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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

Sedqal sahab, Google is your best friend. Chief Justice banned the entry of ISI and MI agents on supreme court premises citing they are eavesdropping their every moment so they can influence the judges. I'm amused such an amusing news during Judicial crisis and you forget it besides terming it conspiracy theory.

Google is your friend too, surveillance tapes of CJ's house were presented in front of judiciary before courts ordered ISI/MI to REMOVE any surveillance for courts and private residences of judges (luckily it happened in Pakistan where such a high offense is taken as a common day practice) and then banned the entry of ISI/ MI agents.
A very dark day for the democracy of Pakistan and it's only the beginning.. more chaos and anarchy on its way!
Why don't you give him nationality for India if you love him so much we will send him to your country
Don't assume that I am a supporter of nawaz.my opinions are related to this specific incident.Nawaz may be corrupt,may have rigged elections and so on and so forth;but this is not the way to protest is all I am saying .what amazes me is why all this drama one and a half yrs after elections.Pakistani politicians are egoists and power hungry to the degree that they can go to the extent of destroying the country for their politics.It reflects the mind set of majority of people as well.
TV reporting is indicating the bullets used are not considered true rubber bullets the ones being used do have potential to cause internal organ damage and if hit in neck and head can cause death
Thre are basically two types of rubber bullets i.e. true rubber bullets, which come in the form of buckshots, and steel projectiles coated in rubber. It is possible that the Police has employed both types of bullets. Rubber buckshots are not lethal but rubber-coated steel projectiles can be. It depends on what type of weapon was used to shoot the projectile. Buckshots are usually fired using a shotgun whereas rubber-coated steel projectiles can be fired from guns with high muzzle velocity. Rubber-coated bullets fired from such guns pack more punch due to more kinetic energy.

A. Rubber Buckshots



A1. A rubber buckshot wound


B. Rubber-coated Bullets/buckshots



B1. A rubber-coated steel bullet wound

Now tell me whats the fault ary , dunya , express and dawn news crew that they are being beaten and their cameras broken except that they are showing the real face of hired gullu buts of intmin and nz.
Pmln is making more enemies than friends in this cruical time which clearly reflects sanity and wisdom of pm shareef and his advisors.
They wanted to move from in front of the parliament to in front of the PM house not inside the PM house. And Nisar said they had news that they wanted to enter 3 buildings. Reports from his sources who tell him that there are just few hundreds protesting?

Just see the map and the route the protestors were taking and check which buildings would have come in their way which they could have probably entered in Nisar's view or as per Nisar's sources?

A very dark day for the democracy of Pakistan and it's only the beginning.. more chaos and anarchy on its way!

As if we were living in a paradise and the citizens were getting all their rights as per the constitution.
Army is still sleeping like always. Gen Shareef is more dumb then he looks. Shame on every military officer serving right now, happening right under their noses.
Even the news reporters have attacked police and buildings with their weapons of mass destruction (camera), and hence police had to take them down. Police has attacked the vans of tv channels, dragged camera men out of the vans and brutally assaulted them. Videos are circulating at almost all tv channels.

Come defend this too, you noora pimps..
Army is still sleeping like always. Gen Shareef is more dumb then he looks. Shame on every military officer serving right now, happening right under their noses.
It is because Army is not in favor of IK/TAQ. Particularly IK has pissed Army off with his stupid stand on TTP. This will last for some more time, and in the end, both the Government and IK/TAQ will be the loser.
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