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Gwadar a 'free port': Prime Minister for development along the lines of Hong Kong, Dubai, Singapore

Chacha jaan. Problem is gawader does not enjoy the geography of Singapore or hongkong , only china and Pakistan would able to use it or maybe Afghanistan, so if chinese not use this as a big hub all the investment would be useless. Or maybe u can tell me how it can be used like Singapore port.

That's why it's part of Pak-China economic corridor, Oil shipments of China and their export shipment will be enough for the capacity of Gawadar for time being.
No need to get heart burn, He is talking about "free port" modal -

@ Topic: Is there any report on what have been completed and what's in plan?

lol, do you know what a free port model is or what nawaz is dreaming about?

That's why it's part of Pak-China economic corridor, Oil shipments of China and their export shipment will be enough for the capacity of Gawadar for time being.

NATO transited millions of tons of equipment through pakistan - how did it overly benefit pakistan?
lol, do you know what a free port model is or what nawaz is dreaming about?

NATO transited millions of tons of equipment through pakistan - how did it overly benefit pakistan?

You are comparing supplies for a force of couple of hundred thousand to trade potential of China? Even if 5% of it goes through gawadar we are talking about $40-50 billion worth of trade using the transit. Add to that Afghanistan, and central asia(may be in the future) and Pakistans own trade and the economic activities will be huge.

Edit: sorry I miscalculated, China's total trade is 4 trillion plus! You get the picture.
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The thread example is more like how Lallu wanted to convert Bihar into Japan.

please note the difference here two countries are taking part; and its mostly for the second countrys use which is a giant economy

that was a plan solely by india other factors like corruption etc rust ideas as such

and dont drag india into this as it does not relate to the thread; stick to the topic please :)
NATO transited millions of tons of equipment through pakistan - how did it overly benefit pakistan?

LOL!!! You are comparing volume of NATO supplies (which is on ridiculously cheap rates) with China's potential import/exports via Gawadar. Common dude, i know any positive news on Pakistan give Indians sleepless nights but at-least maintain your psychological balance.
You are comparing supplies for a force of couple of hundred thousand to trade potential of China? Even if 5% of it goes through gawadar we are talking about $40-50 billion worth of trade using the transit. Add to that Afghanistan, and central asia(may be in the future) and Pakistans own trade and the economic activities will be huge.

Then you dont know what are war supplies and logistics and how does a whole army move.

See, I this doesnt have anything to do with Pakistan being a gate for China, What nawaz is dreaming about is a whole city designed around a yet to be operational port and making it a duty free trading and commerce hub.

See the location one more time and see the assess the potential one more time. You are not surrounded by trillion dollar economies that are trading, commercial and industrial power houses............. except china who have major trading in the far east, central asia, europe, africa and the americas and none of those pass through gwadar. as for middle east trading they already have established hubs there....for eg Dubai.

If its for transit of oil and gas - letss see how feasible it is...IP failed to take off.
China has an insatiable need for resources. Just to give you an idea. 7 out of the top 10 busiest ports are Chinese, if the supply from Middle East is diverted to Gawadar, the impact would be huge. Finished goods from China can also be exported out from Gawadar.


exactly; we may observe that there is minimal difference between malaysia and singapore (as they are neighbors) but singapore's port crosses way ahead than malaysian ports

although singapore is a very small place

thank you for your knowledgeable post :)
please note the difference here two countries are taking part; and its mostly for the second countrys use which is a giant economy

that was a plan solely by india other factors like corruption etc rust ideas as such

and dont drag india into this as it does not relate to the thread; stick to the topic please :)

one will finance to build a bus stop for the bus to stop or change over but one will not finance to build a whole city around that bus stop and take away a small part of his trade from him....u get the idea?.
1. It's situated on the mouth of straight of hormuz.

2. It can become a very important part of China's strategic plans for developing it's west

3. It will be situated in the centre on middle east, china and central asia.
1- dubai is not very far so most of the ppl would prefer using it cause it's already giving all even better what gawader can provide,
2- u and me both know that China's west never gonna be like chinas east (we can discuss that in other thread), so i dont know how much useful it will be as a port for china (cause u hv to transport the goods by train or road to many thousand km to gawader). And again my point stands only china would be able to use gawader , so it's not hongkong or dubai port anyway
3-as i said only china would be it's user, iran would use it's own port, other would go for dubai (so many reason).
one will finance to build a bus stop for the bus to stop or change over but one will not finance to build a whole city around that bus stop and take away a small part of his trade from him....u get the idea?.

Are you really that stupid or just butthurt .. I'm confused!!
one will finance to build a bus stop for the bus to stop or change over but one will not finance to build a whole city around that bus stop and take away a small part of his trade from him....u get the idea?.

yes i do; but it would indirectly finance it;

if there is some potential in an area then only a bus stop would be built in the first place; then gradually the busses will come there automatically :) here the busses and the potential belong to us

it is a small part of trade but lets not loose this opportunity to get some trade too you know
its like grabbing the coins (small) and letting go off the notes(big) :P
Then you dont know what are war supplies and logistics and how does a whole army move.

No it's you who don't understand what a piece in the pie of transport of worlds largest trade worth 4 trillion plus and growing means.

See, I this doesnt have anything to do with Pakistan being a gate for China, What nawaz is dreaming about is a whole city designed around a yet to be operational port and making it a duty free trading and commerce hub.

See the location one more time and see the assess the potential one more time. You are not surrounded by trillion dollar economies that are trading, commercial and industrial power houses............. except china who have major trading in the far east, central asia, europe, africa and the americas and none of those pass through gwadar. as for middle east trading they already have established hubs there....for eg Dubai.

If its for transit of oil and gas - letss see how feasible it is...IP failed to take off.

that's the whole point. It's going to cut traveling distance for many parts of china for trade flowing through Africa, middle east and Europe by thousands of miles. it's not what is but what can be. It's like someone saying Iits useless to develop Dubai 40 years ago. It's about new developing opportunity and becoming part of it.
China has an insatiable need for resources. Just to give you an idea. 7 out of the top 10 busiest ports are Chinese, if the supply from Middle East is diverted to Gawadar, one can imagine the impact would be huge. And finished goods from China can be exported out from Gawadar.
A Singapore or Hong kong of South Asia is achievable for Gawadar port.

Well most of the chinese industrial area's are in east ,north ,south or middle, very few are in the west, so much useful it will be to transport them all the way to gawader by use rail or road (distance would be around 2000km maybe much more). Most of the middle eastern countries would opt for dubai for so many reasons.
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