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grocery prices in Pakistan in Indian rupee

Many things seem cheaper on per item comparison basis.

You guys are water starved, how the heck is cola significantly cheaper
bhai who told you we are water starved bollywood ?????????

Pakistan has one of the largest contiguous irrigation systems in the world, known as the Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS). The System comprises six major rivers, that is, the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and Kabul, and their catchments.

Ye Khiprianwala Island koi bechega?
green in map are national parks for god sake . tortures come there to lay eggs
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Seems same as India punjab.
1 funny thing - Edhar mere mom jado Aundae. market to, 1st thing she says Is - agg laggi hoi a sabjia nu. last week was cheaper.

I am hearing this dialogue since childhood. Lol
Don't worry dude mum says the same thing here in the states 🙂, but now I can add older sisters and wife to this list LMAO

Missing her so reading the exact same thing made me a bit emotional

In Pakistan only addition was "kanjaran nyanay jam de rende ne"
In Pakistan, prices are definitely cheaper compared to many other countries.

Many still live with a surplus even though the income is low, however, when PKR is devalued, the effects on consumer surplus are not visible in the short term on local produce.

For now, we are still better off. I think it is one of the reasons one seldom sees people living on streets, and visible poverty is much lower as compared to other countries. In the long run though (in 1-2 years) the effect will break the people if their incomes are not increased because not all live with a surplus income.
People in pakistan earn in pkr!!
salaries mentioned in post#28
Have the pakistanis started earning in Indian Rupees ?

If NOT, then how is this thread relevant ?

Assume the average pakistani income is PKR 10,000 per month and Average Indian income is INR 14,000 per month.

Now calculate if the stuff you mentioned is AFFORDABLE to the average pakistani compared to the average Indian.
Lolllz check salaries its not 10k average .
lowest labor salary in pakistan in 7740 inr
restaurant workers and lower pay salary is 15785 inr
warehouse loading and unloading workers have 20500 inr
multinational companies workers have average 31000 inr
agriculture labor have 14000 inr
construction workers have 21000 inr
primary teachers school staff 20000 inr
electrical plumbing civil works labor have 21000 inr
police men have some 24000 Inr
You guys are water starved, how the heck is cola significantly cheaper
Glad you asked. I'll let you in on a secret. You can have cheaper coca cola during all this inflation by being a banana republic. It was being said a couple weeks back that the US embassy arm twisted the govt to exclude coca cola from the recent increases health taxes on beverages and cigarettes. Less taxes, cheaper product. More sales.

Don't know if the govt obliged or not.
Being a foodie I watch a lot of Youtube vloggers. I have observed that meat is cheaper in Pakistan and controlling for the standard of the restaurant, food is generally cheaper. Of course I am not aware of retail / wholesale prices of ingredients. However, real estate cost is a major component in menu price and India has crazy rentals, bordering on extortionate, at least in the big cities. This could be one reason for higher prices here.
Sir do Pakistanis get their salary in INR ? If we start converting INR in dollars then we won't see inflation in dollars but fact of the matter is we don't get salary in dollars.
Yes our wages are much higher then India if you compare direct rupee to rupee without conversion.

Minimum wage in Pakistan is 20,000 PKR for unskilled worker (In reality unskilled labor is paid around 18k mostly). Skilled labor is paid more.

Minimim Wage in India is between 4,800 INR to 12,000 INR depending on state and skill level. (They have very different system then Pakistan)

Correct me if i am wrong
Glad you asked. I'll let you in on a secret. You can have cheaper coca cola during all this inflation by being a banana republic.
One of these companies had a plant in South India, which was drawing ground water at a phenomenal rate. This led to depletion of ground water table. Locals launched an agitation and there was a lot of hulla gulla.

These corporations aren’t affected by shortages. They have the means to take care of themselves and they set up their plants after careful study of all these aspects. In fact they cause problems and get away.

It is the normal populations that gets water starved, not the rich and mighty.

Minimum wage in Pakistan is 20,000 PKR for unskilled worker (In reality unskilled labor is paid around 18k mostly). Skilled labor is paid more.

Minimim Wage in India is between 4,800 INR to 12,000 INR depending on state and skill level. (They have very different system then Pakistan)
The unorganised sector is the place where all the exploitation takes place on India. There are minimum wages set by the government but enforcing the laws is where all the gadbad takes place. Brick kiln labours, daily wage labourers who work in small scale industries and farms etc aren’t paid the government approved wages. They can’t do s**t about it.

20K PKR is equal to approx ₹ 6200. If a labour works for 25 days then it would amount to approx 250 PKR per day. That is very low.

In India an unskilled labour gets about ₹ 500 per day. That too on the lower side. Upper side it may go upto ₹ 800 per day. It amounts to approx 1600 - 2500 PKR per day.

Those on the monthly pay are exploited a little and salaries are as indicated by you.
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Minimim Wage in India is between 4,800 INR to 12,000 INR depending on state and skill level. (They have very different system then Pakistan)

Correct me if i am wrong

I haven't come across anyone working full time for 4800 or thereabouts. Someone maybe paying this to child labour, it is possible. The lowest salaries I know are in the range of 8000-9000 INR. These are typically unskilled labour (if they can find work for the entire month) or people who do jobs like cleaning utensils in restaurants. The lowest of the low end work.
As indian media is bashing day and night paksitan is sinking in inflation . here are few basic groucery prices in lahore home delivery today . there are diffrence in prices city to city . for example mangoes in multan people give you for free but 1000pkr per kg in GB KASHMIR . apples people will give you for free in GB KASHMIR but 300pkr kg in south pakistan . same can be said vegge and local fruits are cheaper in villages towns and expencive in cities . hyper markets like imtiyaz carrfour have promotions on items too . can indian members put thier input here lets see the difference .

here are Lahore home delivery prices of today in INR .

sugar fine white 34 inr per kg
salt national 24 inr per kg
tea 400 gram pack 231 inr
palak 15 inr per kg
potato 12 inr per kg
tomato 19 inr per kg
carrots 43 inr per kg
ginger 196 inr per kg
garlic 124 inr per kg
green chilli 18 inr per kg
apple 67 INR per kg
bittergourd 74 inr per kg
orange 33 inr per kg
kiwi 130 inr per kg
bhindi 61 inr per kg
guava 51 inr per kg
peas 34 inr per kg
aubergine 32 inr per kg
cauliflower 15 inr per kg
lemon 49 inr per kg
strowberry 238inr per kg
grapes 142 inr per kg
banana 78 inr 12pcs

bread 34 inr pack

nestle water 5 litter 68 inr

pepsi tin 300ml 17 inr

eggs 81 inr per 12pcs

ghee 190 inr per kg
cooking oil 207 inr per kg

motton 541 inr per kg
boneless beef 278 inr per kg
chicken 247 inr per kg

coca cola 1 lt 33inr bottle
nestle fruita juice 1L is 91INR

yogurt packed 83 inr per kg
cheese 588 inr per kg
mozzarella cheese 610 inr per kg

washing powder 119 inr per kg
ariel powder 161 inr per kg

daal chana 97 inr per kg
daal mash 79 inr per kg
lobia 49 inr per kg

biryani best grade sella rice 111per kg
normal basmati rice 60 to 80 inr per kg

detol soap 85g 28 inr
sunsilk shampoo 185ml 95 inr

While I appreciate your comparison, it does consider income conversion in Indian Rs. A person who was earning PK Rs25000 5 months back is still making almost the same amount while commodities are costing maybe 2-3 times. So it is the devaluation of Income while commodities retain their relative price point. That is a scary scenario, making the above conversion irrelevant.
Strange thread.

Some people in Pakistan have the constant urge to compare with India and its even worse in India this comparison phenomenon.
One of these companies had a plant in South India, which was drawing ground water at a phenomenal rate. This led to depletion of ground water table. Locals launched an agitation and there was a lot of hulla gulla.

These corporations aren’t affected by shortages. They have the means to take care of themselves and they set up their plants after careful study of all these aspects. In fact they cause problems and get away.

It is the normal populations that gets water starved, not the rich and mighty.
That's big conglomerates and third-world countries for you. That shit infuriates me. Esp, anything to do with fresh water wastage.

John Oliver did an episode on the shit big tobacco does in the third world. How they can even stare down governments. Then even took on the Australian govt. Unbelievable stuff.
I haven't come across anyone working full time for 4800 or thereabouts. Someone maybe paying this to child labour, it is possible. The lowest salaries I know are in the range of 8000-9000 INR. These are typically unskilled labour (if they can find work for the entire month) or people who do jobs like cleaning utensils in restaurants. The lowest of the low end work.
even 9k INR is pure cruelty to give someone for any work.

20,000 is the fixed wages of unskilled labor. Like packers , helpers , mannual loaders.
low skilled Daily wage workers like construction workers (Mazduur) even make more then that.
People deserve a life. Not just Food.

But anyways. Minimum Wage is just a benchmark of an economy and its below poverty line segment. The guy was saying indian prices cannot be compared with Pakistan prices as Pakistanis earn in PKR. I was telling him PKR wages are higher then INR wages for lowest unskilled as a benchmark.

Living standards are alomst the same. to put it nicely "a sh**ho**" compared to even countries like latin america, and non GCC Arab countries (Except Yemen may be).
And in my very honest opinnion, Both these countries are worst possible examples to compare your country to.
Sadly India Pakistan Bangladesh are poverty struck Third world crap for the most part. Comparing with each other is pointless. And thats exactly what the media does. "Look how crappy our neighbor is, We are better then them".
Lolz it doesnt happen anywhere in the world. Comparing our progress on benchmark of how much filth is on the other side, instead of how much progress.

We are just so used to live in this crappy lifestyle we dont even notice unless we leave subcontinent and see outside world.

Its a good trend now starting In Pakistan. Call a crap a crap. We dont care how things are in India or Afghanistan. This is crap. we dont deserve this. we want better. Thats why you see so much voice on media from Pakistanis. Hope its that same way in India too. Compare to better countries not your crappy fellows.
@Imran Khan sb

The prices in Pak dont seem to be much out of line with Indian ones. Meats in fact are cheaper, which has historically also been true.

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