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Gunmen who carried out India's Punjab attack were Muslim: police

stop reading Indian newspapers they are highly biased. It is not just Hindu groups but muslim groups and christian missionaries try to convert Hindus too.. Zakir naik openly calls hinduism/christianity/sikhism/budhism as a false religion a in his tv channel and in his speeches and asks to convert people to islam saying that non-muslims will go to hell.

The moment UPA-2 was elected sonia gandhi ( originally Antonia Edvige Albina Maino) opened flood gates to chrisitian missionaries to convery hindus and sikhs. we are over flooded missionaries and large amount of innocent villagers and tribals got converted to christianity in last 10 yrs. and yeah a pastor gets a fee paid for converting a hindu/sikh in to christianity. even after being a 88% hindu state we elected a christian to be our C.M and his son-in-law, a pastor involved in converting a large number of hindus to christianity, they even had guts to embezzle hindu temple lands and hindu temple properties after which he died a horrible death in a helicopter, so horrible that his body parts couldn't be found.
if you want to see real luring go through these videos..

the son-in law of my ex cm show power of jesus by stopping rain :rofl::rofl:


lol there were posters all around my city saying that by converting and praying to jesus one can heal even cancer and aids..

Do you even know the start of the riots ?? In a muslim majority town a muslim mob went on to burn hindu pilgrims travelling in a train alive while they were sleeping. of the 54 killed more than 40 were women and children. these bastards were no less than those in ISIS. what did they expect hindu reaction to be ?? had it been a minority burning muslim pilgrims returning from haj in a muslim country, what would the fate of minorities be in those countries ??

what was the last time shiv sena won a majority, it is a regional party and couldn't win a majority in its own state ?? at least I couldn't remember. when a national party like Indian national congress appeases minorities with stupid subsidies( a muslim will avail subsidy for travel to haj, muslim mommins and mullahs will be paid by state govt. while no such salaries paid to hindu pujaris e.t.c e.t.c ) and regional parties like mim, muslim league there will be polarisation where majority feels alienated and moves to radical parties. the whole world is turning radical, U.K is a prime example for it.

I hope you enjoyed your stay here. :-)

mr. kalam was the most respected personality in India, giving him a religious colour would be only insulting him. he was interested in carnatic music and reads gita. something the so called pious muslims of India hate him for.
i prefer to read papers from many countries to get many points of views. this prevents me being one sided. i agree many religions are converting people from other religions but the conversion rate from one religion to hinduism is much greater than other religious conversions.

i did read upon the riots that happened. i agree with whats said,but more should have been done prevent killingon both sides. i read reports that police ignored some calls there. but thats what i heard dont quote me on it.

i am not in to indian politics as im not indian, but when i read indian papers saying they (shiv sena) want to nuke pakistan and throw out muslims out of india and want to stop the slaughtering of cows, i find they comments very rash and disturbing. i am more into british politics and like the majority conservative government i have here.

where did i enjoy my stay?

i liked mr kalam and i could not care less what others thought of him.
i prefer to read papers from many countries to get many points of views. this prevents me being one sided. i agree many religions are converting people from other religions but the conversion rate from one religion to hinduism is much greater than other religious conversions.

i did read upon the riots that happened. i agree with whats said,but more should have been done prevent killingon both sides. i read reports that police ignored some calls there. but thats what i heard dont quote me on it.

i am not in to indian politics as im not indian, but when i read indian papers saying they (shiv sena) want to nuke pakistan and throw out muslims out of india and want to stop the slaughtering of cows, i find they comments very rash and disturbing. i am more into british politics and like the majority conservative government i have here.

where did i enjoy my stay?

i liked mr kalam and i could not care less what others thought of him.
thats early i nod of at 4 am

im 35 and married my wife is english (white) you racist bast*ard hindus and sikhs are just as bad

you cant keep your di*k in your pants when you see a girl
Your verbatim reveals it. Please change your flag.
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