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H-6K bomber missile armament

TU-16 best reliable design. Dont have problems Like TU22! Subsonic speed reliable and enough for the antiship missions. Nearly 1500 aircrafts were produced. Chinese choice right aircraft.
Turkish Navy and Air Forces, TAI attention please here:) H-6K with 6 antiship and 3000km combat range real jet destroyer.

Also H-6K can carry air to air missile??

If Turkey global actor in the world, we must have this birds,
Why can't China buy license production for the Tu-160?
Strategic bombers are on the way out. SAM defences are good these days and so is early warning. Stealth bombers, cruise missiles, and hypersonic bombers are the new talk. If you gonna make a new bomber, you might as well reduce the radar signature and increase survivability but again, the have limited purpose. Most of the time they sit idle and cost millions. Better option for PLAAF if they want long range bombers, is to convert the J-11 like to Su-34 which provides the same advantage as a bomber with protection but doesn't have the payload however it is a lot cheaper and can be used in peacetime.

Big brothers dont allow:)
Who in the right mind want it? Its expensive and has limited use. Reason with the RuAF is using Su-34s. Even the Bear is a more economical bomber, the Tu-160 only has speed, no stealth and requires an escort of fighters. Its use was overwhelm american carrier battlegroups and launch its payload other than that as bomber, there are better options.
I am sorry for my bad english:)

USA send special guillotine to Ukraine for cutting all TU 160 , TU22M:,KH22 missiles((
Excuce me but this is for why?
My opinion B1lancer, B52 ,TU-160, TU-16 and TU-22m needs to all global actors.
Noow this days also flying non stealth f-16, f15, f18,B! lancer, B52 and AC130.
For offshore antiship or land strikes the more economical variant is Long Range Cruise Missile from TU-16.



Big brother doesn't want long range strike capability.

Recent Developments
A re-arming plan for the Tu-160 under which tthe modernised Tu-160 was to carry 12 Kh-101s or Kh-SDs was halted in 1998. At that time the Russian Air Force had only six bombers of this type and talks on buying a further 19 from Ukraine fell through. In April 1998 it was decided that Ukraine's Tu-160s would be scrapped. There was therefore no sense in launching an upgrade programme and the complete withdrawal of the Tu-160 from service was being considered.

It was reported on 02 July 1999 that the Gorbunov Kazan Air Industrial Association received an order from the Ministry of Defense of Russia to complete the production of one Tu-160 strategic bomber. According to the Association's general director Nail Hairullin the contract for the aircraft production was worth 45 million rubles.

In July 1999 the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexander Kuzmuk confirmed that Kiev officially proposed that Moscow accept as payment for the gas debts "about 10 strategic bombers Tu-160 and Tu-95". He refused to tell the exact cost of missile carriers, however, in his judgment, it would be "considerably more" than 25 million dollars for each machine. On 12 October 1999 the Russian air force announced an agreement that would allow Ukraine to pay some of its multimillion-dollar energy debts by handing over 11 strategic bombers. Ukraine had tried to unload the bombers since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, but talks had foundered because of differences over the price tag and other conditions. The deal includes eight Tupolev 160 Blackjack bombers and three Tupolev 95 Bears.
The 11 strategic bombers and 600 air-launched missiles exchanged by Ukraine to Russia in payment for the gas debt were transferred in mid-February 2000. Two Tu-160 bombers flew from Priluki in the Ukrainian Chernigov region for the Russian air base in Engels. The missiles were sent to Russia by railroad. Three Tu-95MS bombers and six Tu-160 airplanes had already arrived at Engels since October 1999 in fulfillment of the intergovernmental agreements. Before being moved to Russia, 19 Tu-160 airplanes were stationed at the Priluki airfield and 21 Tu-95MS were located in Uzin.
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