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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

Very well said. Everyone should watch it before blaming Government

شاہراہ دستورخالی نہ ہوسکی،ججزقافلہ کینبٹ ڈویژن کیجانب موڑدیاگیا

Corrupt judges are coming.
@Bratva -- this is a very different case -- nothing to do with intel guys --- ;)

On the lighter note -- ignore feature is working perfectly :bunny:
Can i go sleep now???
Charge List Against Nawaz Sharif and Chaudry Nissar and CO

2013 - Rigged Elections
2013 - Failure to Open probe in Election Rigging
2013 - Failure to Open recount and verification of all ballots to check signs of rigging
2013- Illegal haste process of taking IMF loans, instead of local solution
2013 - Illegal haste process of privitization, with no focus on trying to revive economy
2013 - Illegal promises made to fix electricity crisis in 30-60 days
2013 - No Decision to finish gas pipeline
2013- Proven that few election areas turned out to be rigged , no reaction to apologize
2014 - Illegally stopping Emirates airlines plane causing diplomatic row with UAE
2014 - Visiting Enemy state when it was against Pakistani Interest
2014- Authorizing military operations with out proper planning in north Pakistan
2014- Starting political vendeta against , Mushraf ex army head of Pakistan and ex President of Pakistan
2014 - Illegal detention of Qadri and his workers causing deaths 15-18 people , act worthy of death as capital punishment
2014 - Not allowing FIR (Police complaint) by force and use of power
2014 - Illegal act of puting containers on Pakistani Highways disrupting trade and economy and right to protest
2014 - Damage to Highways due to illegal containers usage
2014 - Not stepping down , from government !!!! By Massive Protest
2014 - Hiring Gangsters to attack the demonstrators going to Islamabad
2014 - Criminal Act of attacking Pakistani Citizens with Police force , reports of gangsters dressed as police force
2014 - 300-400 People injured due to attacks , and unknown number of deaths {10-20 people} , act worthy of death as capital punishment
2014 - Closing out escape route for women and children , by placing containers again endangering the lives of Pakistanis
2014 - Taking 1 Billion Dollars from Another country without telling people where that money is used ?
2014 - Paying $$$ to TV anchors , for biased reporting and trying to close channels which
report against government , anti freedom of press movement \
2014 - Attack on Dunya TV camera crew
2014 - Attack on SAMA TV camera crew, masked police men
2014 - Preventing supply of water and food to citizens of Pakistan engaged in demonstration

THIS GOVERNMENT IS NOT GOVERNMENT OF PEOPLE !!! We need to put charges against the government !!!
All the middle class and high class educated supporters of qadri and imran are sitting in front of the TV with snacks in their hands and enjoying this never ending drama while gullible illiterate poor people are suffering in the dharna.Why don't all these educated,rich (some living in west) supporters of ik directly join the protest?Poor people are always used in such tamashas in all third world countries.
@Bratva -- this is a very different case -- nothing to do with intel guys --- ;)

On the lighter note -- ignore feature is working perfectly :bunny:
Can i go sleep now???

Haha You may :D

I was just giving an example to guy about not everything is conspiracy. After all judges are human beings, not some Walli Ullahs who have firm morals and strong character
TV reporting is indicating the bullets used are not considered true rubber bullets the ones being used do have potential to cause internal organ damage and if hit in neck and head can cause death

Experts indicated that some of the internal organ damage is caused after few months time due to internal organ damage
I see nothing wrong on Nawaz's side;what would anyone do if a bunch of people who don't have brains to think themselves start approaching a constitutional building to take it over ?I should say he exercised a lot of restraint ;had not been for govt's resistance ,this drama could have turned into blood shed long ago.These are not the ways to protest in any civilised democratic countries.Entire international community is watching what is going on in pak;I don't think any democratic country would be happy with the actions of imran and qadri.such acts make them villain and let NS gain sympathy of other countries.
Its sad that this happening few step from Armed forces personnel guarding the buildings , we expect more from our Army
How can they hold their fingers on the triggers seeing their own citizens being brutally assalted by GULU butt police

Army is the only hope we have

I see nothing wrong on Nawaz's side;what would anyone do if a bunch of people who don't have brains to think themselves start approaching a constitutional building to take it over ?I should say he exercised a lot of restraint ;had not been for govt's resistance ,this drama could have turned into blood shed long ago.These are not the ways to protest in any civilised democratic countries.Entire international community is watching what is going on in pak;I don't think any democratic country would be happy with the actions of imran and qadri.such acts make them villain and let NS gain sympathy of other countries.

Why don't you give him nationality for India if you love him so much we will send him to your country
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