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toba the most conjuse bas ards ppl are Gujarati.
I met many Gujarati in the state. Seemingly they are nice and all about making money but I’m seriously having doubts about these people. They are turning out to be Muslims hate thugs.
Mahatma Gandhi,Mohammed Ali Jinnah,Sardar Vallabhai Patel,Amit Shah and Narendra Modi...the people who influenced greatly the modern history of sub continent...All are gujratis...what a coincidence!

Zarik Naik???
Mahatma Gandhi,Mohammed Ali Jinnah,Sardar Vallabhai Patel,Amit Shah and Narendra Modi...the people who influenced greatly the modern history of sub continent...All are gujratis...what a coincidence!

None of them compare to Himesh Reshamiyya------>the Greatest Gujarati of them all

I'm Muslim , and Pakistan is came in map only in the name of Allah , if Quiad e Azam called for vote in name of Gujarati, no Muslim vote for it. Pakistan ideology diffuse all those tribes pride and join as a one nation Muslim to formed new country Pakistan . Inf front of Allah there are two nation , believers and non- believers , and we choose the path of believers.
If you have a pride of Gujarati then Modi is welcoming everyone under CAB bill to become Indian citizen.

Pakistan came into being because of the struggle by the Bengalis.

Gujaratis, Sindis and Punjabis are just side show.
Pakistan came into being because of the struggle by the Bengalis.

Gujaratis, Sindis and Punjabis are just side show.
The elite of West Pakistan was not able to understand the real situation in East Pakistan and they absolutely failed to tackle it. In spite of all these mistakes by the government, the involvement of the foreign hand in the separation of East Pakistan is a solid reality. Those who cry today upon the cross-border terrorism in Kashmir (in spite of the fact that there is no international border in Kashmir) have totally forgotten the hands and faces behind the Muktibahini. The way the Bangla youth was brainwashed by Hindu teachers and scholars is an open secret. The fact is that not much literature was available in the Bangla language about Islam, neither any translation of Iqbal nor of Moududi. On the other hand Robinder Nath Tegore and Chander Mukr Ji were very popular. Hindus are terrorist nations and their activity international team just exposed how New Zeland, US, and EU terror attackers linked up and RSS brainwashed them. Now you are here putting the seeds of nationalism on this forum . shame on you.
The elite of West Pakistan was not able to understand the real situation in East Pakistan and they absolutely failed to tackle it. In spite of all these mistakes by the government, the involvement of the foreign hand in the separation of East Pakistan is a solid reality. Those who cry today upon the cross-border terrorism in Kashmir (in spite of the fact that there is no international border in Kashmir) have totally forgotten the hands and faces behind the Muktibahini. The way the Bangla youth was brainwashed by Hindu teachers and scholars is an open secret. The fact is that not much literature was available in the Bangla language about Islam, neither any translation of Iqbal nor of Moududi. On the other hand Robinder Nath Tegore and Chander Mukr Ji were very popular. Hindus are terrorist nations and their activity international team just exposed how New Zeland, US, and EU terror attackers linked up and RSS brainwashed them. Now you are here putting the seeds of nationalism on this forum . shame on you.

I was alluding to 1947 not 1971.
I was alluding to 1947 not 1971.
It should be understood that the creation of Pakistan was not the result of an accident or struggle of particular Bengali efforts but it had a meaning. The meaning of Pakistan was not to have a separate homeland for the Muslims of Indo-Pakistan to have a better living; it was not to have industries or nuclear capability.
The significance of the creation of the fortress of Islam was to give the Muslims of the Sub-Continent in particular and the Muslims of the world in general an idea of brotherhood. A brotherhood based on irrespective of color or creed. Pakistan wanted to have Unity among the Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia and to create a sense of spiritual vision that could be left and understand beyond this materialistic world in which man is fighting with a man. The Muslim brotherhood has disagreements and the world is dominated by imperial powers and destined according to their wishes.
It should be understood that the creation of Pakistan was not the result of an accident or struggle of particular Bengali efforts but it had a meaning. The meaning of Pakistan was not to have a separate homeland for the Muslims of Indo-Pakistan to have a better living; it was not to have industries or nuclear capability.
The significance of the creation of the fortress of Islam was to give the Muslims of the Sub-Continent in particular and the Muslims of the world in general an idea of brotherhood. A brotherhood based on irrespective of color or creed. Pakistan wanted to have Unity among the Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia and to create a sense of spiritual vision that could be left and understand beyond this materialistic world in which man is fighting with a man. The Muslim brotherhood has disagreements and the world is dominated by imperial powers and destined according to their wishes.

My point was that Jinnah primarily got support from the Muslims of the East Pakistan for the creation of Pakistan rather than the Muslims of the West Pakistan. Punjabhis and Sindhis just jumped in at the end after all the hard work was done by the Muslims of UP & Bengal.
That is like saying India came about because of greed of London traders and British soldiers.

Well it was the efforts of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan through Aligarh and Urdu language movements of 1867 that gave birth to the idea of Pakistan. Punjabhis did not jump into the Pakistani ship until 1946 elections.
Well it was the efforts of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan through Aligarh and Urdu language movements of 1867 that gave birth to the idea of Pakistan. Punjabhis did not jump into the Pakistani ship until 1946 elections.
That does not detract from the fact that Indian Republic exists thanks to blood of British soldiers and greed of London traders. An I am not Punjabi.

Do you know how what is Pakistan today became part of British India? The dates you need to look at are 1843 and 1849.
That does not detract from the fact that Indian Republic exists thanks to blood of British soldiers and greed of London traders. An I am not Punjabi.

Do you know how what is Pakistan today became part of British India? The dates you need to look at are 1843 and 1849.

I always considered 1857 as the turning point for the British to contemplate in implementing the policies to divide subcontinent Muslims and Hindus.

Please educate me on 1843 and 1849.

An I am not Punjabi.

I have nothing against West Pakistanis. I was only stating some historical facts.
Please educate me on 1843 and 1849.
In 1843 what is now Pakistan was not part of British India. That process of integration of the Indus region with India began in 1843 when British invaded what was then the Emirate of Sindh. At Battle of Miani 1843 Sindhi's werre defeated and Sindh became part of British India. Note the Sindhi's had been made part of Britis India at gunpoint.

In 1849 British turned their attention to the upper region of the Indus valley when they attacked the empire of Sikhs which at that time included Punjab, present day Khyber Pakhtunkwa and Kashmir. After defeating them in 1849 the region that is now Pakistan was made British India. Your contention with regards to 1857 goes against the facts. Why would the spill the blood of their own soldiers and integrate Indus region and then conspire to undo that integration?

The fact is that after having been militarily forced into integration with British India in 1849 the Indus region went it's own way 98 years later in 1947. What was done in 1849 by British was undone in 1947.
In 1843 what is now Pakistan was not part of British India. That process of integration of the Indus region with India began in 1843 when British invaded what was then the Emirate of Sindh. At Battle of Miani 1843 Sindhi's werre defeated and Sindh became part of British India. Note the Sindhi's had been made part of Britis India at gunpoint.

In 1849 British turned their attention to the upper region of the Indus valley when they attacked the empire of Sikhs which at that time included Punjab, present day Khyber Pakhtunkwa and Kashmir. After defeating them in 1849 the region that is now Pakistan was made British India. Your contention with regards to 1857 goes against the facts. Why would the spill the blood of their own soldiers and integrate Indus region and then conspire to undo that integration?

The fact is that after having been militarily forced into integration with British India in 1849 the Indus region went it's own way 98 years later in 1947. What was done in 1849 by British was undone in 1947.
Al beruni who came to india around 11th century wrote a book called al hind..he stayed in present day pakistan and learnt sanskrit there...read hindu puranas and vedas.
He clearly states that people from himalayas to kanyakumari call themselves the people of one land called bharat..he also mentions hindus consider outsiders as impure or mlecchas.
This he was talking after interacting with people of present day pak.
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