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Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

Mate this is the map and India has the base at the southern tip of it, Indian navy is planning to place a whole division of Navy Marines there :cheers:

That is not a proof that your navy will have be superior to PLA navy...and less likely in the future that India will dominate Indian ocean since China will have aircraf battle group with 3x defense budget over India.

Chian has lost influence in myanmar, nepal, bangladesh to name a few.

few days later maldives will also come to it's sense.

meanwhile we piss on your "disputed " territory of scs by drilling oil there and forming alliances with singapore, japan and south korea + vietnam to name afew.

question is what are you going to do about it. Remember there is a gargantuan in the background (USA) who wants a fight.

India’s army of more than 1.1m and its air force are among the world’s biggest, and the country has 45 warships and submarines under construction – which industry executives say is the largest naval building programme of any nation today.



maybe countercoup?

Dude, you're outdated in geopolitic news, India is so alarmist about how we gain influence in your neighbors...just go to google China relation with these countries, and you make empty talk about SCS without getting a tangible result, unlike India China is effectively as today to manage the Gwadar port.You talk, we walk...you see the difference?:smokin:

You are going too far, forget about nuclear weapons dude. Japan does not have nuclear bomb in its arsenal still it is giving pain in Chinese arse why?

do you know what is "nuke" that I was talking?:blink: India like to bragg about Japan...how about talking of yourself:azn:

because last thing plan wants is war else usa will spank them. try that wuth india , they got spooked in 1987 so imagine in 2013, with some of the world's most cutting edge tech vs 1980s tech.

In 2013, we don't need anything, Gwadar is good enought to spank India, that's why it's a matter of concern to A.K. antony :smokin:
pak is doing the same mistake... courting bigger powers just to stand among big brothers of sub continent.. I must say the experience will be bitter as has been for them throughout their history !

China is different from USA. Our goal is a stable Pakistan. We have never hurt Pakistan's interests.

Stop farting from your face and behave properly don't make us believe that chinese are not just arrogant but also overconfident.

It seems that Chinese are arrogant and overconfident only in front of arrogant and overconfident Indians.

In addition, don't you think this article is funny? The reality probably is: India's money builds a Iran port, then Iran invites China/Russia to build a navy base over there.

BTW, with such a long border between us, India can not do anything elsewhere.
That is not a proof that your navy will have be superior to PLA navy...and less likely in the future that India will dominate Indian ocean since China will have aircraf battle group with 3x defense budget over India.

You also have that many enemies :cheers:
That is not a proof that your navy will have be superior to PLA navy...and less likely in the future that India will dominate Indian ocean since China will have aircraf battle group with 3x defense budget over India.

How many CBG does China have & how many are they planning to have in the future. We will be operating 2CBG by end of the decades unlike you guys who will be using the floating Casino:O. China does not have capability to project naval power outside SCS, you guys are boxed in by USN, Japan & Korea. Chinese shiping lanes passing through Mallca Straits can be blocked by our Andaman Islands. Neither does your navy has the capability to project power so far away from home.

The only problem with Indians is that they want everything under the garb of "right" but stat poking their nose in internal affairs of others when it comes for others to protect own rights

This coming from a country which uses terrorism as an instrument of their foreign policy.
do you know what is "nuke" that I was talking?:blink: India like to bragg about Japan...how about talking of yourself:azn:

yes I am doing physics in this semester and I know what not just a nuke is but what and how much energy it produces. now FO if you cannot come to a level of my debate. I simply asked you that a non nuclear weapon state is giving pain in your arse and you are talking about total annihilation of a nuclear weapon state India. First try to understand what is asked and then reply.

China is different from USA. Our goal is a stable Pakistan. We have never hurt Pakistan's interests.

It seems that Chinese are arrogant and overconfident only in front of arrogant and overconfident Indians.

In addition, don't you think this article is funny? The reality probably is: India's money builds a Iran port, then Iran invites China/Russia to build a navy base over there.

BTW, with such a long border between us, India can not do anything elsewhere.

as I said before constitution of Iran does not allow foreign military bases in its territory.
How many CBG does China have & how many are they planning to have in the future. We will be operating 2CBG by end of the decades unlike you guys who will be using the floating Casino:O. China does not have capability to project naval power outside SCS, you guys are boxed in by USN, Japan & Korea. Chinese shiping lanes passing through Mallca Straits can be blocked by our Andaman Islands. Neither does your navy has the capability to project power so far away from home.

China will build it own aircraft carrier and carrier fighters, we will have as many CBG as we need to defense our coastal lines and defend our energy supply road. And believe me we know how to manage our enemies since ancient time, we're not stupid to fight them all at once. As for India, we can manage peace with others and concentrate our fire power direct toward your forces, if you think Andaman islances will be able to stop us...then it shall be prepared to be Invaded and Annexed.
China will build it own aircraft carrier and carrier fighters, we will have as many CBG as we need to defense our coastal lines and defend our energy supply road. And believe me we know how to manage our enemies since ancient time, we're not stupid to fight them all at once. As for India, we can manage peace with others and concentrate our fire power direct toward your forces, if you think Andaman islances will be able to stop us...then it shall be prepared to be Invaded and Annexed.

how can you manage? diplomacy? first manage peace and then show your actions.
Concentrate fire power? lol Goku stlye or Vijeta .. give some examples how military concentrates fire power?
China will build it own aircraft carrier and carrier fighters, we will have as many CBG as we need to defense our coastal lines and defend our energy supply road. And believe me we know how to manage our enemies since ancient time, we're not stupid to fight them all at once. As for India, we can manage peace with others and concentrate our fire power direct toward your forces, if you think Andaman islances will be able to stop us...then it shall be prepared to be Invaded and Annexed.

Oooh scary I am shivering in my boots :coffee: . I would prefer a more rational response apart from the crap that you wrote, there is difference between saying & doing my friend.
I only hope India know how to gauge China intention of using Gwadar port, a mis-interpretation will only make matter worse for India, we certainly has resource to deal with India.

I think only Port operations have been handed over to China and that is too because of the sheer incompetence and mismanagement of Singapore Port Authority , not the Naval base ! So , why are Indians , so serious ? :lol:
You also have that many enemies :cheers:

Do you know that China had multi-enemies management expertise since Warren States? :smokin: That why we prevail.

how can you manage? diplomacy? first manage peace and then show your actions.
Concentrate fire power? lol Goku stlye or Vijeta .. give some examples how military concentrates fire power?

Try to learn Chinese history how Qin managed to defeat the others six coalitions nations during Warren states period...will give you some clue on what we're capable off. As for military concentrates fire powers. isn't that so obvious less enemies to fight mean more concentration we can focus on the potential foe.
Indians are gone mad Iran-Israel-USA and Chahbar what game you people playing, i heard "enemy of my enemy is my friend" but Indian example is enemy of my friend is my friend.:undecided: Iranis will surely have no problems with Chinese Navy but they can't accept IN presence its a fact. Chahbar is like a Afghanistan you share no boundaries "strategic nightmare" and ships sitting ducks. Whereas China will enjoy all kind of support from Pakistan.

Bottom line is India have right to remain silent when we decide to something nobody can stop us and Pakistan have no issues if India wants to export star plus saree's or tarshole tablet to CAR states via Chahbar if your intentions are clear you can use our land route.
In Iran we have a port.

Both are enough to block Chinese supplies in case of war :cheers:

And how exactly are you planning to block Chinese supplies from Iran ? :azn: ... Last time I saw , both China and Pakistan have friendly relations with Tehran and their constitution doesn't allow for any foreign power to build bases or station troops there ...
And how exactly are you planning to block Chinese supplies from Iran ? :azn: ... Last time I saw , both China and Pakistan have friendly relations with Tehran and their constitution doesn't allow for any foreign power to build bases or station troops there ...

And how exactly China is planning to blockade India shipping lines through Gwadar which is experiencing strikes of BLA :cheers:
Indians are gone mad Iran-Israel-USA and Chahbar what game you people playing, i heard "enemy of my enemy is my friend" but Indian example is enemy of my friend is my friend.:undecided: Iranis will surely have no problems with Chinese Navy but they can't accept IN presence its a fact. Chahbar is like a Afghanistan you share no boundaries "strategic nightmare" and ships sitting ducks. Whereas China will enjoy all kind of support from Pakistan.

Bottom line is India have right to remain silent when we decide to something nobody can stop us and Pakistan have no issues if India wants to export star plus saree's or tarshole tablet to CAR states via Chahbar if your intentions are clear you can use our land route.

Iranians will also not forget that Indians overruled the sanctions and continued trade with them. Pakistan has no guts like that. So the Indian diplomacy wins here. Plus Russia is the direct supporter of Iran that you are forgetting. And Iran will not welcome any foreign Military base because their constitution does not allow this even at strategic values or bilateral relations, backdoor deals are different case. The presence could only be economic. And China wouldn't want to piss off Russia by destroying its monopoly in Iran. China can only work under rules and regulations described under SCO.
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