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Graveyard of empires

I will be happy when Afghan themselves conquers their own country...
Their Pathetic inability to keep their own people under control is evident over centuries...making the country a graveyard not only for foreigners but for Afghan themselves...
You are conquered when you are subdued by foriegn forces , when foriegners impose their culture on you and you are conquered when you accept defeat and do not resist..
Afghanistan got occupied various times but nobody was able to conquer its people (i am talking about pashtuns).

The good example of conquered people are those of subcontinent, they bowed their heads after every defeat.....
Ḥashshāshīn;4431269 said:
The Mongols conquered Afghanistan. Also the Greeks.

The Greeks faced the greatest resistance in modern-day Afghanistan. From all people, Iranians (Persians, Kurds, Pashtuns) have never been conquered culturally or intellectually. Alexander died wearing Persian clothes.
I will be happy when Afghan themselves conquers their own country...
Their Pathetic inability to keep their own people under control is evident over centuries...making the country a graveyard not only for foreigners but for Afghan themselves...

Despite of all its tribal warfares and 90s civil war, Afghan are living togather in the same country for last 3 centuries. Same can be said about new nation like pakistani? Just after 24 years of its creation, half of pakistanis separated as bangladeshis after bloody civil war....balochs are in rebellion since 1947. Some Sindhis threaten of sindhodesh. Mohajirs are in ethnic riots with every one. Pashtuns belt has taliban problem....sectarian violence in punjab and quetta. Are you better than afghans?
this is stone age talk, every nation has got conquered
The Greeks faced the greatest resistance in modern-day Afghanistan. From all people, Iranians (Persians, Kurds, Pashtuns) have never been conquered culturally or intellectually. Alexander died wearing Persian clothes.

Yes he faced resistance... but conquered it... even took an afghan princess as his wife... and than invaded the punjabi kingdom near the banks of river jhelum or Hydaspes... where he almost died... and its said tht it was a spear in multan tht got infected and took his life...
Yes he faced resistance... but conquered it... even took an afghan princess as his wife... and than invaded the punjabi kingdom near the banks of river jhelum or Hydaspes... where he almost died... and its said tht it was a spear in multan tht got infected and took his life...

He married Roxana to end the resistance, because he couldn't end it militarily.

Gen. J.F.C. Fuller considered Alexander’s three-year anti-guerrilla campaign in Afghanistan the pinnacle of the Macedonian’s genius for generalship. Alexander used innovative cavalry tactics, hot pursuit, river crossings protected by artillery; he resorted to massacres and mass deportations; prosecuted sieges; employed mountaineering in assaults; he even brought out the cashbox and hired away whole nations of cavalry from his enemies. But it wasn’t until he took in marriage the Bactrian princess Roxane (in a ceremony at what today is Mazur-i-Sharif) and thus sealed an alliance with her father, the great warlord Oxyartes, that Alexander truly felt secure enough to move on to India.
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