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Gwadar - a port full of possibilities


Aug 20, 2011
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February 24, 2013

As the US/Nato/Isaf combine prepares to egress the AfPak Region (APR), we find Pakistan and China manoeuvring decisively into strategically advantageous positions in the region. Their strategic interests are converging on a grand scale at Gwadar - the centre of gravity and future strategic and economic hub of the South-Central Asian Region (SCAR)-Greater Middle East Region (GMER) complex.

Gwadar sits literally at the mouth of the strategically vital Straits of Hormuz. The leverage it provides is priceless. Its strategic location makes it ideal for any power intending to secure its energy sources in the region or to dominate the SCAR-GMER complex, including all Sea Lines of Communication (SLOCs) to and from the Persian Gulf.

Furthermore, naval forces stationed at Gwadar or other Makran Coast ports could potentially foray deep into the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean too, even impacting east-west trade.

A sea-land trade route to and from western or southern Europe to Russia via the Mediterranean, Suez Canal, (North Africa and the Middle East), Red and Arabian seas, Gwadar (Pakistan), Afghanistan and the CARs could integrate regional economies and create mutually-beneficial interdependencies. From Gwadar, another link could be created with the Xinjiang province in western China, thus cutting by thousands the kilometres Chinese ships would have to travel to and from China through the Malacca Straits. India also could be accommodated at some appropriate stage. Gwadar could provide trans-shipment facilities for the entire region. An exhaustive network of roads and railways, therefore, needs to be developed in the Gwadar hinterland connecting it with Xinjiang, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, CARs and Russia.

It as a matter of fact could be a more cost effective, all-weather alternative to the New Silk Route Project (NSRP).

Thus, China’s imperatives to get to Gwadar are manifold.

The US is shifting pivot to the Asia Pacific as a part of its well known policy to manage China’s rise and to contain it. Sixty percent of its naval assets are likely to be deployed to the Asia Pacific by 2020. This would impact China’s ability to foray out of its geographical confines to play a proactive role in world politics and trade. It will contest being hemmed in or circumscribed by the US and its allies.

Further, China’s greatest vulnerability lies at the Malacca Straits, which is the biggest chokepoint in the SLOCs to and from the Asia Pacific region. Thus, any power (ostensibly, the US and its allies) controlling the Malacca Straits could use this leverage to devastating strategic effect on any country in Asia Pacific. By bringing the Straits of Hormuz within its strategic reach, China would acquire a corresponding and competing leverage.

India is expected to play a very important role in the manifestation of this US grand strategic design.

Pakistan and China will do well to operationalise a north-south trade corridor, emanating from the Xinjiang province and going down south to Port Qasim, Karachi and Gwadar. This trade corridor must comprise an expanded and improved KKH with a railway line running parallel to it.

Since New Delhi has opted out of the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline project under US pressure, therefore, it must now be converted into an Iran-Pakistan-China (IPC) gas pipeline. China could further secure its oil supplies (60 percent of its crude comes from Iran) by having an oil pipeline from Iran running parallel to the IPC gas pipeline.

India stands to lose enormously if it blindly follows the US lead in containing China. It has already soiled its relations with Iran, to a great extent, by siding with the US on its nuclear programme issue and opting out of the IPI gas pipeline project. (Ironically, it has not opted out of the TAPI project.) The Indian SLOCs to and from the Persian Gulf and CARs (via Chabahar-Herat) would lie within constant Chinese oversight and strategic reach. The Indians are already wary of the Chinese, who they feel are encircling them through a series of ports - a consequence of its ‘String of Pearls’ strategy.

By establishing the north-south trade corridor, the Chinese would literally outflank the Indo-US design of containing it to a great extent.

Pakistan has done well to develop Gwadar into a meaningful port. Its strategic implications are quite apparent. China is making a massive investment in the Gwadar area, adding 20 more berths there and will also develop the road infrastructure in its hinterland (Road Gwadar-Ratodero). It also intends to create an Economic Zone in Gwadar, which should go a long way in boosting the local, national and regional economy.

Furthermore, Iran has shown readiness to establish a $4 billion oil refinery there. The IP gas pipeline too would have an enormous economic impact in the region. Pakistan and China must also develop a road-railways network from Port Qasim-Karachi along the west bank of the River Indus and take it right up to Torkham and beyond.

India, on the other hand, must understand the leverage that Pakistan is developing. Good relations with Pakistan could ensure the provision of gas and oil through land routes from Iran and the CARs. India could possibly open land trade routes to the West and get access to Iran and Turkey, on the one hand, and Afghanistan, CARs, Russia and Europe, on the other, NSRP.

Its energy needs could be met expeditiously and at much lower transportation costs. In return, it could make all-out efforts to genuinely resolve all outstanding issues with Pakistan. Kashmir and the water disputes rank the highest these days. Pakistan, in return, could ensure that Indian energy requirements could be met through the fossil fuel pipelines from Iran and the CARs. More so, the NSRP could become a reality. However, if it turns into a gas and oil versus water war, then both sides are likely to suffer. We must seek a win-win solution.
Gwadar is truly a port of immense possibilities and will be the hub of most political, strategic and economic developments in the region for a very long time to come.

Interesting article, I fully agree that India should join Gwadar project since China and Iran are already get involved: it is an opprotunity to ensure a direct future energy.
Interesting article, I fully agree that India should join Gwadar project since China and Iran are already get involved: it is an opprotunity to ensure a direct future energy.

Source of the article:

Gwadar - a port full of possibilities | The Nation

The writer is a retired brigadier and a former defence attaché to Australia and New Zealand. Currently, he is on the faculty of NUST (NIPCONS).


Why is that only Pakistani sources are highlighting the importance of Gwadar? Is this potential being over-hyped?
Gwadar port will not only shorten the time it will take for oil supplies to reach China from Iran and other Middle East Countries , the supplies will also bypass the Indian Ocean and the narrow and dangerous Malacca straits in times of hostility.

Pakistan has the opportunity to protect China's back from that unwanted exposure and most Pakistanis support that ( 86% Pakistanis support China and view them favourably - the highest China favourability in any nation, globally ).

China has always looked out for Pakistan's interest and this is our chance to return the favour.

We Pakistanis have high hopes for the Trade and Prosperity that Gwadar will bring to our Nation and to our friends as well. China and Iran are already on board.:china::pakistan:
Since this article mentionned India, so I think it would be wise for it to consider the possibility of taking part the development of this port, of course both countries need to settle their differents on water and Kashmire issues as mentionned. It's also Chinese interest to see both countries to get along because one hand we have stake of economy partnership with India and the other hand our all wheater friend, any bad thing happen will only harm our developments of Western China.
China must give Pakistan ICBM to protect against USA! Gwadar links our national interests.

Who knows Pakistan already have ICBM. But unlike some other countries we cant take risk of exposing and testing these toys atleast for now. The world media will make a hype of this issue you know how the world media works and do propaganda.

Time is not right for Pakistan to test such thing.
its not about strategic depth by supporting iran pakistan pipeline, its about more economics, pakistan economy is declining and we are trying to buy expensive gas through iran, iran isnt supporting our economy by making hefty price demands, its just using pakistan for its own benefits and using pakistan because of its urgent needs

iran has been sanctioned by the world thats why iran is looking very desparate for making some inroads to its economy through business

its just a pure business nothing else

as for gwadar it should be all about economics then politics, if china is looking to use gwadar as its strategic depth then its harming pakistan rather helping, economy should be the priority first rather then strategic depth
its not about strategic depth by supporting iran pakistan pipeline, its about more economics, pakistan economy is declining and we are trying to buy expensive gas through iran, iran isnt supporting our economy by making hefty price demands, its just using pakistan for its own benefits and using pakistan because of its urgent needs

iran has been sanctioned by the world thats why iran is looking very desparate for making some inroads to its economy through business

its just a pure business nothing else

as for gwadar it should be all about economics then politics, if china is looking to use gwadar as its strategic depth then its harming pakistan rather helping, economy should be the priority first rather then strategic depth

Agree economy is priority, Western part of China needed to be developed too, it will only be a win-win for China Pakistan economy development.
its not about strategic depth by supporting iran pakistan pipeline, its about more economics, pakistan economy is declining and we are trying to buy expensive gas through iran, iran isnt supporting our economy by making hefty price demands, its just using pakistan for its own benefits and using pakistan because of its urgent needs

iran has been sanctioned by the world thats why iran is looking very desparate for making some inroads to its economy through business

its just a pure business nothing else

as for gwadar it should be all about economics then politics, if china is looking to use gwadar as its strategic depth then its harming pakistan rather helping, economy should be the priority first rather then strategic depth

If the takeover of post management by a Chinese company is of such global importance, why is it being ignored by the international media? It seems that either they are "jealous" or in reality this deal is not as "epic" as it is being made out to be by Pakistani media.
Since this article mentionned India, so I think it would be wise for it to consider the possibility of taking part the development of this port, of course both countries need to settle their differents on water and Kashmire issues as mentionned. It's also Chinese interest to see both countries to get along because one hand we have stake of economy partnership with India and the other hand our all wheater friend, any bad thing happen will only harm our developments of Western China.

Though the article makes sense, the idea is a little utopian. Pakistan will never ever allow India to come anywhere near Gwadar due to security reasons seeing that the Pakistan Navy too would be operating out of Gwadar. It's not just the question of energy cooperation or the economic advantages. That's a secondary issue where Pakistan is concerned.
India did make a mistake pulling out of the pipeline.Although I agree their relations with U.S is more important, but energy security is one thing you can't ignore,it's a matter of national security.G.W Bush administration convinced India by helping it to develop Nuclear power plants for India,in exchange for pulling out from this project.Imo,it was a mistake.India is a friend of us,so as Pakistan and China.Everyone could benefit from this project.It could be a Win-Win-Win-Win situation where Iran,Pakistan,India and China win. :P
If the takeover of post management by a Chinese company is of such global importance, why is it being ignored by the international media? It seems that either they are "jealous" or in reality this deal is not as "epic" as it is being made out to be by Pakistani media.

It is just a business deal of port operations and tens of such deals are made everyday around the world Pakistani media loves to hype up things for viewer rating nothing else.
If the takeover of post management by a Chinese company is of such global importance, why is it being ignored by the international media? It seems that either they are "jealous" or in reality this deal is not as "epic" as it is being made out to be by Pakistani media.

right, gwadar has been under performing now a days so its not that of a hype, if gwadar performs tomorrow because of chinese investment and tries to threaten the dubai port and other gulf ports then gwadar will become important, gwadar is just a potential prospect which can be played to the full potential or the credibility of such gwadar hype will be proved wrong
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