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Great Message from Indian Soldier

Truth but what to do with media te sarkaran. These are real human which we use as number , we lost 2 and they lost 3. So we win this one.
I am sure these people won't use same words if these are their own putt.
Truth but what to do with media te sarkaran. These are real human which we use as number , we lost 2 and they lost 3. So we win this one.
I am sure these people won't use same words if these are their own putt.
most important is public is biggest CH of our countries . media want nuking countries for rating is another height of craziness man
Punjabis, brahmins, man do you have your head in your *** like them. You have forgot respecting a human, categorizing them in a loose way like this and that. Only a human wins, to hell with all the system otherwise. People who care only for power will care for no one eventually.
Punjabis on the other side need to move aside so we can deal with the brahmins. It's not their war they don't have to suffer
Agree - even after war, two war-torn nations will sit and negotiate what should be next. When you'd have to sit down on the table then, why not now.

But lets our want for peace not kill few more Kashmiris. India has to give them their rights and have to stop atrocities in Kashmir.
both modi and nawaz are doing politics on kashmir. they know how to get votes in next elections. modi has staged a drama of surgical strike in kashmir against pak thus getting support of right wing parties and majority of the extremist hindus. nawaz is using kashmir issue and heightened indo pak tensions to cover up his corruption. both of them are the hypocrites.
good message by this soldier but most likely he will face court martial and sent to jail.
Nice try but it won't save him from our bullets. And our boys are a much better at sharp shooting.
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