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(Greek) News247: If we engage a crazy arms competition with Turkey, we will go bankrupt economically and socially.

But you can see the situation,the Navy was left behind,while Turkey had been making ships like crazy.

We never wanted an arms race. Erdogan started this arms race. There was always a balance between our countries. Sure they had bigger manpower and more equipment,but there was a always a balance. Erdogan's ambitions in the region have pushed almost everyone into arming. Is it bad for the economy? Well of course it is. But what can you do? Give up your rights? Your lands? Tell the Turks "please be a good neighbor"?

Why to compare Greece with Turkiye ?
Greece is not even regional power and only against Turkiye

on the other hand Turkiye is regional power and wants to become global power again
Turkish Forces in İraq , Syria , Azerbaijan , Albania , Qatar , Somalia and Libya

and we need very strong military power to counter
Greece,France,Egypt,İran,Armenia,ASSAD,HAFTAR,PKK/YPG in many fronts

You said Erdogan started this arms race
even Greeks should thanks to ERDOGAN that he spent around $100 billion for humanitarian aid instead of buying weapons

Turkey would create the massive military power for $100 billion

what Turkey would buy for $100 billion ?
-- 300 new Fighter Jets ( $30 billion )
-- 150 Attack Helicopters ( $7,5 billion )
-- 250 UCAVs ( $2,5 billion )
-- 32 batteries high altitude Air Defense Systems ( $10 billion )
-- 75 batteries medium altitude Air Defense Systems ( $7,5 billion )
-- 1 Aircraft Carrier ( $5 billion )
-- 2 LHD ( $3 billion )
-- 10 Corvettes ( $2,5 billion )
-- 20 Frigates ( $7 billion )
-- 10 Destroyers ( $12 billion )
-- 10 Submarines ( $5 billion )
-- 5.000 Ballistic and Cruise Missiles ( $5 billion )

There will not be a balance between Turkiye and Greece .... never
Turkiye develops its own defense Industry
and Turkiye has 4x bigger economy
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You said Erdogan started this arms race
even Greeks should thanks to ERDOGAN that he spent around $100 billion for humanitarian aid
Hey guys did you know that Erdoğan gave 100 billion for humanitarian aid to Muslim countries?
And didn't buy any firefighting aircraft for Turkey?
They have nothing to worry.
Because they are already bankrupt.
By the way,the author is obviously leftist. I checked titles of some other articles of his and they have a leftist rhetoric,almost always against the current government. It's like having the communists in Turkey say "We must disarm! The Kurdish Party should be put at the forefront! We don't need more submarines!" etc. You know what I mean.
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