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Gujarat does a double! Why can't India under the 'visionary' NaMo.

People who are against brazen, wholesale looting. People who want the poor of the country to get the fruits of development.

Thanks for answering it so nicely, But i would like to add something. People who are not obsessed with Religion and can think beyond it.
Gujurat has grown double...............WHY?

Becausee of Narendra modi,efficient leader...
Vote for BJP....Push Congress to garbage!!!!
Look, who has murdered more people, who has more blood on their hands? - the Congress, by far.

And who is actually lifting poor people out of crushing poverty? That is NaMo, by far.

NaMo has saved tens of thousands of lives of poor cotton farmers of gujrat, but blind communal people can't see it.
But BJP has no presence in Kerala..! It hardly makes any difference. They have increased their vote % in each and every state in the recent elections including kerala.

Also in Kerala Congress and Communists are at eachothers throat on other matters, but when it comes to defeating BJP they help eachother.

One Communist leader ,who was also Muslim , was fired from the party for praising Gujurat model of development. He joined Congress.

A. P. Abdullakutty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
let me say u guys,Only BJP can build this nation better......Support BJP....Spread the news of these scamster congress....
NO congress
No left
No communist
Only BJP

Coz i know wat BJP has done to Bangalore......Any day BJP will win in Karnataka ,this congress stooge baradwaj is trying to bring down BJp,even he is succesful,next election BJP will win...
let me say u guys,Only BJP can build this nation better......Support BJP....Spread the news of these scamster congress....
NO congress
No left
No communist
Only BJP

Coz i know wat BJP has done to Bangalore......Any day BJP will win in Karnataka ,this congress stooge baradwaj is trying to bring down BJp,even he is succesful,next election BJP will win...

that shows how pathetic this congress really is!! trying to bring down a democratically elected government, with help of bunch of thugs called gowdas!! this shows how low this so called grand old party can stoop to bring down a stable govt! i hope they impose presidents rule.. this will only play to BJP's hands! next election.. congress & gowdas can be annihilated!!
that shows how pathetic this congress really is!! trying to bring down a democratically elected government, with help of bunch of thugs called gowdas!! this shows how low this so called grand old party can stoop to bring down a stable govt! i hope they impose presidents rule.. this will only play to BJP's hands! next election.. congress & gowdas can be annihilated!!

These coward congress is trying to bring down BJP in my state....
But has any BJP minister caught in big scams like A.Raja or kanimozhi,Dmk or pritviraj(mh cm)...NO

In my area,i can tell u BJP is making a good progress...

Even if elections happen,BJP will sweep the polls

Coward and Scamster congress
These coward congress is trying to bring down BJP in my state....
But has any BJP minister caught in big scams like A.Raja or kanimozhi,Dmk or pritviraj(mh cm)...NO

In my area,i can tell u BJP is making a good progress...

Even if elections happen,BJP will sweep the polls

Coward and Scamster congress

& congressis paid for their misadventure by making BJP win all those seats in bye election!
Either Narender Modi or Rahul Gandhi should be our next PM.

What credentials does Rahul Gandhi has? His rallies seems to be packed but Congress is not making any progress where he went. In the recent Kerala elections, most of the Rahul Gandhi nominees lost the election. He has no clue what he is doing, like the recent allegation drama against Mayawati. Compared to Modi, his administrative and organizational skills are close to negligible.His only plus point seems to the Gandhi Surname but thats more than enough qualification for a Congress primeministerial candidate.
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