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Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

What else you expect from Police which is/was under constant pressure from all sides, i've said earlier & i'm saying it again, that i do believe that this saga should have not been dragged to 5 hrs, but i am also 101% sure that we long with our super active tv anchors would be ridiculing the police if they would have gunned him down as soon as he brandished his weapons, and the same media which is blaming police for delaying the action would be going gaga over how unprofessional the police was in not negotiating with the suspect.

It took long thatswhy media got involved in race of breaking news

Police should be clear what they should do in such situtations
Hats off to miss Zamurad Khan on her bravery. She showed everyone she got ballz by attacking the gunman. Bravo.
good job by Zamurad...

taking life and ending the scene in 5 minutes is easy...

but he saved all the lives .. 5 hours or more doesnt matter.. lives are more important..!!

but only thing is what they did in the end, they could have tried much earlier!!

Nevertheless good job.
Seems like he didn't want to kill his family and raised the gun when he was supposed to open a fire if he was serious about it.

Seems like he was just a mad guy who didn't know what to do. When he slipped after the push by PPP leader, he rose up, shot few bullets at wrong direction and apparently didn't kill anybody by his will and just raised the gun in surrender position or may be he was too confused about what to do. He didn't know what to do after the quick action by PPP leader.

He seems to be totally a mad guy and nothing else
The look on his face, when the men came after him, clearly showing that he had soiled his shalwar and was in the end just a pansy little fairy... priceless.

ps: nice thinking with the shots in the air before and while taking him down, not the ones after that.

Edit: He was shot at while being taken down. Judging by the number of shots he should've been a pin cushion in the end but alas our "sharp shooter"....

The politician in the mix was just a clumsy old buffoon who could have made matters a lot worse.
Pakistan is a strange country!

But I agree with you, this aerial firing thing needs to be stopped.

In riots as well, like those in Karachi, aerial firing is used.

In the Army, when you submit a gun back at the kot, your ammo gets checked, how many bullets you fired, how many lost etc. So a soldier can't say, "Oh, I fired for fun" because every bullet is accounted for.

Not sure how is it in the police, in this particular case, it was an operation, but what about the other cases like in riots or protests?


Sir it's the same for police, mohrir keeps a record of all issues and dispensed ammo, but there are exceptions.

How long this tamasha going on?

Police snipper were even called from rawalpindi..they dont have it in capital for any emegency situtation

Sir do you have proof snipers were called from rwp? Please present tho proof, I you heard it from the press then it's bullshit, I want you to show me a official document or statement to that effect. Please don't listen an believ everything you hear in the media, thank you.
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What Zamarud did was very stupid but also extra ordinarily brave. The life he risked most was his own and he did that without anyone asking this from him. At times, you simply need to have heroes to give a message, even though symbolic, that we have the will to stand up to the evil.
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