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Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

:p:P:p:P سکندر اور کنول کے ڈرامہ واپڈا والےاتنے غور سے دیکھ رہے تھے کہ بجلی بند کرنا ہی بھول گئے۔
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hahaha again BS.. Pakistan kay aham Tansebaat aur Islamabad ko "RED ALERT" kardiya gaya hey hahaha Mehran base Attack, GHQ Attack, Kamra Base Attack, Drone strike, All suicide blast, Bomb blast, even dako ke chori kay baad ye jo hakomat mulk ko "RED ALERT" Kardeti haina sa kuch honay kay baad ... inko banda ***** maray!
And also the sniper who shot the leg.

The SSP and Zamurd Khan should be given some sort of medal...definitely.

And here we go...PPP already starting with Jeay Bhutto and BB Shaheed...these idiots just can't keep that stuff out of it.

Both of them should be fined instead,, for putting lives in danger. Had they shot him earlier(on leg or where ever), no one would be injured or put at risk. This was HEIGHT of un-professionalism.

Pakistanis are proving MORE dramai than indians. Media & members on this forum alike. Everyday I just want to give up on this nations of brain-dead.

I just came back home- from a long drive-

I hv heard about the situation-

Tell me something brilliant like this has happened?-

Instead the total opposite happened. & Pakistanis are making heros out of this un-professional handling of situation.

indian beware we got Zumurd Khan now..:dance3:

Because of ur Zumurad Khan-like security managers, india is successful in causing terrorism inside Pakistan. Every day our police are blown into "چھچھڑے" because they think like Zumurad khan. If they did NOT had a Zumurad Khan's brain, many security guys who are shaheed now would be alive. Pakistan would be in much better security situation That's their level of training... We would have been safer if we did not have Zumurad Khan(s) rather had sane ppl who knew how to handle such situations. Likes of Zumurad Khan watch too many indian movies & thing they can handle criminals like hero in a movies does...


He also shot his wife... Wife is injured too... Well done Zumurad Khan & security planners. May ALLAH save me & my family from ur pathetic handling.



Here's SOP for such situations.... Once suspect had fired already then you move in to use weapons & at NO point one should try to grab hold of suspect like un-athletic Zumurad tried to...


Assault on a Secured Area and Use of Weapons -

The following guidelines should be followed in preparation of an assault and the use of weapons:

Continued negotiating, a lessening of demands and the uneventful passage of deadlines imposed by the suspect may indicate that the suspect is beginning to weaken. Continue to negotiate and to consume time;

If convinced that the suspect has become destructive and irrational, the SWAT, Special Ops, or ERT Team Commander, or his/her designee, should prepare for an assault action; and

The authority to commence an assault and/or to employ firepower will only be given by the SWAT, Special Ops, or ERT Commander.
The guys in this forum are such little pansies.

Suicide bombers or terrorists don't waste any time in attacking. In many cases, if a suicide bomber fails his target he will detonate immediately.

The fact is that guy was harmless and milking every minute he got because of khassi Isloooooo police.
We did not kill this man due to fear of sou motto action by SC --- Police

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