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'Grand Mufti' of Kashmir Exposed!!


Apr 18, 2013
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This is the height of all hypocrisy. As can be seen in the video below, the self styled 'Grand mufti' of Kashmir is seen enjoying a musical night. He was recently at the forefront while condemning and issuing fatwas against an all-girl's rock band Pragaash in Kashmir.

Why? Because he considers music un-Islamic!!

But here in the video below, he is seen enjoying music in a program hosted inside a houseboat in the Dal Lake. :woot:

This is the height of hypocrisy by mullahs, the so called guardians of the Islamic faith. First he bans music by issuing a fatwa and then he's seen enjoying what he himself has banned! :angry:

Muslim culture has produced the greatest singers and artists in the world. Music is NOT forbidden in the Holy Qur'an. There are also several hadiths where the Prophet (PBUH) was obviously saying that music, in and of itself is not forbidden.

But here we have a self styled mufti propounding his own brand of Islam just to be in the news. Now he's just screwed up big time by enjoying music himself in spite of the fatwa he himself has given, banning music by calling it un-Islamic!! Probably it doesn't apply to him! :cheesy:

Here's the video...

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