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Great Message from Indian Soldier

Technically, my roots are from Gujranwala but yeah. I think my Punjabi is pretty similar to the people from there when I interact with them. A lot of you guys tend to not learn Punjabi formally anymore and concentrate on Urdu, it's similar to people from Delhi trying to speak Punjabi. I always get a laugh when your defense minister speaks Urdu, by the way. It always seems like he is one step away from bursting into Punjabi.

Sorry buddy. I speak villager Punjabi. Perhaps, it has to do with geographic locations, but I was born speak Punjabi.
. . .
If you have a personal vendetta against South Indians then you can have it somewhere else. This is not the place to show hatred on your fellow countrymen, be it south or North..
Army is a voluntary force and Ethnic groups are represented equally in Army through respective regiments like MAdras Regiment, Sikh Regiment, Gorkha Rifles etc.. So do not claim one ethnic group is more patriotic than the other..
During the Uri attack we lost soldiers from Bihar regiment, during an avalanche caused in Siachen Glacier, we lost soldiers from Madras regiment, all the citizens are equal when it comes to guarding the country..
If Punjab is in the Pakistan Border and Punjabis loses lives of innocent civilians because of cross border firing etc, how can a south Indian be responsible for that.. what kind of a stupidity is this??
Like you have land border, we have sea border covered on two sides of my state.. A naval attack or aTsunami or a Cyclone than you can ever see in Punjab.. Every year we are facing damage from cyclones.. Can we complain on Punjabis or haryanvis for our fate??? will impact my state directly and may cause more damage, now can I say, Punjabis are happily eating Roti, drinking lassi and dancing Bangda while we are batting with floods..
South Indians are good in IT becausae of the IT hubs available to us.. Like wise your Ludhina and Patiala are also known Industrial areas across the country.. Nobody complained about Punjabis becoming big business owners..
Pls wash your eyes and see again clearly where you stand before bashing someone..
@Nilgiri @Levina @Rain Man @Abingdonboy @Rajaraja Chola

Are you sure he is an Indian? Because he says so? Be careful about the false-flaggers, plenty around here pushing their agenda. :)
Pakistan military goes to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties regardless of who they are unlike the indian military. It is common for them to target civilian areas across loc and at the sialkot border. But thanks to technology, Pakistan Army has become very proficient in not only pin pointing the source of enemy fire but also targeting them in a very swift and lethal way while minimizing civilian casualties. The experience from zarb e azb shows that civilian casualties were minimal in spite of heavy weapons use and in spite of the fact that indian backed ttp terrorists would hide in civilian areas. But yes, unfortunately due to war clouds, civilians on both sides do have to face hardships no matter what. That's a very sad fact.

My 17 year old would shove your pity down your throat. This is his decision. He's a smart young man with a mind of his own and makes his own decisions after carefully thinking them thru.
Bro take screenshot of Joe Shearer's post and report it to mods for personal attack. He has insulted my family too before. Mods didn't take any action then. Don't let him get away with it now
Bro take screenshot of Joe Shearer's post and report it to mods for personal attack. He has insulted my family too before. Mods didn't take any action then. Don't let him get away with it now
DONE and DONE brutha. :)
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