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Govt seeks Army's help in negotiations!

Bamu bhai, you are putting too much weight behind these jurnos, dont forget these guys are sellouts --- you need to look at the holistic view , what you are claiming is not possible, especially with pasha sab in retirement ---
plausible deniability.

This show wouldnt have been played right in the red zone for so long without the army being supportive of it. Nothing the civvies could do to stop the protests, neither can they press charges against the protestors. As for the army uppending a civvie rule - not the first time thats happened in pakistan.
You dont have and nor WSJ have aby rvidence to back that up --- they are not the primary source ---- but offcourse to an extent i agree that as we predicted a month ago - NS has been shown his place --- you have no idea, how unhappy Indians were with him and so does Americans ----

The whole goal was to show an elected PM "his place" as determined by the "angels" by using these pawns. That is the real tragedy of this all that once again the usurpers have succeeded and the whole country will continue top pay the price for this monstrous illegality. Actually, those who wish bad for Pakistan will be the ones rejoicing. Those that are speaking out against this disaster-in-the-making are the ones who have Pakistan's best interests at heart. May be someday you will realize the truth of what I have just said.
Because the govt knows better what the Army will do in such type of situations. .....Long Live Pakistan Army
agreeing with the use of the the army as a mediator
In case you forgot, Pak Army is playing neutral role here.

We trust our army too but we don't let them do politics. Everybody knows their place.
Our army is not doing politics but leading an impartial role in the conflict.

May be someday you will realize the truth of what I have just said.

What the Wall Street Journal is reporting is factual, Sir.
LOL. Typical American who "trust" anything his media says.
Without proof, it is still a conspiracy theory :)

It is your right to ignore reality for now. Your awakening is inevitable at some point in the future, of that I have no doubt.
@Chak Bamu

Quoting a gori making assuptions published in a media outlet run by a bunch of traitors, makes the argument and you, extremely credible.

This cannot be regarded as an 'evidence'.

There are multiple sources. I just cited two. I've shared another. Be sure to trash that too. One is gori, the other is traitor, the third would be unkonwn/paid/lifafa journalism. If I were to quote yet another, you would be sure to find something wrong with it. It really is up to you whether you choose to believe or not. And that in turn is connected to either your interests or your world-view. In any case, this is not new to me.

Just to clarify: i would not be interested in Defense matters if I did not have a love for our Army. I just hope and wish Pakistan's politicians mature enough to deliver results like Turkish politicians and finally the population stops looking at the army as an arbitration agency.

None of this would have happened, had IK shown maturity as a political leader. He needs to sit down and think what he wishes to be: an angry (not so) young man, a leader of a mob, a social leader, a political leader, or a statesman.
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The whole goal was to show an elected PM "his place" as determined by the "angels" by using these pawns. That is the real tragedy of this all that once again the usurpers have succeeded and the whole country will continue top pay the price for this monstrous illegality. Actually, those who wish bad for Pakistan will be the ones rejoicing. Those that are speaking out against this disaster-in-the-making are the ones who have Pakistan's best interests at heart. May be someday you will realize the truth of what I have just said.
Lets wait and see, is this not what you always say too? You have failed to change your perception, and i dont understand why ---- my main argument is our leaders allowed themselves to be used !--- so dont blame the exploiters --- americans have said it for long that we can buy a pakistanibfor a mere bottle of whisky --- so you cannot blame the americans -----

Military's policy has changed, you were expecting a martial law but that did not happen --- that for once is a change --- lets wait and see......
In case you forgot, Pak Army is playing neutral role here.

Not their role. Do you understand that in most countries the army is subservient to the PM? Not an equal, certainly not one where they can sit and arbitrate between the PM & others. That would be a job for your President alone. The Courts could do their bit. Not the army.

Our army is not doing politics but leading an impartial role in the conflict..

Their job is to do what the elected government tells them too. I'm beginning to understand that this might be a hard fact to grasp.......
The whole goal was to show an elected PM "his place" as determined by the "angels" by using these pawns. That is the real tragedy of this all that once again the usurpers have succeeded and the whole country will continue top pay the price for this monstrous illegality. Actually, those who wish bad for Pakistan will be the ones rejoicing. Those that are speaking out against this disaster-in-the-making are the ones who have Pakistan's best interests at heart. May be someday you will realize the truth of what I have just said.

As you are so disheartened by all of this, you should stop calling yourself Pakistani (if you are really one) and fully embrace your foreign nationality and stay out of Pakistan's affairs :)
WSJ, a foreign news agency, one known for being unreliable when citing sources.

According to who? WSJ is one of the most reputable newspapers in the world. And who would you rank above WSJ?

I'm glad that i joined these forums because i am getting an idea of how ignorant our awam really is. Primarily the reason why foreign/domestic parties always take advantage of it.
Meeting with IK reportedly over.

lasts about over half an hour.
I dont see anything going wrong when both sides are at peace --- i dont see where army jumps into that ----they tried to resolve the conflict for 2 damn weeks and they could resolve it, so a third force was needed,
You do not have any idea about on ground realities yara ---even police did not wanted to go up against the protestors
plausible deniability.

This show wouldnt have been played right in the red zone for so long without the army being supportive of it. Nothing the civvies could do to stop the protests, neither can they press charges against the protestors. As for the army uppending a civvie rule - not the first time thats happened in pakistan.
I'm glad that i joined these forums because i am getting an idea of how ignorant our awam really is. Primarily the reason why foreign/domestic parties always take advantage of it.


I dont see anything going wrong when both sides are at peace --- i dont see where army jumps into that ----they tried to resolve the conflict for 2 damn weeks and they could resolve it, so a third force was needed,
You do not have any idea about on ground realities yara ---even police did not wanted to go up against the protestors

Police also went against the government by issuing an FIR. They were in the fear that a contempt of court case was going to be registered against them.

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