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Growing Pak-China Strategic Ties upset USA

good for Them

But this my friend is already in the future

Hope your GHQ does not think like this

In this relation who are going to lose more America or Pakistan, who in world in his sense will think not having improving relation with US is ok

Even Ayatollahs wants better relation with America

And China also works for positive diplomacy with US

Whatever makes you people happy about china

Ffor foreseeable future America will dominate the technology space, and technology will change Global economy....... see the fate of Global Crude price with One Technology

So, you would like Pakistan, india's sworn enemy to have 'good' relation with the US so that Pakistan can acquire cutting edge technology from the US, of course, we know what that good means here. If it would not benefit india in some way an indian would never seek Pak-US good relation, am I wrong about that? Pakistan cannot even dare to ask for a decade old fighter, forget about technology and here we have an indian implying how Pakistan can get space technology from the US. Why don't the indians cut the crap and get to the point? They don't want Pakisatan to have a trustworthy ally like China, they want Pakistan to have an 'ally' like the US so that india can jeopardize Pakistan's security with the help of the US.
So, you would like Pakistan, india's sworn enemy to have 'good' relation with the US so that Pakistan can acquire cutting edge technology from the US, of course, we know what that good means here. If it would not benefit india in some way an indian would never seek Pak-US good relation, am I wrong about that? Pakistan cannot even dare to ask for a decade old fighter, forget about technology and here we have an indian implying how Pakistan can get space technology from the US. Why don't the indians cut the crap and get to the point? They don't want Pakisatan to have a trustworthy ally like China, they want Pakistan to have an 'ally' like the US so that india can jeopardize Pakistan's security with the help of the US.

Your Complex with India in small letter shows your worth, your troll is not worth an answer, anyway every country wants good relations even Pakistan wants good relation with us
Your Complex with India in small letter shows your worth, your troll is not worth an answer, anyway every country wants good relations even Pakistan wants good relation with us

My post does not deserve a reply but you've bothered to reply and that shows the worth of your words. Anyway, my point stands unless some wise guy can come up with counter logic instead of rants.
You want to compare American influence, power, presence and technology to that of Taliban because they are good rats and give hard time to any big house, God bless you for your thinking my friend.......[/QUOTE]

The truth is bitter for you my friend i told you USA Nato has fighter jets drones i mean heavy equipment pulse Afghan force but still can't beat Talibans. You wanna know why coz they the Talibans are ready to die while on the other side the USA NATO Afghan are not ready to die
The truth is bitter for you my friend i told you USA Nato has fighter jets drones i mean heavy equipment pulse Afghan force but still can't beat Talibans. You wanna know why coz they the Talibans are ready to die while on the other side the USA NATO Afghan are not ready to die
Taliban is not a standing army or an identifiable foe; it is an ideology. You cut-off one head (kill one leader or prominent figure), another will rear its head soon after. Taliban will continue to get recruits from 'population bases' that share its worldview and/or are sympathetic towards its cause.

US army is designed to destroy other armies, topple governments and occupy/destroy other nations; conventional warfare in the nutshell. Trust me! You don't want to trade punches with the US in conventional manner. You will loose badly.

To defeat Taliban, Americans would have to build concentration camps and use them to systematically exterminate those 'population bases' that adhere to Taliban ideology. Problem is that such 'population bases' exist in Afghanistan (and Pakistan). Another problem is how to politically justify this strategy due to its extreme nature.

Consider a 'population base' that is known to replenish the ranks of Taliban on ideological grounds in the long-term. Now, it is not necessary that everybody in this 'population base' is a follower of Taliban or is willing to work with them. There might be a large number of individuals who want to live peacefully and have nothing to do with the ongoing conflict. Extermination of this entire 'population base' implies that a large number of innocent individuals will end-up as victims.

In the end, it boils down to how much aggressive Americans want to be. They have already killed a large number of Muslims worldwide. How many more will they want to kill to satiate their appetite?

Another method is to convince the 'population bases' sympathetic to Taliban to give-up this ideology. But this strategy will not bore fruit overnight. US and Pakistan should be on the same page in this endeavor in the first place. Next step is to offer them jobs and improve their livelihood through development.


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Hope your GHQ does not think like this

In this relation who are going to lose more America or Pakistan, who in world in his sense will think not having improving relation with US is ok

Even Ayatollahs wants better relation with America

And China also works for positive diplomacy with US

Whatever makes you people happy about china

Ffor foreseeable future America will dominate the technology space, and technology will change Global economy....... see the fate of Global Crude price with One Technology

Yes but Pakistan has always been deprived of this high-tech now how by america/the west even when he had a good relationship with them so we are not gaining anything. Rather the Americans have always been a burden on us and are a very negative force to us. There is no point continuing this.
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@tarrar i agree that we should strengthen our relations with China but we should never give any country permission to make base in our country. We are a Nuclear Power we should start acting like one.
The base is proposed at LOC near Jammu.
I am against a country building a base within our country but to be very honest it will be a nice gesture; it may lead to a peaceful LOC and India will think twice before planning anything in Kashmir as it may spark a reaction between Pak, China and India.
Why do we bother taking sides..? set a limit on indian, US and Afghan affairs and chart your own policies for rise..money rules politics..

Yes but Pakistan has always been deprived of this high-tech now how by america/the west even when he had a good relationship with them so we are not gaining anything. Rather the Americans have always been a burden on us and are a very negative force to us. There is no point continuing this.

You should know that it was a Pakistani who sold technology to AMD for its rise as a competitor in processing chips...Pakistanis have been deprived by one other than Pakistanis themselves...Bhutto'ism and socialism and islamism ruined our country...
@somebozo cant agree more. yes we are the victims but we are the culprits as well. USA has used us just as we have used US for its money. We can discontinue our relationship with USA as they still are more powerful country and influential as well. We need them as much as you don't like it we need them on our side.
@somebozo cant agree more. yes we are the victims but we are the culprits as well. USA has used us just as we have used US for its money. We can discontinue our relationship with USA as they still are more powerful country and influential as well. We need them as much as you don't like it we need them on our side.

The money part it doesn't reach mostly were it should reach and even the sacrifices we made is not appreciate because they wanna divide Pakistan
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