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Gulf monarchies reject ‘provocative’ Iran talks idea

Keep barking. Your Ahmadinejad has himself uttered many anti-Jewish remarks from calling for the destruction of Israel, calling the Holocaust a lie and much, much more. The conclusion is that it is all barking as always.

Ask a Zionist where he would rather live given the REALITIES on the ground. KSA or Iran. I think all of them would point at Iran. Funny when we have Iranis here claiming that some Arab countries are Israeli allies despite Israeli nationals not being welcome in KSA while Iran has a significant Jewish population that is left unharmed.

I am not sure that any Jews would welcome the destruction of Israel and ultimately the majority of the world's Jewish population. I am afraid that I can't help you further if you can't spot your regimes barking and hypocrisy yet.

Oh, and when are you going to attack Israel? Was it not merely a few weeks ago that your regime said that Israel would be destroyed if they attacked Iran? Or is that the usual Iranian barking?
We should stick our noses in every Arab country. Let them be bütthirt, while they can't do a thing in Iran.
Wow, just wow.
Shame on me for wasting my time arguing with you.It's a damn shame.
We should stick our noses in every Arab country. Let them be bütthirt, while they can't do a thing in Iran.

HAHA. Your own country is a failed state and a artificial country made up of mostly non-Persians and non-Persian land. Persians are a minority and you have never ruled Iran in the last 1400 years. We Arabs dealt with you a long time ago. In fact 1400 years ago. Since then you have been ruled by Arabs and Turkic people (Azeris mostly). Still crying about this to this very day.

A tiny little country (compared to just the Arab world) have no chance against the Arab world let alone the Sunni Muslim world. Remember that you Iranians and Shias are a tiny minority. All you can do is barking.

But keep trying to do what you regime is doing in the Arab world right now. Trust me it will backfire and when it does you would have wished for a different approach.
HAHA. Your own country is a failed state and a artificial country made up of mostly non-Persians. Persians are a minority and you have never ruled Iran in the last 1400 years. We Arabs dealt with you a long time ago. In fact 1400 years ago. Since then you have been ruled by Arabs and Turkic people (Azeris mostly).

A tiny little country have no chance against the Arab world let alone the Sunni Muslim world. Remember that you Iranians and Shias are a tiny minority. All you can do is barking.

Iran is the most stable country in the M-E. 60% are Persians, and the rest are Iranic by origin, just like the Kurds, Mazandaranis, Balochis, Bakthiaris, etc. The only real non-Iranic group are those Arabs, who have showed their loyalty in the Iran-Iraq war. Know what you are talking about.

But you should be worried, because there will come a day that we will support Shias in your country, and take all those oil in those areas. Mark my words. We are active in Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrein, Gaza, Syria, KSA, Iraq, etc, while you can't do a thing in Iran. We owe you guys scientifically, strategically and intellectually. We always have.
Haha, this guy is funny. I am sure the Kurds who fight the Iranian regime and the Baluch have much love left for the Central Asians (Persians).

Azeris who form 25-33 % percent of your population are Turkic. Try again.

Yes, sure. Until know they can't even harm a mouse much like you Iranians who were conquered and totally annihilated by Arabs long time ago. You never been the same and never will be. Now your country is even ruled by them and you jump to their defense. Can it even become more humiliating? I don't think so.

Yes, sure you are. That's why you are a failed state.

About your foreign involvement. It only accounts for tiny little Bahrain (LOL of 1 million people) and Iraq. The only 2 out of the 4 majority Shia states in the whole world the other two being Iran and Azerbaijan. Good luck fighting 1.3 billion Sunnis and 300 million Sunni Arabs.

We can all witness the humiliating losses of your sect in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bahrain. Even in a majority Shia country like Iraq you can't defeat the Sunnis who always ruled the country and never will submit and will continue to oppose Iranian interference. Same as in Pakistan and Afghanistan although Shias only form a tiny minority in both.

So all I can say is good luck. You will definitely need it.

Anyway I would worry about the Jews (oh, they are Semitic people as well so quick run away) and the Americans/Nato because they might attack your country anytime and topple your government. And when that happens your ideological/religious propaganda/support will end in that very same second.

So the most you can hope for is being a satellite state of the West like under the Shah. And if under Western influence you will have to give up lands to the Baluch, Kurds, probably Azeris and all the other minorities who don't consider them Persian and who oppose the regime.

On the other hand I think we can deal with 1.5 million Shia's in one province who don't control anything. Let alone have any movement of splitting from the country or any militias.
Iran is the most stable country in the M-E. 60% are Persians, and the rest are Iranic by origin, just like the Kurds, Mazandaranis, Balochis, Bakthiaris, etc. The only real non-Iranic group are those Arabs, who have showed their loyalty in the Iran-Iraq war. Know what you are talking about.

But you should be worried, because there will come a day that we will support Shias in your country, and take all those oil in those areas. Mark my words. We are active in Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrein, Gaza, Syria, KSA, Iraq, etc, while you can't do a thing in Iran. We owe you guys scientifically, strategically and intellectually. We always have.

Thanks for showing the world your true colors Persian, now we know who support terrorists world wild.
Haha, this guy is funny. I am sure the Kurds who fight the Iranian regime and the Baluch have much love left for the Central Asians (Persians).

Azeris who form 25-33 % percent of your population are Turkic. Try again.

Yes, sure. Until know they can't even harm a mouse much like you Iranians who were conquered and totally annihilated by Arabs long time ago. You never been the same and never will be. Now your country is even ruled by them and you jump to their defense. Can it even become more humiliating? I don't think so.

Yes, sure you are. That's why you are a failed state.

About your foreign involvement. It only accounts for tiny little Bahrain (LOL of 1 million people) and Iraq. The only 2 out of the 4 majority Shia states in the whole world the other two being Iran and Azerbaijan. Good luck fighting 1.3 billion Sunnis and 300 million Sunni Arabs.

We can all witness the humiliating losses of your sect in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bahrain. Even in a majority Shia country like Iraq you can't defeat the Sunnis who always ruled the country and never will submit and will continue to oppose Iranian interference. Same as in Pakistan and Afghanistan although Shias only form a tiny minority in both.

So all I can say is good luck. You will definitely need it.

Anyway I would worry about the Jews (oh, they are Semitic people as well so quick run away) and the Americans/Nato because they might attack your country anytime and topple your government. And when that happens your ideological/religious propaganda/support will end in that very same second.

So the most you can hope for is being a satellite state of the West like under the Shah. And if under Western influence you will have to give up lands to the Baluch, Kurds, probably Azeris and all the other minorities who don't consider them Persian and who oppose the regime.

On the other hand I think we can deal with 1.5 million Shia's in one province who don't control anything. Let alone have any movement of splitting from the country or any militias.

I used to be exactly like you, sentimental and very angry at Iranian malicious acts in Syria and Bahrain after Iraq and Yemen. I couldn't stand seeing an Iranian at the time, I used to be ruthless and aggressive with anyone in my way. But later, realized that they just people whom are the only victims of their regime policy, they can't but defend their country anyway. I mean, you can't expect them to agree with you when you belittle their sect, race or country. Look at Iranians nowadays, most can't afford food and striving to proceed with their lives and have nothing whatsoever to do with their regime. Any normal human being couldn't enjoy seeing that. The same thing goes with Shia, although there are Shia terrorists who involved in killing Sunni Muslims in Iraq, but Qaeda and their likes weren't saints either. They are not the ones to blame but rather the Iranian regime who is using them, and guess what? We are greatly helping this regime by keeping criminalizing and isolating them until they have no one to resort to but Iran. We can't finish them and they neither, we should fix this mistrust among us as much as we can, we lived together for centuries with peace and we used to befriend and marry them and vice versa, ten years ago we didn't know what the word Shia means..

Just take a look at this FB page, people don't give a phuck of what is going on in the region, would you like seeing them starve and getting killed? I don't think so.


I checked this page to check if Iranians look like this or not::lol:


But rather found lovely people.
The reality is my friend that most Persians (remember that Iranians are just a nationality 40 percent of the Iranians are non-Persians and I have no problems with them since they do not conspire against us or meddle in our affairs) will always be against us Arabs for simply being Arabs. I don't think I need to mention why that is or the historical context. Quite frankly I don't trust them and I know that most Arabs don't either. NONE of the Persians here have given me a different view rather the opposite. Just notice this forum. You have all Iranians. Local ones and those born and breed in foreign lands. None is different when it comes to their attitudes towards Arabs.

If they did not meddle in the Arab world I would have no need to counter them. We either can look back silently and accept what they are doing in our region or fight them. Whether in words or actions.

The sect part is not suitable for this forum but all I can say is that I don't approve of them coursing the best of men (Sahaba, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Caliphs, the fitna they are guilty of and much else. As I said this is not for this forum.

Personally I don't need their friendship or alliance nor do the Arab world. We have been advancing in all Arab countries since 1979 and not even once did we need the friendship of them. They never wanted Arab friendship anyway since they always held grudges against us despite the fact that the Arab conquest gave them Islam which again enabled them to flourish. If they want honest cooperation then fine I will not object but neither if the opposite will be the case. Because forcing anything never worked out. Just as we Muslims are not taught to force non-Muslims to Islam.

How can we trust/support a regime that is working against us and stirring trouble in our lands and trying to divide us?

Let us try - all or at least the Sunni Arab countries that make up 90 percent of the Arab League to sit down and all agree on interfering in Iran and conspiring against it.

I suggest we start supporting all the minorities. Azeris, Kurds, Baluch, Turkmen, Arabs etc. Let us support militias in each region and aim for their independence. Let's see if we will be met with friendship. In fact it says a lot about us that we are not doing it despite being able to do so.
I used to be exactly like you, sentimental and very angry at Iranian malicious acts in Syria and Bahrain after Iraq and Yemen. I couldn't stand seeing an Iranian at the time, I used to be ruthless and aggressive with anyone in my way. But later, realized that they just people whom are the only victims of their regime policy, they can't but defend their country anyway. I mean, you can't expect them to agree with you when you belittle their sect, race or country. Look at Iranians nowadays, most can't afford food and striving to proceed with their lives and have nothing whatsoever to do with their regime. Any normal human being couldn't enjoy seeing that. The same thing goes with Shia, although there are Shia terrorists who involved in killing Sunni Muslims in Iraq, but Qaeda and their likes weren't saints either. They are not the ones to blame but rather the Iranian regime who is using them, and guess what? We are greatly helping this regime by keeping criminalizing and isolating them until they have no one to resort to but Iran. We can't finish them and they neither, we should fix this mistrust among us as much as we can, we lived together for centuries with peace and we used to befriend and marry them and vice versa, ten years ago we didn't know what the word Shia means..

Just take a look at this FB page, people don't give a phuck of what is going on in the region, would you like seeing them starve and getting killed? I don't think so.


I checked this page to check if Iranians look like this or not::lol:


But rather found lovely people.

Thank you sir, it's been a heck of long time that I've not guffawed that much. please don't play God,
I swear to God if you guys take your fight here I will start banning Immediately.
Real Jews and religious Jews have no problems with Arabs rather the opposite they openly stress the common ties that transcend a common heritage, common religious ties that go back to Prophet Ibrahim (as) and obviously a common history and presence in both lands.

In terms of the language, large parts of the culture (the real Israelis/Jews not those Ashkenazi Jews who are largely not of Jewish origin but ancient converts. We have been neighbors since ancient times.

Being Jewish and believing in Judaism goes hand in hand. Judaism is not a missionary religion and nearly 99 % of all Jews in the Middle East are Sephardic Jews. Meaning non-locals...

Real Jews and religious Jews have no problems with Arabs rather the opposite they openly stress the common ties that transcend a common heritage, common religious ties that go back to Prophet Ibrahim (as) and obviously a common history and presence in both lands.

Our problem is the Zionism and it's supporters. Other than that I have no problems with Jews (the real ones) and I doubt that many Arabs have. Certainly we had no problems between the two people before the Europeans created Israel...Testimonies from both groups can be found and they confirm it as well.

Your regime has been doing it openly so stop lying. You regime has accused some Arab countries of being their allies despite that all you do is barking and leaving the Jews alone in Iran despite saying that they are all Zionists and enemies.

Nobody likes sect members who create fitna.

It seems you have a problem with roughly 99% of jews then.
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