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Hafeez Sayeed praises congress and Bharka Dutt

Getting endorsement from Hafeez Sayeed tells a lot. Barkha dutt is a pseudo liberal and apologist of terrorism in the grab of liberalism. It was hard to see such a good channel such as NDTV going the way it is going.
Barkha Dutt crying on her facebook page


Times Now calls for gagging of media & for journalists to be tried &punished. This man is journalist?I am ashamed to be from same industry as him.

What's striking is his brazen and cowardly hypocrisy. So he drones on and on about Pro Pakistan Doves without one word on the JK alliance agreement that commits the BJP and PDP to talks with Pakistan and Hurriyat and is silent on Modi's own Pakistan outreach- neither of which I object to- but since Arnab Goswami measures patriotism by such views why is he so silent on the government?

Chamchagiri? Imagine, a journalist actually exhorts the government to shut down sections of the media, misrepresents them as isi agents and terror sympathisers, calls for them to be tried and acted against.

And our fraternity remains locked into politically correct and timid silence. Well Im not a shrinking violet Mr. Goswami and no matter how many times you take my name directly or indirectly on your show, I really dont give a toss for your opinion.

I hope I will always be someone whose journalism you loathe, because trust me, the feeling is so utterly mutual that it would kill me to be on the same side of any issue as you.
HAHAHA Butthurt Dutt/BarknDuck the silly twat is now fully exposed. So fun to watch.
Frankly speaking

Frankly speaking I do get anti-Muslim vibes from Arnab that are barely concealed. But on this he is right. And he seems to have gotten under Barkha's substantial skin pretty good by the looks of it.

It was Hafiz saeed and her Pakistani handlers who threw her under the bus

Once Hafiz saeed took her name ; it was game over
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