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Gunmen kill retired general in Rawalpindi shooting

Although i certainly won't comment on who is right or wrong in such instances but i do feel that this is something that might be boiling up from quite some time but i am suspicious of the timing immediately after the PAF proved its readiness to the world
Yup you're right. The timing was odd, just when people were starting to feel loyality towards our armed forces because of India's threats and all, this turns up. Exactly what we needed, more reason for people to think the Army and the government have things under control...
I seriously think that if any such information that rangerssg claims she has was kept secret she should have come out with it immediately I emphasize the timing is too suspicious
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Expelled by Mush, late Gen Alavi wanted to expose Taliban friends
Monday, December 15, 2008

LONDON: As if the Mumbai attacks last month were not headache enough for the Pakistan Government and its military, a British Sunday paper has claimed that Major-General (R) Faisal Alavi, a former head of Pakistan’s special forces knew he would be killed by his own comrades because he “threatened to expose Pakistani generals who made deals with Taliban militants”.

Writing in a damning report for the daily, Carey Schofield, a British author said that Faisal Alavi was murdered last month after he threatened to “furnish all relevant proof” about the two Pakistan army generals, in a letter to a senior most general of the army. The letter can be seen on the newspaper’s website but the names of the concerned generals have been blackened to conceal the identity. The author claimed that the deceased general had given her a copy of the letter once he was sure that the military leadership was not going to respond positively to it. “Aware that he was risking his life, he gave a copy to me and asked me to publish it if he was killed,” the author wrote. She said that Alavi told her in their last meeting at an Islamabad restaurant that his letter was a waste and he feared for his life. “It hasn’t worked,” he said. “They’ll shoot me.” He was killed within four days of the meeting when he was driving through Islamabad, the report said.

Ms Schofield, whose book on the Pakistan Army is due next year, said that Alavi - the brother-in-law of VS Naipaul, the British novelist and Nobel laureate - believed his sacking from the army for “conduct unbecoming” was a “mischievous and deceitful plot” and his letter was a final attempt to have his honour restored.

“Alavi believed he had been forced out because he was openly critical of deals that senior generals had done with the Taliban. He disparaged them for their failure to fight the war on terror wholeheartedly and for allowing Taliban forces based in Pakistan to operate with impunity against the British and other Nato troops across the border in Afghanistan,” the report said. “The entire purpose of this plot by these general officers was to hide their own involvement in a matter they knew I was privy to,” he wrote in the letter. He wanted an inquiry, at which “I will furnish all relevant proof/information, which is readily available with me”.

It's all non-sense ill intented engineered goof ups under new media campaign, against Pakistan :angry:
The timing has nothing to do with anything other than the reporter Carey Schofield coming out of Pakistan and being able to publish it safely
No i mean you still cant be sure this is what happned . they are other aspects too . Its very easy to advice people what to do it is very hard ot be in their shoes . NOthing has been proved yet . NO one can just start pointing fingers at some one just because of some hunch
Alot of people knew about the letter . But you just cant point fingers because of one thing . Every one is innocent ulss proven guilty.
I am not sure about my familys safety but i have requested security for them . DOnt know how that goes
I wasnt aware that someone had a copy of that letter . Neither do i have any knowledge of this Taliban issue . mY father never discussed such official matters with us
Maj Gen (r) Faisal Alavi was one of a rare breed of Commando's who was first to jump into the fire then to ask his team to do so. Under his command the SOTF grew by leaps and bounds in both operational and strategic aspects. He was a maverick, hard nut and spoke the truth no matter what. I had the honor to meet him at an occasion and developed respect for him in the same manner his men had the respect for him. He was a liberal and very professional. His removal from the Army came because he had a nick with the then VCGS on the simple matter. The VCGS took this matter to Mush and gave him the choice of either him or Alavi. Keeping in view Military traditions & customs in chain-of-command, Mush asked Alavi to resign which he did. Mush also liked Alavi very much as they both shared the same views in life.

Now the UK newspaper's report sounds a bit far fetched as for the simple reason that why did this lady wait for so long before coming out in the open about this damning letter? Why did she not immediately had the report published 1 or 2 days after the Alavi's death? What was she waiting for? the Mumbai attacks to further pressure Pakistan into submission? I think that Pakistan Government/ Military Intelligence (since a dead General is involved) should investigate this matter to check the validity of this dubious claim to put this controversy to rest once and for all.
Maj Gen (r) Faisal Alavi was one of a rare breed of Commando's who was first to jump into the fire then to ask his team to do so. Under his command the SOTF grew by leaps and bounds in both operational and strategic aspects. He was a maverick, hard nut and spoke the truth no matter what. I had the honor to meet him at an occasion and developed respect for him in the same manner his men had the respect for him. He was a liberal and very professional. His removal from the Army came because he had a nick with the then VCGS on the simple matter. The VCGS took this matter to Mush and gave him the choice of either him or Alavi. Keeping in view Military traditions & customs in chain-of-command, Mush asked Alavi to resign which he did. Mush also liked Alavi very much as they both shared the same views in life.

Now the UK newspaper's report sounds a bit far fetched as for the simple reason that why did this lady wait for so long before coming out in the open about this damning letter? Why did she not immediately had the report published 1 or 2 days after the Alavi's death? What was she waiting for? the Mumbai attacks to further pressure Pakistan into submission? I think that Pakistan Government/ Military Intelligence (since a dead General is involved) should investigate this matter to check the validity of this dubious claim to put this controversy to rest once and for all.

For some one who has a very high opinion of the General you donot hesitate to question / rubbish the letter he wrote but try your best to divert the attention to the journalist instead. The point that he trusted a foreign journalist instead of any Pakistani should make you introspect.

For some one who has a very high opinion of the General you donot hesitate to question / rubbish the letter he wrote but try your best to divert the attention to the journalist instead. The point that he trusted a foreign journalist instead of any Pakistani should make you introspect.

Yes, there is a huge possibility that he was silenced by one of his own but he should have also understood that since the code of military is to obey orders, no general can work on his own to offer money to anyone in return of cease fire or truce. It has to come from the very top so Kiani not replying to his letter is understandable as he would have already known what went on...the army of ANY country has its secrets, bright and dark, and leakage of such deals and secrets is not only a crime its mutiny.while this issue should be investigated, this is not one of the DARKEST CHAPTERS of our army, as you smiley might convey it as.. the army is not a school college or Assembly hall.. its protocols are very different and strict..you either live and follow the rules or you die...

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