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Guru’s execution affects Sarabjit’s mercy appeal

You plan to kill him. Is that how you operate in India? Kashmir is a major issue India is unwilling to resolve.

Whoever said nething about Killing ? LOL.He considers Kashmiris as Pakistanis.Gave him a reality check.
Also,Wont you consider an Indian in Pakistan Occu. Kashmir as illiegal without a Pakistani ViSA.

@Bolded Part if Considering "Kashmiris As Pakistanis" is your Definition of Solution,then :no:
Absolutely there's no legal relation between cited cases, also second those who believe Pakistan is bound to its own laws.. So by law of the land convict (Sarabjit) must be hanged so that justice is served, justice delayed is justice denied..
Pakistan views all Kashmiris as Pakistanis.

Islamic Imperialists, Finally truth came on your toungue, You Pakistani want Kashmir as Pakistan. Today you view Kashmiri as Pakistani, tomorrow you will view Kashmir as Paksitan...

Absolutely there's no legal relation between cited cases, also second those who believe Pakistan is bound to its own laws.. So by law of the land convict (Sarabjit) must be hanged so that justice is served, justice delayed is justice denied..

But he is illegally framed by ISI...
There he again started with Arundhati Roy. She is an idiot. She is an attention seeker. Supreme Court also acquitted three people too whereas there was huge suspicion in their involvement. How it is biased judgement.

Better look at your own country first.

Where is the Justice to all the victims killed in your country ? Not a single Terrorist hanged. And you teach us about Judiciary.

@haviZsultan You are jnr. TT. Don't make claims without any proof. Stop your Ansari rants. Don't post blogs, Facebook pages as proof.

Think about human rights of your so called Islamic state.

Separatists, militants condemn Afzal’s hanging

Srinagar, Feb 9: Various separatists and militant organizations have condemned the hanging of Afzal Guru in New Delhi’s Tihar Jail on Saturday.
Barbaric murder: Salahuddin
Chairman of United Jihad Council Syed Salahuddin has strongly condemned hanging of Afzal Guru in Tihar jail in New Delhi.
In a statement issued today from Pakistan administered Kashmir, he said, “Afzal Guru’s execution reflects New Delhi’s imperialism and his martyrdom will produce lakhs of heroes like him.”
Salahuddin alleged that New Delhi used its every organ and agency to implicate Kashmiri leaders in false case and sent them to gallows. “Gurus’ execution is barbaric murder. For, he was not given a fair trial,” he added.
The UJC Chief said Guru was hanged by Congress led UPA government to take away vote bank of Hindu fundamentalist and BJP.
Supporting the shutdown call given by Hurriyat Conference (G), Salahuddin asked Hurriyat to expose the ‘designs of New Delhi’s imperialism’. He appealed the Government of Pakistan to take up this issue at the international level to expose New Delhi. “Pakistan should give up its apologetic attitude towards India and should stop extending hand of friendship towards it,” he said, adding that the hanging of Afzal Guru would not put an end to Kashmiris’ movement. “It will infuse new lease of life into the movement.”

Azam Inqalabi
The chief patron of Jammu and Kashmir Mahaz-e-Azadi (MeA) Muhammad Azam Inqilabi expressed deep shock and anguish over the tragic episode of Afzal Guru’s hanging at Tihar Jail in New Delhi, this morning.
“In a situation when New Delhi superciliously rejected the mercy appeal of Afzal Guru to facilitate his hanging reminiscent of the hanging of resistance icon Muhammad Maqbool Bhat on Feb 11, 1984 in the same Tihar jail; when haughty and obdurate rulers of Delhi made a laughing stock of OIC resolution on Kashmir; when senior resistance leader Nayeem Ahmad Khan, arrested by Kashmir police, is languishing behind the bar; when hundreds of Kashmiri youth including the stalwarts like Dr Qasim, Mushtaq-ul-Islam and Masarat Aalam have been facing atrocities in jails; when modesty of women is outraged by the force personnel with impunity and immunity; when resistance leaders are implicated in false cases- it is obligatory for the Muslim world to express total solidarity with the heroic people of Kashmir,” said Inqilabi in a statement.
“Afzal Guru’s hanging is, in essence, the beginning of the new phase of resistance in Kashmir. The valiant and chivalrous youth feel aggrieved, offended and infuriated due to the dictatorial rule of Delhi liege lords. The brew and stew of rancor and acrimony is palpable. Kashmiris have resolved to withstand the onslaught of New Delhi at all costs,” said Inqiliabi, adding that “It is time when resistance leaders of Kashmir that straddles the LoC should adopt a cogent and effective strategy to deal with New Delhi.”

LeT vows revenge
Militant outfit Lashkar-e- Toiba on Saturday said that it would avenge Afzal Guru’s hanging.
In a tele-statement LeT spokesman Dr Abdullah Gaznavi said: "Hanging of Afzal does not end it all. Any time soon India will have to face the revenge for this act."
"By hanging Afzal hastily and without due judicial process, India has once again proved that all the governments want to exploit sentiments of Muslims in order to gain power,” Dr Gaznavi added.

Jamaat condemns hanging, curfew
Condemning the hanging of Muhammad Afzal Guru in Tihar Jail, New Delhi, the Jama’at-e-Islami Jammu Kashmir termed it a demonstration of extreme ‘despotism and tyranny’ by New Delhi and an open ‘oppression’ against the people of JK, a spokesman of Jamaat said in a statement.
He strongly condemned the imposition of curfew in the valley and use of force against the innocent protestors in which a number of innocent people got injured.
“Surreptitious hanging of Muhammad Afzal Guru has deeply hurt the sentiments of over one crore Kashmiri people in particular the Muslim population. In order to achieve its political designs, the party holding the reins of power in Delhi has always been committing such tactical tyrannical actions since 1947 whenever this party seemed to lose its power. This party has always played frauds upon the people of India and in particular the Muslim community. Further by these deceitful tactics they want to frighten the people of Kashmir away from seeking or demanding the fulfillment of the promises made to them. The hanging of Muhammad Afzal Guru also carries a sinister design to create an atmosphere of fear and chaos amongst the Kashmiri people so as to deter them from demanding their usurped right of self determination. But the history is a witness to the fact that the tyrants and the despotic powers always failed in their vicious design and ultimately had to bow before the right,” the spokesman added.
“The local government is equally responsible in this tyranny by becoming a mute spectator and as such supporting this anti-Kashmiri despotic act. The present ruling party had also supported the Delhi regime when Shaheed Muhammad Maqbool Bhat was put to gallows. This party has learnt no lesson from Punjab government which strongly protested along with the Punjabi people against an attempt by the government of India to hang one of the death convicts in Beant Singh’s murder case and thereby forced it to drop its idea,” he added.

Observe mourning for 3-days: DeM
The Dukhtaran-e-Millat chief Aasiya Andrabi on Saturday strongly denounced the hanging of Muhammad Afzal Guru in Tihar Jail, New Delhi, terming it a collective grief for whole Kashmiri nation.
“It was expected of the Government of India,” Aasiya said in a statement today, calling upon people to mourn the tragedy for three days.
Aasiya alleged that Government of India was looking for the opportunity to hang Afzal Guru and when it got the opportunity it lost no time in doing the task. “Police, judiciary and media together were all out to prove him guilty,” she said.
Condemning the imposition of curfew in the Valley, Aasiya said: “The government is not allowing the people in Kashmir to shed tears on the martyrdom of their benefactors and they are forced to stay indoors by imposing upon them strict curfew restrictions. Even Shaheed Guru’s family was not allowed to see him before sending him to gallows. The height of injustice is that his family members were not informed about it.”

JKLF( R) condemns Guru’s hanging
Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front chairman Farooq Ahmad Dar alias Bita Karatey has strongly condemned the hanging of Muhammad Afzal Guru in Tihar Jail, New Delhi, terming it the ‘murder of an innocent man’.
“Before execution of Guru, the Government of India had hanged Muhammad Maqbool Bhat in the similar circumstances on February 11, 1984 in Tihar Jail, New Delhi,” said Bita Karatey in a statement today, appealing to the people of Kashmir to offer Nimaz-i-Jinaza Giabana of Afzal Guru and organize special prayer meetings everywhere even being under curfew.

JKLF UK zone
Leaders of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, UK zone, have condemned Afzal Guru’s hanging. They termed it as a “mockery of justice.”
"The hanging of Afzal Guru is a clear indication to Kashmiri masses that New Delhi is not interested in resolving the Kashmir issue and wants to bury the Kashmir movement by imprisoning and hanging all Kashmiri youth who were involved in the pre-1990s revolt,” a JKLF spokesman said in a statement.
President JKLF, UK zone, Azmat Khan, said we never had any doubts that Afzal Guru was innocent and he had not participated in the 2001 attack on parliament except that he was set up by Special Task Force personnel to meet with one of the alleged attackers so that the Kashmiri movement could be defamed and another Kashmiri could be hanged as a result.”
“New Delhi learnt nothing from the hanging of Maqbool Bhat in 1984. Every Kashmiri household produced a new Maqbool Bhat to fight against New Delhi’s rule in Jammu Kashmir and they have now given a new Martyr to our movement and our people will not forget this injustice for many years to come. We will not let Afzal Guru's blood go waste.”

The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People’s freedom League, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani expressed profound grief and gloom over the hanging of Afzal Guru in Delhi’s Tihar Jail.
He strongly condemned what he termed “unjust, inhuman and barbaric” step. “New Delhi from day one maligned Kashmiris and their hands are soaked with the blood of Kashmiris proving that the government wanted to eliminate Kashmiris one after another,” Rehmani said in a statement.
He said that Afzal Guru was implicated in a “dubious case” and was not given fair opportunity to defend himself; and he was sent to gallows to gain political leverage over other fascist organizations of the country.
Rehmani castigated what he termed as prejudicial role of Omar Abdullah’s regime. “It has failed to defend the interests of the Kashmiris,” he added.

*He was not given a fair trial: UJC
*Beginning of new phase of resistance: Inqalabi
*Hanging does not end it all: LeT
*Local Govt equally responsible: Jamaat
*It was expected of GoI: DeM
*Implicated in dubious case: Rehmani
*Murder of an innocent man: JKLF (R)

Whoever said nething about Killing ? LOL.He considers Kashmiris as Pakistanis.Gave him a reality check.
Also,Wont you consider an Indian in Pakistan Occu. Kashmir as illiegal without a Pakistani ViSA.

@Bolded Part if Considering "Kashmiris As Pakistanis" is your Definition of Solution,then :no:

A lot of Muslims crossed the Pakistan border without a visa, much less a passport. We gave them citizenship. In either case India uses excessive violence against any rebel movement that has Muslim anywhere close to it.
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:lol: So know we should believe LeT, JKLF, Jamaat etc.

Will you believe TTP saying that the terrorist killed by PA was innocent ?

Good to know that all these people are speaking about this issue. Indians were not focused on what was being spread in Kashmir by these militants. Time for more strict action against these so called groups which are extremists and militants.

As for LeT vowing revenge, Pakistan will be painted all across the world by Indian media. They are more counter productive to Paksitan than Pakistan think.
same to you.... rather than funding TTP and other BLA from Afghanista nsend your army... don't hide behind terrorists.
We don't claim Baluchistan or your Tribal areas. This funding is due to your Terrorists sent in Kashmir, Mumbai etc. You stop your terrorists, we will stop our funding. And still there is no proof of Indian hand behind TTP at least. Whereas Paksitan involvement with LeT type terrorists group is well established fact with proofs.

TTP and BLA are your own sell out people.
:lol: So know we should believe LeT, JKLF, Jamaat etc.

Will you believe TTP saying that the terrorist killed by PA was innocent ?

Good to know that all these people are speaking about this issue. Indians were not focused on what was being spread in Kashmir by these militants. Time for more strict action against these so called groups which are extremists and militants.

As for LeT vowing revenge, Pakistan will be painted all across the world by Indian media. They are more counter productive to Paksitan than Pakistan think.

There were other groups in there other than terrorists. Another one by Civil Liberties:

‘Afzal Guru a victim of Indian agencies’
Submitted by admin on 9 February 2013 - 8:39pm

Indian Muslim

By TCN News

Hyderabad: “The attitude of Government of India towards Afzal Guru reflects how the state behaves with Kashmiri people. Afzal Guru became the target of Indian state because he was a Muslim and belonged to Kashmir valley,” said Lateef Mohammad Khan, General Secretary of Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee (CLMC).

A statement issued by CLMC said that “Afzal Guru was an innocent person and became the victim of Indian agencies.” They also pointed out that mystery of the Parliament attack is still not solved as the identities of those who attacked the Parliament are not known.

“There is no clear evidence that he was involved in the attack on Parliament except that he was a Kashmiri and a Muslim,”
argued CLMC.

Civil Liberties further argued that Judgments cannot be delivered on the basis of ‘collective conscience’ and on the basis of ‘faith of the majority community,’ referring to the Supreme Court’s judgment that “collective conscience of the society will only be satisfied if the capital punishment is awarded to the offender" while awarding death sentence to Afzal Guru.

“If at all the judgments are delivered on the basis of such things, then there is no meaning of Judiciary and the judicial procedure system will collapse completely,” commented CLMC.

CLMC also saw “political game” behind the hanging as it seems that Congress is trying to capture Hindutva votes as a similar attempt was made by Congress by opening of locks of Babri Masjid and allowing shilanyas of Ram Mandir to take place to appease Hindutva voters.

“Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee express solidarity with the family of Afzal Guru and also with the people of Kashmir, and their just demand of right self determination.’



How many more innocents are going to die till the Indians keep saying no, no... :no:
Wake up to the differential treatment of Muslim and Hindu. I don't remember Modi being hanged.

Its not a pyjama... its human rights we are talking about. :bunny:

Yes now I posted like 15 sources on the case since the first day. The problem here is no one wants to believe it.

Just search for a video where this Guru admitting his crime in an interview.

Please don't tell he is Amar Singh after the video. The same is posted two days ago in PDF too.
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@haviZsultan Stop your age old rants of Modi and all. 15 people killed in your Karachi yesterday. 100+ Shias killed in January month. Countless dying everyday. Your own security forces blamed for Human Rights Violation by Amnesty International .

As for Kashmiris. LeT killed two girls at point blank range just because they used to laugh and chat on mobile. Is this human right ?

These fking terrorists of your are killing innocent Kashmiris.

You are headache of entire region. Wherever a terrorist is caught, there is a link with Pakistan. London bombing, 26/11, Time Square attempt etc., all came from Pakistan or went to Pakistan for training in your terrorist camps.

UN declared terrorists like HS lives freely in your society.

You can't protect your own citizens, your own Muslims and you talk about India.

First look at your own country. Its getting beaten up everyday and you are still talking of Kashmir.

Get your act together. TTP, BLA is just a start. Don't know what will happen after 2014. Get rid of these terrorists for your own sake.

As for your sources, it explains a lot about what type of Journalist you are. Quoting no trusted sources, terrorists interview etc. doesn't mean you have given good source.

Look at Muslims killed in your country first.

And your Judiciary is a joke.

You are just part of problem of Pakistan. Instead of highlighting your own country's problem you are worried about Indians.

40,000 innocent killed in Pakistan, how many you need to focus on your own problem ?
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Pakistan should be limited only to those people who are withing their side of LOC. Afzal was Indian.

He was Kashmiri

If he were indian then why would the locals be celebrating? Wouldn't APHC boycott any meeting with people inside Pakistan (senators, religious leaders, ISI guys, COAS, or even HS (whom you people have helped turn into a celebrity)

Does it make sense?
@Abu Zolfiqar He was found guilty by Supreme Court. Indian citizen attacked and killed Indians. None of Pakistan's business.

You take care of your own first. One terrorist from Kashmir hanged by India, 15 innocent killed in Karachi. What should be your priority ? You decide.
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Just search for a video where this Guru admitting his crime in an interview.

Please don't tell he is Amar Singh after the video. The same is posted two days ago in PDF too.

1) YT isn't working here
2) There is a confession before he surrendered arms. Do you know his history? I can explain it but you guys don't have mindset to believe. I worked for sufferers witness. I was for Pakistan wing but had extensive contact with India wing. They have a file on Afzal Guru.

Concludes with this.

The proof against Afzal Guru is inconclusive at best and a great number of the witnesses are agency snitches he had almost no contact with whatsoever.
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