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Haaretz evaluates Hezbollah 2006 & 2016

Some of these weapons are pure millitary grade and for a rag tag terrorist party to get hold of these is dangerous..it only proves that Hezbollah is a real growing threat..

The thing is, Hezbollah is neither a rag-tag militia nor a terrorist group. It's hugely different with lunatics that Saudi Arabia and allies support, but you are yet to understand all dimension of Hezbollah as military/political force.
Political force yes,you are right but military,we will have to see.
See what?????????? The idiots in Israel that though Hezbullah was just a rag tag terrorist group got their answer in 2006!!! Maybe you were still an infant and you don't remember??????

Israeli Armored division that invaded 2006 all ran away! Israeli troops were crying "They were like ghosts" IDF gained absolutely NOTHING except for embarrassment! They invaded, dropped a bunch of bombs & then after 30 some days when IDF just couldn't hack it anymore they ran away! All their Fighter, Helicopters, Warships & Armored division amounted to absolutely nothing!

And destroying a bunch of buildings & having a lower casualty rate HAS NEVER been a masseur of success in any modern war!

And their actions backfired Hezbollah became more popular, better equipped, better trained, armed & financed than it ever was before! It's political power grew & the argument of them having to disarm died among the vast majority of the Lebanese people & the Israeli's proved that Israeli dreams of expansion is still alive and as long as Israeli aggression & occupation of Lebanon exist Hezbullah needs to be armed & ready to defend Lebanon because the US backed Lebanese Army command had clearly lost it's independence and was unable to stand against Israeli aggression to defend Lebanese soil!
VEVAK jan, Israel military operations in 2006 were not that big and IDF was not stretching resources or concerned. Israel suffered a hundred + KIA and had some wounded. Israeli infrastructure was untouched and civilian losses were so minimal that Israel did not flatten the whole of Lebanon. Hezbollah did truly accomplish a great feat, it did in a sense bring Israel to a sort of a draw. Something no other Arab forces had done. It also showed that a few superspecialized fights could fight against IDF . Israel itself said hezbollah fighters were as good infantry as they could have fought. Lebanon ended up severely damaged from the conflict. Hezbollah also pissed of a great deal of Lebanese and Muslims war that conflict. Israel took lessons from that conflict and applied them into their military doctrine. I don't see how you think hezbollah won. Destruction and casualties were overwhelmingly on the Lebanese side.
VEVAK jan, Israel military operations in 2006 were not that big and IDF was not stretching resources or concerned. Israel suffered a hundred + KIA and had some wounded. Israeli infrastructure was untouched and civilian losses were so minimal that Israel did not flatten the whole of Lebanon. Hezbollah did truly accomplish a great feat, it did in a sense bring Israel to a sort of a draw. Something no other Arab forces had done. It also showed that a few superspecialized fights could fight against IDF . Israel itself said hezbollah fighters were as good infantry as they could have fought. Lebanon ended up severely damaged from the conflict. Hezbollah also pissed of a great deal of Lebanese and Muslims war that conflict. Israel took lessons from that conflict and applied them into their military doctrine. I don't see how you think hezbollah won. Destruction and casualties were overwhelmingly on the Lebanese side.

Wars have objectives & meeting your objectives is what constitutes Victory & failing to meet them constitutes Defeat!!!!!!!!!!!!

You don't deploy armored divisions of any sort into another countries territory without having a clear objective to either capture, secure & or remove a force from a territory!

Again when you send armored divisions into another countries territory engage the enemy and after 30 days withdraw retreat that is DEFEAT! It doesn't matter how many building you destroyed because at the end you were forced out while still engaged with the enemy!

The Israeli didn't come in kill all the Hezbullah fighters & then leave! They fought got beat up for 30 days and retreated! That is a clear DEFEAT! NOT A DRAW!

The ONLY people in Lebanon that complain about Hezbullah are the Sunni funded by the Saudi's! Hezbullah has more support among Christian in Lebanon then it ever did! That is a FACT & REALITY! And in the past decade the pro Saudis have never been able to match Hezbollah rallies ever!

Politically Hezbollah is stronger today than it was prior to 2006 and it's political strength comes from the people because it's a grass routs organization!

And I'm sorry Azizam but you live in a Bubble made up of fiction I suggest you weak up! Are these the Lebanese your talking about??

I guess we have a different understanding in the matter!
I don't see how you think hezbollah won. Destruction and casualties were overwhelmingly on the Lebanese side.

so you are saying that Isreal won because they bombed lebanese civilians/buildings/infrastructure.....?
i tell you what, they bombed buidlings/infrastructure out of pure frustation!

they cant handled the "hezbollah ghosts" they are fought against, so they bombed buildings/infrastructure, thats the only thing the zionists can with theyr expensive tools..

I guess we have a different understanding in the matter!

2+2 will always' = 4

It is not a debate it is a FACT!

When you invade then you end the war on a forced retreat while still engaged with your enemy without gaining absolutely any objective neither militarily nor politically that = to defeat! regardless of the number of casualties or destroyed buildings! And that is a FACT! You can put formula in any conflict and it will remain true! just as 2+2 will always = 4
Sure they had a hard time getting hezbollah and they were punishing the whole Lebanese people. That's because they can and will do it again. I never said it was fair. Do I like Israel? Personally I don't have a problem with Israel Though I am sick and tired of paying for their stuff. As far as hezbollah I consider them pretty good soldiers and well adapted at infantry tactics. Do I like what Israel does? Not really but just look at how the other middle east people are killing and you see that Israel has to be ruthless to live in such neighborhood. I don't condone destroying a nation's infrastructure and killing civilians, that means Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya or Israel for that matter. Unfortunately war is war and might is more respected than right. Look at Yemen, nobody really says a thing about saudi killing civilians, nobody even talks about reason why Houthis started their uprising years ago. Do you see any of the ones supporting the Saudi war even say anything about how those ZaidI houties were discriminated against? Back in 2009 the Saudi Airforce killed thousands of Houthis in S'aada but nobody said anything either. That's because might is more than right and unfortunately it will stay like this.

@VEVAK, I think we are doing math differently. I do my math with 20 years of military experience, not sure what kind of math you are doing!
Sure they had a hard time getting hezbollah and they were punishing the whole Lebanese people. That's because they can and will do it again. I never said it was fair. Do I like Israel? Personally I don't have a problem with Israel Though I am sick and tired of paying for their stuff. As far as hezbollah I consider them pretty good soldiers and well adapted at infantry tactics. Do I like what Israel does? Not really but just look at how the other middle east people are killing and you see that Israel has to be ruthless to live in such neighborhood. I don't condone destroying a nation's infrastructure and killing civilians, that means Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya or Israel for that matter. Unfortunately war is war and might is more respected than right. Look at Yemen, nobody really says a thing about saudi killing civilians, nobody even talks about reason why Houthis started their uprising years ago. Do you see any of the ones supporting the Saudi war even say anything about how those ZaidI houties were discriminated against? Back in 2009 the Saudi Airforce killed thousands of Houthis in S'aada but nobody said anything either. That's because might is more than right and unfortunately it will stay like this.

@VEVAK, I think we are doing math differently. I do my math with 20 years of military experience, not sure what kind of math you are doing!

I'm sorry is your so called claims of "20 Years of Military Service" spouse to somehow trump LOGIC & FACT? It doesn't matter how many years of military service you do or do not have! At the end of the day regardless of your Military Service PIG Don't have wings & they can NOT fly!

Do you know what would have been a draw? If Israel had managed to stop Hezbullah rockets before it's withdraw that would have been a draw! BUT the IDF retreated as the rockets were still raining! Utter defeat!

I believe Israel has every right to exist, I believe Israel has the right to be a Jewish state if it's ppl wish it so! But at the end of the day the Israeli's have to make a decision! What do they want??? If they want everyone in that territory to live under the flag of Israel, that's fine but you either have to give the Palestinians the right to vote or stop calling yourself a democracy!!!!!! OR You accept a 2 state solution.
As for Iran's part in it I believe Iran needs to have diplomatic relations with every country including Israel & the U.S.! It doesn't mean you have to be friends with them.... And the policy of not accepting Israel as a state may have made sense 50 years ago but it just doesn't make any sense today!

But all this doesn't change the fact that the Israeli's lost in 2006! Does that mean Hezbullah militarily is stronger than Israel? NO Clearly NOT! It just means the Israeli conventional Military is NOT strong enough to carry out a successful & easy invasion of Lebanon & if they invade Lebanon they will be in a nonstop war for over a decade! much like in Syria ISIS, FSA, Ansarallh... all of them combined are not as powerful as the Syrian Army & yet it has taken the Syrian Military, Russian Air Force & Iran YEARS to clear out a single city & the Syrian Military is fighting in it's own territory!

And that's reality! The Israeli Military just doesn't have the power to invade and secure Lebanon & it took the Israeli only 30 days for reality to sink in!

As for the Saudi's, the Saudi Military has NO POWER! It has a strong but fully dependent Air Force!
Also, the media coverage of Yemen has nothing to do with the Saudi's Political Power! It is beneficial for the "U.S. Military Industrial Complex" to keep the Saudi's actively in an endless war because the more bombs they drop & the more sorties they fly the more money the U.S. makes!! I promise you if the Saudi's were using Russian or Chinese weapons the western media outlets of the world would have been screaming Bloody Murder!!!

This is NOT Saudi power! This is the power of the U.S. Military Industrial complex & their control over the western media!
It is beneficial for the U.S. military industrial complex to have a boggy man in the middle east that means the U.S. stays there that's billions from the U.S. Military in weapons, parts,... and on top of that you make over $100 Billion USD a year in new arm sales to the GCC states the British are doing it as well the British Prime Minister is nothing more than a weapons dealer!
Any country whos military is dependent on weapons & maintenance from another country HAS NO REAL power they only hold perception of power & it only works against those who don't know any better!
@VEVAK, lol just because you say it doesn't make you right.I can't understand how someone would even suggest Israel lost but I guess everyone has opinions. As far as Israel, I agree wholeheartedly that Iran should have diplomatic relations withe them. Most Iranians here are anti Israeli which makes no sense. Most Iranians in the real world have no problems with Jewish people or israel.
Hay man just checking in, you ok??? Your in Germany, right? Our harts & prayers are with you & all the German people!

Im not from Germany, but germany is our neighbour-country
believe me, i have no mercy for germany, these people over there are so brainwashed
muslims all over the ocuntry and the germans still vote for hitler merkel!

some days ago an afghan refugee in germany raped and murdered a young 19 year old woman.
she was an volunteer worker for these parasites!

and you know what happened on her funeral?

-> Her parents collected at her funeral donations for the refugees!

NO F..ING mercy for such brainwashed! idiots!

Same with sweden, f.... sweden...they get what they wanted!

And you know that some hours before the terrorist attack happened in berlin i told to myself
-> "there will be a big boooom soon in germany, and I hope this brainwashed idiots will soon realise what the future will look like if hordes over hordes of immigrants will flush germany".....

this is just the beginning in germany, believe me, i smell shit before it happens, and i swer i predict that something big will happen..."
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@VEVAK, lol just because you say it doesn't make you right.I can't understand how someone would even suggest Israel lost but I guess everyone has opinions. As far as Israel, I agree wholeheartedly that Iran should have diplomatic relations withe them. Most Iranians here are anti Israeli which makes no sense. Most Iranians in the real world have no problems with Jewish people or israel.

That's because you live in a bubble!!!!!
No one says the USSR won the war in Afghanistan! Yes they flattened Afghanistan and gave up far less casualties & the Afghans couldn't even scratch Russian soil but at the end of the day they cut their losses & retreated & they met none of their objectives so they lost because the initiated the invasion! And they are man enough to admit it!
U.S. flattened Vietnam, gave up far less casualties & the Vietnamese couldn't even scratch U.S. soil hell U.S. even met some of their objectives but because they didn't meet their main objective they cut their loses, retreated & despite meeting some of their objectives they are man enough to admit that they lost!

Israel's loss in Lebanon was far worse than the USSR had in Afghanistan & the American had in Vietnam because their soil was being hit constantly and it only took 30 days for their civilians & military to become traumatized and demoralized and their only option in ending it was to cut their losses & retreat!!!!! Now if they are not man enough to admit it that's their problem but that doesn't change the facts THEY LOST!

Iranians have NO PROBLEM WITH JEWS! We wouldn't of had the 2nd largest Jewish population of the middle east with some 20 Synagogues in our capital alone and an elected Jewish MP if we had a problem with people of the Jewish faith! All Jews aren't Israeli, all Israeli's aren't Zionists and all Zionists aren't Jews!

As for Israel, the main problem Iranians have with Israel is with the behavior of the Israeli government NOT the existence of their country!!!!!!!!!!!!
Israel refuses the NPT, CWC & BWC
Israel continues to build settlements
Israel publically claims to want a 2 state solution & I believe the majority of their ppl want a 2 state solution but every action their government takes is working against that policy! This idea that if they make life hard for the Palestinians they would just get up and leave IS ONLY A DELUSION that has and will continue to backfire!
Israel continues to occupy land from almost every one of it's neighbors.
From birth Israel hasn't been able to even go a decade without either invading someone or dropping bombs on someone!
etc, etc,
And that behavior is NOT accepted by the vast Majority of Iranians!
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