support terrorism activities.

i wanna shoot this guy, i am ready to give up my life after that, but i really wanna kill him
Point I was making was he is not a fugitive or absconding or anything like that, he's like here I am try me in court and prove your allegations against me. He is fighting for his case.

Why don't you?

Lack of faith on the course of events @ courts.

Maybe US feels he would rather die of old age ( he is already 62+) before court proceedings get over.
:lol: As if he would go to an international court. He ll prolly soil himself at the thought of leaving Pakistan. With 10 Million$ he is not safe in Pakistan let alone some foreign country.

P.S: Do people get the reward for just killing him? Cause that would be much easier.
ohh by the way there were attacks on mumbai in 2008. i dont know a single muslim group leader who doesnt support terrorism activities.

i wanna shoot this guy, i am ready to give up my life after that, but i really wanna kill him

Can you site a few names who has supported terrorism in India.

Would like to know it.
Looks like Hafiz saeed has Die Hard Fanbois among PDF Administrators.

Title of this thread has been changed thrice in 12 hours to meet "pakistani standards"
:lol: As if he would go to an international court. He ll prolly soil himself at the thought of leaving Pakistan. With 10 Million$ he is not safe in Pakistan let alone some foreign country.
:rofl: :rofl:

P.S: Do people get the reward for just killing him? Cause that would be much easier.

Unfortunately No.. Despite Asim trying to muddy the waters to make strawman argument around this, the bounty is for Information leading to arrest and conviction of HS. Unlike the bounty on the heads of people like Mullah Omar and earlier OBL, where the bounty was for Wanted (Dead or Alive)
Looks like Hafiz saeed has Die Hard Fanbois among PDF Administrators.

Title of this thread has been changed thrice in 12 hours to meet "pakistani standards"

Everyone has their own point of view.
We are debating on each others view.
Thats what Forum is for.
Would be good if everybody cut down stereotyping.
Hey hey, Indians are quoting here he admitted to Mujahids (without quoting anything as usual, just hawai firing) -

I have already said, the final authority is at the end of the day Pakistan's courts.

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Exactly he is not hiding the guy roams the street spewing hate, was the master mind behind Mumbai and is a well known terrorist, yet he lives a lavish and free lifestyle in the "Land Of the Pure" another terrorist in the long line of terrorist coming out of Pakistan. It's sad that a country like Pakistan does not see the truth and keeps spewing nonsense about conspiracy theories, while their country falls further into the black hole.
LeT has done nothing to harm US and US keeps it's interests first we all know that.
Please don't talk off the cuff. Saeed, the head honcho of LeT and his yahoos, was responsible for the murder of six American citizens in the Mumbai carnage. And when Americans are killed, they screw real hard. Saeed better watch his a$$!

Exactly he is not hiding the guy roams the street spewing hate, was the master mind behind Mumbai and is a well known terrorist, yet he lives a lavish and free lifestyle in the "Land Of the Pure" another terrorist in the long line of terrorist coming out of Pakistan. It's sad that a country like Pakistan does not see the truth and keeps spewing nonsense about conspiracy theories, while their country falls further into the black hole.
Unfortunately, most terror organisations raised and nurtured by the ISI have cut the umbilical chord attached to them and are now free lancing and acting against the interests of the Pak establishment.

Saeed the world's most wanted terrorist will sooner than later do the same and turn against his masters. The chickens will then have finally come home to roost. Unfortunately the powers-that-be in the Pakistani Establishment don't see the impending danger posed by this man who has now got political ambitions with a growing following having the one aim of radicalising Pakistan society.

Imagine a terrorist party like the LeT elected to power in Pakistan! A nightmare scenario not only for the people of Pakistan but the world too!

Nuff said.

He has not been hiding, so far.

But from now on...


So far he sends terrorists to kill innocents (knowing they will die) and marries their young beautiful wives.

It is not beyond him that he may be handpicking the ones to die, to marry the ones he has an eye on!

They are all cut out from the same cookie cutter. ;)
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