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Guwahati INDIA blasts -- its ULFA not PAK


Dec 19, 2008
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Guwahati blasts killed today 5+ ppl and the prime suspect is ULFA group (The United Liberation Front of Asom is a militant group from Assam, among many other such groups in North-East India. It seeks to establish a sovereign Assam via an armed struggle. The Government of India had banned the organization in 1990 and classifies it as a terrorist group, while the US State Department lists it under "Other groups of concern")

I wonder its not PAKISTAN based militant group as I expected to be default. :victory: :cheers:

Now Indian media now have to find (somehow) ULFA relations with ISI or JAM or some terror groups :bounce:

Good luck
Roopash here is they truth about RAW

ISLAMABAD: According to informed sources Indian intelligence officials working in the disguise of diplomats in Embassy and Consulate in Afghanistan have set up a vast network to destabilize FATA, Northern Areas and Balochistan engaging dozens of Afghan-Indians, drug dealers and Afghan warlords. Consulate
According to sources several agents hired by the RAW but captured recently in FATA, Waziristan and Southern Eastern areas provided extensive details claiming that the Indian had managed to penetrate deeply in collaboration with Indian allies in the region.

According to one spy who was recently killed by Taliban an Indian intelligence official named as C.R. Garg working as Attaché and P.S. to Indian Ambassador in Kabul had recently offered as much as US$2000-3200 per foreigner killed in Pakistan.

The spy was given a telephone number for urgent contacts. Another Indian senior official named as Malkit Chand also working as Third Secretary (Education) & Director (Indian Cultural Center) was engaged in transferring Pakistani Baloch students from Afghanistan to India for special training and financial assistance. Bloch students particularly the children of Bloch refugees are being offered up to US200-300 per month if they agree to proceed to India.

Chandra Mohan Mishra a Third Secretary at Indian Embassy in Kabul and J. Baby working as an Attaché (Technical) also held several meetings with Baloch militants during mid-2008.

Other Indian intelligence officials engaged in financing and sending Pakistani youths from tribal areas to several other Central Asian states and Middle East are posted in Consulate General of India, Mazar-i-Sharif are Dinesh Behari working as a Consul and D. N. Dutta working as a Vice Consul in Mazar-i-Sharif. Two spies recently arrested in tribal areas were carrying Thuraya satellite phone numbers 00-873-763095858 and 00-873-763095867 and 0700501385 which belonged to Indian intelligence officials inside Afghanistan.

Another Indian agents Sanjay Asthana working as Vice Consul in Habibabad, Jalalabad was in touch with his “assets” using phone/fax number of 0797638744.

An Indian official based in Herat, Manohar Gangesh working as Consul and posted at the Indian Consulate. He was in contact with local agents who organize secret meetings and trainings for so-called Islamic militants.

A militant leader claimed that he discovered the telephone number of a senior Indian intelligence official Raju Balakrishnan working as a diplomat and Vice Consul in Herat 0799427738 from the possession of a recently captured spy after his detailed interrogation.

According to a reliable sources early this year Indian agents working as Muslim militant leaders by the name of Yasin Khan (Original Indian name Amat Verma) and “Nasir” identified as “Santosh” were operating a massive network of terrorists in Jalalabad while another so-called “Islamic militant leader (original name Sudesh ) was also had been operating in Khost. Local Afghan commanders, drug dealers and military commanders of foreign country were well aware of their activities but overlooking the covert operations against Pakistan.

According to a reliable sources early this year Indian agents working as Muslim militant leaders by the name of Yasin Khan (Original Indian name Amat Verma) and “Nasir” identified as “Santosh” were operating a massive network of terrorists in Jalalabad while another so-called “Islamic militant leader (original name Sudesh ) was also had been operating in Khost.

Local Afghan commanders, drug dealers and military commanders of foreign country were well aware of their activities but overlooking the covert operations against Pakistan.

Guwahati blasts killed today 5+ ppl and the prime suspect is ULFA group (The United Liberation Front of Asom is a militant group from Assam, among many other such groups in North-East India. It seeks to establish a sovereign Assam via an armed struggle. The Government of India had banned the organization in 1990 and classifies it as a terrorist group, while the US State Department lists it under "Other groups of concern")

I wonder its not PAKISTAN based militant group as I expected to be default. :victory: :cheers:

Now Indian media now have to find (somehow) ULFA relations with ISI or JAM or some terror groups :bounce:

Good luck
Guess u forget to switch ur identity frm Indian flag to Pakistani flag before posting this....;):rofl:
Guess u forget to switch ur identity frm Indian flag to Pakistani flag before posting this....

so you want to say that a person who dont speak truth is real indian?? or a person who dont blame Pakistan for every little incident is not indian.

Well indeed this shows where you stand. & yet you blame us that we hide facts.

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