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Gunmen kill retired general in Rawalpindi shooting

For some one who has a very high opinion of the General you donot hesitate to question / rubbish the letter he wrote but try your best to divert the attention to the journalist instead. The point that he trusted a foreign journalist instead of any Pakistani should make you introspect.


Since I have not seen any letter and knowing the General and his friends maybe he wrote it maybe he did not, who knows? You speak very authentically on the issue as if you personally are involved in the publication of this so-called letter. The General was an emotional man too and sometimes we do things in emotions which we do not necessarily mean.

I asked a question in my post? Do not give me bullshit instead just because you are incapable of answering it. And drop your Pope attitude as your so called journalists are as corrupt and purchasable commodities as in the rest of the world. Enough said!
Since I have not seen any letter and knowing the General and his friends maybe he wrote it maybe he did not, who knows? You speak very authentically on the issue as if you personally are involved in the publication of this so-called letter. The General was an emotional man too and sometimes we do things in emotions which we do not necessarily mean.

I asked a question in my post? Do not give me bullshit instead just because you are incapable of answering it. And drop your Pope attitude as your so called journalists are as corrupt and purchasable commodities as in the rest of the world. Enough said!

If she had released it earliar you would have said its to ensure the drone attacks continued, if she had done it later you would have said its to spoil the IMF loan ?

Has it crossed your mind that if a tough Commando like him wrote a letter it must not have been for the fear of his life but for something which he thought was as bad as treason ?

Then also think why he trusted a foreign journalist ? Is the rot so deep in Pakistan ?

If she had released it earliar you would have said its to ensure the drone attacks continued, if she had done it later you would have said its to spoil the IMF loan ?

Has it crossed your mind that if a tough Commando like him wrote a letter it must not have been for the fear of his life but for something which he thought was as bad as treason ?

Then also think why he trusted a foreign journalist ? Is the rot so deep in Pakistan ?


Has it crossed your limited brain scope that this British journalist chick (whom no one in Pakistan has ever heard off) is creating controversy to sell her book and trying to make money out of the death of a good man? Happens all the time.

Alavi never had any local contacts or relationship with Pakistani journalists by virtue of his job! Maybe this British journalist chick dated him when he was young? who knows? what's the difference?

As I said, please avoid the smelly bullshit and holier-then-thou attitude in your posts and maybe you will be given some attention.
Now the UK newspaper's report sounds a bit far fetched as for the simple reason that why did this lady wait for so long before coming out in the open about this damning letter? Why did she not immediately had the report published 1 or 2 days after the Alavi's death? What was she waiting for?

The answer to your question EPOOL is already on the thread. She published it as soon as she got out of the country after the killing. She describes where she was in the article which was with the Pakistan Army, so your suggestion no-one knows who she is is rubbish. If she had attempted to publish the letter while she was still in the country and they had found out she had it, with the two generals names on it, she would also have been dead.

It is not the timing of the publication of the letter but your reaction to the article by a friend of the man you claim as a friend which is highly suspect, calling her a chick and suggesting perhaps they dated when she was young is highly disrespectful and it seems to me is against the rules of the forum, certainly as I read them. Please show respect.
For some one who has a very high opinion of the General you donot hesitate to question / rubbish the letter he wrote but try your best to divert the attention to the journalist instead. The point that he trusted a foreign journalist instead of any Pakistani should make you introspect.


The story about the General was posted on PDF on day one and we had a poster who knew the General in & out. He too was very negative when Pakistani newspapers mentioned that Gen. Alavi's anger towards Gen. Musharaff. According to that poster too it was clear that both Gen. Alavi & Gen. Musharaff respected each other at the best level & such type of statements are only written by petty writers who don't know heck about reality of the workings of Pakistani army / especially the GHQ.

& mind you we have many people in the Army who do not agree with Gen. Musharaff & other Generals .. but why have we done target killing of our own Generals !

Why you forgot that Gen. Musharaff had removed his own VCOAS at the start of the Afghan suppor to USA ! Why was he not killed ? There were many who were removed but they were never killed ! Heck we have been waiting to get killed BB & NS ! But alas Gen. Musharaff never acted like a dictator .. Had he acted like a dictator .. I am sure he would have been atleast more popular by 20% more by the Pakistani population !
Has it crossed your limited brain scope that this British journalist chick (whom no one in Pakistan has ever heard off) is creating controversy to sell her book and trying to make money out of the death of a good man? Happens all the time.

Alavi never had any local contacts or relationship with Pakistani journalists by virtue of his job! Maybe this British journalist chick dated him when he was young? who knows? what's the difference?

As I said, please avoid the smelly bullshit and holier-then-thou attitude in your posts and maybe you will be given some attention.

Yes its crossed my mind that the BRITISH CHIC SEDUCED ur toughest General and then got him killed so she could smuggle out a letter and sell her book. The book will be a bestseller.

Ha Ha.

Have some sympathy for the dead. His daughter and others who like him are on this forum.

LIsten all of you , you may be older than me but you certainly showed me what the mentality is of Pakistan .
I know my father very well . What ever differences he had with his senior he wont have discussed them outside the military . I know a letter was sent to the Chief but even i dont know what he wrote except to ask for his IMtiaz .
I am really disgusted by some of the peoples mentality no offence using words like chic and dating her when she was young . For Gods sake my father was killed and there is no relationship between them . I have met Carey who is writing a book ON the pakistan army but i dont know if he gave her letter or not . He didnot give me or my mother any kind of letter .
MY father was very loyal to the army . He was offered you name it you get it money from the politicians who wanted him to go on National Tv and speak against the military , he declined .
I dont know what really is the truth and i wont rest till i find out , but to rule in or rule out anything is insane.
MY father is dead just because of that dont point fingers at him . I am still alive ask me questions before making dumb assumptions before attacking my father .

My father was an extremely brave man there isnt one general like him now in this army . I dont say this because i am his daughter i say because it really is the army .

If you want answers ask me before atacking him
Mr always neutral i dont think saying she seduced him and then got him killed is showing respect to the dead
Speculation: As an ex-SSG head, your father may have had intimate knowledge of some of the training undertaken by the alleged Pakistanis who perpetrated the Mumbai Massacre; such forces normally would not be used in a terrorist attack, but as part of a larger campaign in case of a war with India. As someone who could not be bought, his honesty might have been considered a threat: who could tell what would he say if questioned?
Mr always neutral i dont think saying she seduced him and then got him killed is showing respect to the dead

Dear Madam,

It was sarcasm at its best at the poster who said she was his white chic. I have the highest respect for the dead as they cannot defend themselves.

You may wish to check my previous post on your dead when I did not even know about the existence of this letter or the chic.

I hope you find the truth and also expose it.

Gen Alavi was killed on the 19th November. This has nothing to do with Mumbai. Carey Schofield's article was very clear, the general believed he would be killed because of what he had offered to say at an inquiry. Don't drag Mumbai into this.
the letter was written and it is real .Its with the army too

I quite agree with rangerssg but may I know were you were when your father passed away (may Allah reward him heaven) and please don't mind my early comments I was just looking at things from another angle
Stupidity should not be rewarded by sympathies, especially when that stupidity so harmful for our country. Either way Mehsud and his gang and his allies are NOT the sort that can be reconciled with. They are anathema to Pakistan. And Mehsud is the context of this debate and that of General Alvi’s stand, so choose your side carefully.

Enough of this ego centric nonsense of yours!

First we don't offer any opportunity to our fellow country man to improve their lives then we let Taliban get control of their areas finally we kill all of them.

This is utter gargbage.

Majority of Pakistanis think that Taliban are right otherwise Musharraf would have won the election. Majority still thinks that Lal Masjid operation shouldn't have happened.

This time is to reconcile with all factions with exception to that of Mehsud etc.
Speculation: As an ex-SSG head, your father may have had intimate knowledge of some of the training undertaken by the alleged Pakistanis who perpetrated the Mumbai Massacre; such forces normally would not be used in a terrorist attack, but as part of a larger campaign in case of a war with India. As someone who could not be bought, his honesty might have been considered a threat: who could tell what would he say if questioned?

Please lay of the BS speculation of trying to tie in the SSG and Gen. Alvi to the Mumbai attacks.

Too many thread have been hijacked with this kind of nonsense.
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