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Indian fugitive insurgency leader traced to China, say reports

ignore Chinese trolls..they're desparate...


ULFA chief was living near Myanmar-china border for years now.its not a big secret.just recently,its got proved again when ULFA chief lost a bag containing several SIM cards, a few lakh rupees, some ammunition, and a phone directory.

ULFA chief became mad and paranoid,executing his own "Comrades" fearing they might be "RAW agent"...read this....

According to intelligence sources, the bag was in the custody of Partha Gogoi, assistant finance secretary of Ulfa who was executed by the Barua faction in mid-January accusing him of being a traitor. Gogoi was set to surrender to Indian forces on January 26 and join the pro-talks faction. Ulfa (Independent), the faction led by Barua, has executed almost a dozen cadres in just the last three months, accusing them of being traitors.

Ulfa chief calls deputy from China - Times Of India

Body of executed ULFA-I top leader recovered - The Hindu
Sure, whatever make you sleep.

Communism itself is a religion with lots of superstition and fundamentalism and treating the great Comrade as uncondemnable Godly figure, anyone criticizing the godly figure, he will be jailed or killed.
We have report of traced phone calls of Dalai Lama inside india, oh and also he's on TV too.
Oh wait! The Dalai Lama isn't a terrorist like those clowns whom China is sheltering for terror activities inside India. He doesn't kill people too, nor does he bomb markets.

Get the difference? Or are you that naive?

Your comparison of The Dalai Lama with that terrorist killer, Paresh Barua, commander-in-chief of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) is spectacular in its idiocy. Grow up.
Oh wait! The Dalai Lama isn't a terrorist like those clowns whom China is sheltering for terror activities inside India. He doesn't kill people too, nor does he bomb markets.

Get the difference? Or are you that naive?

Your comparison of The Dalai Lama with that terrorist killer, Paresh Barua, commander-in-chief of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) is spectacular in its idiocy. Grow up.
did you miss the part where he organized armed rebellions against PLA,with guns? And sending CIA trained agents inside China to do damage?

The Americans don't even deny it any more. So he does bomb stuff inside Tibet

Get the similarity or are you naive
RAW should send a hit team for him .
Yeah, and risk a war with China, right? Good thinking there, general.


I'm just glad that Pakistan isn't taking the blame this time.
You mean just like the Uighurs and Tibetans . Nope he is no freedom fighter like them .

He is a terrorist but sure we will give him freedom from this world .

Are you insinualting that Uighurs and Tibetans are terroristes? :lol: Barua is not a terrorist, he's peace lover for NE, he's equal as Mahatma Gandhi for India in Chinese people's eyes, we admire he's courage to deal with Indian incompetent army. And sure you give him freedom because your incompetent police couldn't catch him...:lol:

Oh wait! The Dalai Lama isn't a terrorist like those clowns whom China is sheltering for terror activities inside India. He doesn't kill people too, nor does he bomb markets.

Get the difference? Or are you that naive?

Your comparison of The Dalai Lama with that terrorist killer, Paresh Barua, commander-in-chief of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) is spectacular in its idiocy. Grow up.

Compare Dalai Lama to the respected Paresh Barua is like compare a donkey to a battle horse, Dalai do nothing other than beg money anywhere he go, but Paresh Barua is one man army, count on his strenght and make Indian army pi$$ on their pants, and now these incompetence army is buying Apache, Cheenook, C-17 in order to deal with this one man army. :rofl:
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because he is on american payroll thats why he is respected by american and indian media and govts good

Yep .... anybody who voices against Chinese atrocities is on American payroll .
Old recycled news. Every few years this article keep reappearing with a little revision and a new date.


China on Thursday dismissed the charges hurled on it by G.K Pillai that it was aiding insurgent groups in India’s North East, saying that it follows the policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. China’s foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said in a statement that Chinese government always uphold the principle of non interference in other countries’ internal affairs.

India love to create false news about China supporting India separatist groups.
Yeah, and risk a war with China, right? Good thinking there, general.


I'm just glad that Pakistan isn't taking the blame this time.

Read post#26 . China denied giving asylum to Barua .

So even if he is present in China and is killed there, how can China go to war for killing a person not present in China .
Yep .... anybody who voices against Chinese atrocities is on American payroll .
and any body who is on american side even if he is a terrorist is a gud guy for u what hypocrisy if Mullah Omar is a terrorist then Ahmad shah masood is also a terrorist simple if Hafiz Saeed is terrorist than Baal thakrey is also a terrorist simple but this world will only believe in the american funded Media BS what a pitty
Read post#26 . China denied giving asylum to Barua .

So even if he is present in China and is killed there, how can China go to war for killing a person not present in China .
Ah, but you forget, if the Chinese find out about or catch a group of Indian special forces, or intel officers in China, you shouldn't be surprised if the resulting situation may end up in a military build up on the border region.

The fact that he's there or not doesn't even matter.
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