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Grand Siege of Kaaba ended by SSG under Musharraf ?

from what i have heard, it was the French special force which lead the operation and it was French idea to use this water trick. SSG was also supporting the operation but it was the French who were leading it. i read this info somewhere on this forum few years back and no one could contradict it from what i remember.
No one can contradict out of the world assertions like SSG took part in the operation. There is no evidence pointing to that so far. It seems to be fan boy stuff. Asking to contradict things like this is like asking to prove God is not there.
That part is recently added into Wikipedia article by some fanboy - can be someone from PDF :pop:

No...That part that SSG took part in this action is right.....and it is also right they spread the water and then put electricity in that water...................but what Saud Family currently ruling tell the world that those were Jews..........but those were not Jews....but a Arab Tribe who is from Ahle-Sunnat Group (Remember Currently Saud family is Wahabi Group)..And that group who was wanted to take control from this saud family (it is also beleived that currently saud family are servants of America because they came into power due to US)....was included peoples from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt and Pakistan...I also knew a person in Pakistan who was also in that group (Unfortunately he died just last month, he was a pious person)..... when that was happened....and he was rushed to Kuwait and then from Kuwait to Pakistan and One of Kuwaiti Minister for Okaf helped him to escape (Cross the border of Saudia and Kuwait). And after that he was banned to travel to Saudia for his whole life even for Hajj or Omera.
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