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Guardian: Long-range Iranian SAM Bavar 373 is being used by Russia against Ukraine

Bro, Russia had legitimate concerns. It is like saying that Iran should never invade Israel or Bahrain for your mentioned reason. We have to, because they are compromising on our national security. By your logic our operation in Syria was a mistake, be careful of what you wish for. What would you do if you see someone is piling up TNT near your house? If you had the power, then you would have beaten the hell of the guy for putting lives of your family in danger. That's all about Russian Op in Ukraine.
Russia have legitimate concerns , well they always had those even when they took chunk of Finland lands or when they annexed half of Poland with the help of Nazi Germany.
but the only things they manage to do was nearing their border closer to NATO borders.

interestingly the area that Russia have concern about , are where Ukraine mineral wealth is coming from . and also build land route to Crimea .
to me Russia solutions for its legitimate concerns always were against UN charter, and our strategy of never support separatist and change of borders by force.
Russia have legitimate concerns , well they always had those even when they took chunk of Finland lands or when they annexed half of Poland with the help of Nazi Germany.
but the only things they manage to do was nearing their border closer to NATO borders.

interestingly the area that Russia have concern about , are where Ukraine mineral wealth is coming from . and also build land route to Crimea .
to me Russia solutions for its legitimate concerns always were against UN charter, and our strategy of never support separatist and change of borders by force.
Ukraine shot itself in the feet. They gave up on their Nuke, they surrendered their arms to superpowers, they allowed superpowers to play with them. What do you expect now that a homosexual Jew has become their leader? A nation that determines its fate like this deserves extiction.

After all those silly actions, the Neo Nazi ideology came out of their society. They openly show symbols of NAZIs in the public trying to nail a Bear in the cage. Didn't think that the Bear could break the siege and make an immdeiate decision?

You pointed to Soviets trying to put Russian offensive on Ukraine in the same category. Listen to Putin’s speeches, he continually points to Western humiliation of Russians, started with mistreating Russian orphans in USA, continues with selling Russian ethnic women of Moldova in cage as sex slaves in the markets of Israel. West humiliated Russians, Ukrainians tried to nail them right on their borders. There are hundreds of cases from humiliation of Russians post Soviets. But not of my concern, this homosexual rat wants Ukraine to join nato, a serious threat to Iran and China and other independent states.

Russia as our friends pointed above, woke up too late. But late is better than never. They are trying to protect Russian ethnics of Europe hence trying to reach Moldova and Serbia.
After all those silly actions, the Neo Nazi ideology came out of their society. They openly show symbols of NAZIs in the public trying to nail a Bear in the cage. Didn't think that the Bear could break the siege and make an immdeiate decision?
they always had those ideologies , it was not anything new to everyone

continues with selling Russian ethnic women of Moldova in cage as sex slaves in the markets of Israel.
orchestrated by Russian Mafia

But not of my concern, this homosexual rat wants Ukraine to join nato, a serious threat to Iran and China and other independent states.
the NATO was already at the border of those countries , it was just an excuse

Russia as our friends pointed above, woke up too late. But late is better than never. They are trying to protect Russian ethnics of Europe hence trying to reach Moldova and Serbia.
i doubt they go toward Serbia and Moldava. all the strategic benefit they wanted they get in eastern Ukraine , western Ukraine won't help much .

my point is , its not our war , we must stay neutral , we mut not take side as taking either side won't provide any benefit for us and only make problem with other side
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they always had those ideologies , it was not anything new to everyone

orchestrated by Russian Mafia

the NATO was already at the border of those countries , it was just an excuse

i doubt they go toward Serbia and Moldava. all the strategic benefit they wanted they get in eastern Ukraine , western Ukraine won't help much .

my point is , its not our war , we must stay neutral , we mut not take side as taking either side won't provide any benefit for us and only make problem with other side
Yeah i agree, we don't give a flying thing about Ukraine. To hell with them.

We must Focus on our lost lands, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, to name a few.
Weapons Embargo has be gone since Oct 2020....still waiting for those weapons to start flowing.

You guys were dancing bandari when UN voted to not enforce snapback and yet zero arms in 2 years :coffee:
Can you not analyse with that big bloated intellect that u always parade around like a zoo on this forum?

Was Russia in a continental war at 2020? Russia has no strategic gain in holding anything back. NATO AMD the west have pushed their maximum against Russia since the war and have done literally everything they cud against it except Direct military force.

Russia had a lot to lose strategically but now the strategic scenario has changed by a hundred fold. It's changed just as much as the life of the average bimbo Ukrainian girl from Kiev has changed since Russia invaded.
Yeah, Ukrainians have so many aircrafts that Russians ran out of missiles! :crazy_pilot:

Considering his extensive background, if I were the owner of Guardian, I would had changed my carrier to toilet paper production already.

Russia, the country with the largest nuke stockpile and a military that is always prepared to fight NATO in its entirety, needs help from Iran and Brazil and elsewhere to fight a non-existent Ukrainian air force.

Ho stupid can people be.
Russians didn't accept to sell spare parts or Overhaul our Mig29-A in past 20 years and they side with the west and signed all UNSC resolution against us ...

They activly side with Israel and Turkey against us in Syria ...

They werent willing to give us our S-300 which we paid in advance for it ( and for god sake , S300 is over hyped consider its actually performance in real battle )

why we should side with them ?
because you dont have the luxury to choose
Can you not analyse with that big bloated intellect that u always parade around like a zoo on this forum?

Was Russia in a continental war at 2020? Russia has no strategic gain in holding anything back. NATO AMD the west have pushed their maximum against Russia since the war and have done literally everything they cud against it except Direct military force.

Russia had a lot to lose strategically but now the strategic scenario has changed by a hundred fold. It's changed just as much as the life of the average bimbo Ukrainian girl from Kiev has changed since Russia invaded.

You forget that Russia’s biggest ally in Middle East is Israel NOT Iran. Iran isn’t even Russia’s Top 3 ally in Middle East. It’s closer to Saudi Arabia after Israel.

But time will tell what happens.

A lot of you were saying the dropping of the weapons embargo was a “new era” (you might have been one of them who knows). Now Ukraine war is a “new era” in Russian-Iranian relations.

So far even the 25 year deal with China hasn’t seen much of anything materialize.

Being cautious is not a bad thing FYI
They also think Khamenei doesn't have the balls to go to 90% if the deal dies. That's why they rather this deal die and the status quo be maintained and they get everything they want.

In terms of break out capability, there's not much of a difference between 60% and 90% enriched uranium, since the speed of uranium enrichment over time is exponential, not linear. So Iran has already taken the biggest step into that direction, on orders of Supreme Leader Khamenei.

They seem to care about nukes, enough so that Khamenei does not order the 90% enrichment to put pressure on the west to remove sanctions.

Little additional pressure and therefore little additional bargaining power would ensue from 90% enrichment as compared to 60% enrichment which Iran has been conducting for several months.

Their's clearly some restraint in this regard, and probably because they believe the west might do a pre-emptive attack. The west does seem to consider this a red line.

No limited preemptive strike can deprive Iran from the ability to acquire nuclear weapons if she so decides. On the contrary, any such aggression will increase the chances of Iran actually opting for nuclear armament.

The only way for the enemy to ensure materially that Iran won't be able to manufacture nuclear weapons under any circumstances, is full scale occupation of the country followed by methodical dismantling of much of its nuclear infrastructure, assassination of thousands of Iranian nuclear scientists and so on. Which for obvious reasons is not a practical nor realistic solution for the enemy.


Weapons Embargo has be gone since Oct 2020....still waiting for those weapons to start flowing.

Weapons have been flowing... out of Iran. Countries like Ethiopia are no longer cautious about purchasing UCAV's openly from Iran. Other such deals were possibly struck but kept under wraps. Nonetheless the fact that they are now authorized under international law makes a considerable difference by reducing inhibition with potential buyers.

It's a good thing that Iran herself didn't rush to order any large quantities of weaponry since the lifting of the embargo. This kind of move could've only been detrimental to the principle of self-reliance.

A lot of you were saying the dropping of the weapons embargo was a “new era” (you might have been one of them who knows). Now Ukraine war is a “new era” in Russian-Iranian relations.

The US was rebuked at the UN and watched on impotently as its attempts to have the arms embargo on Iran extended failed miserably. This represents a novelty and speaks volumes about the end of the unipolar order.
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In terms of break out capability, there's not much of a difference between 60% and 90% enriched uranium, since the speed of uranium enrichment over time is exponential, not linear. So Iran has already taken the biggest steps into that direction, on orders of Supreme Leader Khamenei.

Little additional pressure and therefore little additional bargaining power would ensue from 90% enrichment as compared to 60% enrichment which Iran has been conducting for several months.

No kind of limited preemptive strike can deprive Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons if she so decides. On the contrary, any such aggression will increase the chances of Iran actually opting for nuclear armament.

The only way the enemy would have to materially guarantee that Iran is not going to be able to manufacture nuclear weapons no matter what, is full scale occupation of Iran followed by methodical dismantling of much of her nuclear infrastructure, assassination of thousands of Iranian nuclear scientists and so on. Which for obvious reasons is not a practical nor realistic solution for the enemy.


Weapons have been flowing... out of Iran. Countries like Ethiopia are no longer cautious about openly purchasing UCAV's from Iran. Other such deals were possibly struck but kept under wraps. Nonetheless the fact that they are now authorized under international law makes a considerable difference by reducing inhibition with potential buyers.

It's a good that Iran herself did not order any large quantities of weaponry since the lifting of the embargo. This kind of move can only be detrimental to the principle of self-reliance.

The US was rebuked at the UN and watched on impotently as its attempts to have the arms embargo on Iran extended failed miserably. This represents a novelty and speaks volumes about the end of the unipolar order.

I mean if you think Ethiopia and Venezuela show that US arms embargo isn’t working then you are a glass half full type of individual.

No country with good political or economic relations with the West is gonna risk Iranian arms for fear of being locked out of US financial system. Any arms purchase will undoubtedly be said to have been “helping” an IRGC backed company and thus a US designated terrorist organization.

Poor 3rd world countries or countries that are US pariah’s will be willing to take the risk.
I mean if you think Ethiopia and Venezuela show that US arms embargo isn’t working then you are a glass half full type of individual.

Ethiopia didn't have strained relations with the west up until the Tigray crisis. Therefore it still isn't quite in the same category as Venezuela.

No country with good political or economic relations with the West is gonna risk Iranian arms for fear of being locked out of US financial system. Any arms purchase will undoubtedly be said to have been “helping” an IRGC backed company and thus a US designated terrorist organization.

Poor 3rd world countries or countries that are US pariah’s will be willing to take the risk.

...and their numbers are bound to augment as multipolarism takes shape more and more, and the amount of states sanctioned by Washington keeps rising.

Before the October 2020 lifting of the UN arms embargo, some of these countries would be hesitant about purchasing weapons from Iran because it would have exposed them not just to US sanctions but also to multilateral ones given it was a UNSC resolution they would have violated.

That countries enfeoffed to the US empire aren't going to purchase weapons from Iran is a given, but wasn't my point. Although I suspect that with the ongoing trend towards enhanced multipolarism as well as increased confrontation between Washington on the one hand and Moscow and Beijing on the other, more US allies are going to be encouraged to pursue an independent course of sorts (e.g. Turkey), which would likely open up additional opportunities for Iranian arms exports.

This new multipolar era, of which the defeat of the US regime at the UN Security Council in October 2020 is but one herald, isn't simply measured by how many weapons Iran is exporting. Even if Iranian arms sales or procurements don't experience that steep a rise (though i's more likely than not that they'll increase), the lifting of the arms embargo against America's will and efforts is a cause for celebration due to what it implies on a much more general level, and this can only be of benefit to Iran.
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ROFL at some of the non Iranian posters disliking the thread because they can not believe Iran actually produces a monster LR-AD like Bavar-373.
I keep hearing these reports but it's simply NOT TRUE. Russia just delivered more S-400 batteries to India. Also the same report that makes these claims, states that Iran is also sending RPGs to Russia via Iraq. WTF ?

Iran can send weapons to Russia directly through the Caspian Sea or via Armenia, why would they even bother "smuggling" weapons though Iraq. It just doesn't add up. Just goes to show how little the policy makers in Washington know about middle eastern affairs.

They should hire someone like myself to give them advice, honestly they're so incompetent when it comes to Iran and the middle east / Muslim / Arab world at large.

For some reason these Indians keep pushing these reports. Surprising that Indians know so little about Iran or Russia. Ming boggling that some of these people work at think tanks.


Russia is receiving munitions and military hardware sourced from Iraq for its war effort in Ukraine with the help of Iranian weapons smuggling networks, according to members of Iranian-backed Iraqi militias and regional intelligence services with knowledge of the process.

RPGs and anti-tank missiles, as well as Brazilian-designed rocket launcher systems, have been dispatched to Russia from Iraq as Moscow’s campaign has faltered in the last month, the Guardian has learned.

An Iranian-made Bavar 373 missile system, similar to the Russian S-300, has also been donated to Moscow by the authorities in Tehran, who also returned an S-300, according to a source who helped organise the transport.

Using the weapons-trafficking underworld would signal a dramatic shift in Russian strategy, as Moscow is forced to lean on Iran, its military ally in Syria, following new sanctions triggered by the invasion of Ukraine.

The developments also have huge implications for the direction and volume of trade in the international weapons trafficking business.

Iraq has hosted US and western troops since the 2003 overthrow of Saddam Hussein, and the US has trained and supplied various Iraqi army and special forces units to defend the Baghdad government against insurgencies. After two decades of war, the country is awash with weaponry.

Much of it has passed legally into the hands of Iran-backed Shia militias, which are opposed to the US presence in the country, but since 2016 have been officially incorporated into the Iraqi armed forces as part of the fight against Islamic State.

Known for their efficiency in dismantling Islamic State’s “caliphate” – and for their brutal treatment of Sunni civilians – these groups have become powerful actors in Iraq’s security establishment.

RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades) and anti-tank missiles in the possession of Hashd al-Shaabi, the most powerful Shia militia umbrella, were transported to Iran through the Salamja border crossing on 26 March, where they were received by the Iranian military and taken on to Russia by sea, said a commander of the militia branch that controls the crossing.

Ḥashd al-Shaabi also dismantled and sent in pieces two Brazilian-designed Astros II rocket launcher systems, known in Iraq as the licence-built version Sajil-60, to Iran on 1 April, according to a source within the organisation.

“We don’t care where the heavy weapons go [because we don’t need them at the moment],” one Hashd al-Shaabi source said. “Whatever is anti-US makes us happy.”

Three cargo ships capable of carrying such loads – two Russian flagged and one Iranian flagged – crossed the Caspian Sea from Iran’s port of Bandar Anzali to Astrakhan, a Russian city on the Volga delta, within the timeframes outlined.

“What the Russians need in Ukraine right now is missiles. These require skill to transport as they’re fragile and explosive, but if you are committed to doing it, it’s possible,” said Yörük Işık, an Istanbul-based maritime affairs expert. “It’s also not the kind of activity that would be picked up by satellite imagery as they can be transported in large boxes and regular shipping containers.”

Mohaned Hage Ali, a fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center, said: “That kind of sophisticated weaponry [rocket launcher systems] would make a big difference on the ground in Ukraine. Ḥashd al-Shaabi controls much of the border region with Iran, which would make this transaction easier.

“Other countries such as China are having to be very careful about giving weapons to Russia now, given the new sanctions situation. And Iran, as part of that axis, wants to make sure Russia doesn’t lose ground in this conflict.

“If the Putin regime is destabilised that has huge implications for Iran, particularly in Syria, where Damascus is dependent on Russian air support and Russia coordinates to avoid direct conflict between them and Israel.”

Extensive economic sanctions imposed on Moscow by western nations since the 24 February invasion have included bans on dual-use goods – items with a civilian and a military purpose – such as spare parts for vehicles and certain types of electronics and optical devices, as well as items with obvious military uses.

Russian manufacturers have reportedly been hit hard by the new restrictions, with Ukraine saying that the country’s main armoured vehicle plant, as well as a tractor factory, have run out of parts for making and repairing tanks.

Revised western estimates are that 29 of Russia’s original battalion tactical groups are now “combat non-ineffective” from an invading force that is estimated at 125 battalions, or about 75% of Russia’s total army, in the six-week-old “special military operation”.


Specification of Bavar-373 system

200-230 km (Sayyad-4 missile)
Maximum speedAverage 2,312 meters per second Mach 6.8 and 2,720 meters per second Mach 8






The Bavar-373 includes two radars. Bavar has an S-band acquisition radar for detection, and a (shorter-range) X-Band fire control radar for missile guidance. Both are Active Electronically Scanned Array radars.

Bavar 373 system is capable of detecting up to 100 targets, tracking 60 of them and engage with six concurrently. Bavar can hit targets up to an altitude of 30 kilometers. Bavar-373 uses MERAJ-4 radar for tracking aerodynamic targets and ballistic missiles in medium to long ranges, mounted on the ZAFAR heavy truck. Meraj-4 (Ascension), with range of 450 km which uses fuzzy logic techniques to spot targets. Meraj can track up to 200 targets simultaneously. The arrangement allows a powerful acquisition radar to pinpoint nearby aircraft before the fire control radar locks on a target. When activated the radar feeds targeting data to the mobile command post before a missile is launched. The addition of a VHF radar, whose coverage may extend to twice the Sayyad-4 missile’s maximum range, together with the acquisition and fire control radars allows each Bavar-373 battery to observe enormous swathes of neighboring airspace.

The Rasoul advanced communications system is for encoding information, connecting the country's infrastructure and transferring radar information from the battle scene to commanding centres. The mobile command post of the Bavar-373 is run by a small team who are responsible for six launchers (24 missiles in total) in a single battery.

SAYYAD-4 TVC Missile

Bavar-373 is armed with Sayyad-4 missiles; a local design whose range is over 200 kilometers. Its flight altitude is above average as well, reaching almost 30 km or 30,000 meters. The extreme range is at least one indicator the Bavar-373 is an anti-ballistic and cruise missile system, both are features that earns comparisons with the S-400 Triumf.
Russia, with help from Iran should send missiles / drones to Venezuela and Cuba and refuse to remove them until the US removes weapons systems away from their borders.

The Russian led CSTO, China and Iran should also sail near the Gulf of Mexico to ensure safety of navigation. Let's see how they like a taste of their own medicine. After all the Americans like to sail their coast guard in the "PERSIAN" Gulf and south "CHINA" sea to ensure "safety of navigation" right ?

Let's see how they react when they get a taste of their own medicine.

Russia, the country with the largest nuke stockpile and a military that is always prepared to fight NATO in its entirety, needs help from Iran and Brazil and elsewhere to fight a non-existent Ukrainian air force.

Ho stupid can people be.

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