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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

They never said one person died. You liar!!!
Just look at this pic that I recently took.
View attachment 45865
ARY had been reporting dozens of dead...now settling to 7....soon the tickers would disappear.
They never said one person died. You liar!!!
Just look at this pic that I recently took.
View attachment 45865
nops, they first reported 7 people died and then reported 1 person died.. 7 person zakhmi is another news that was after the moment they broke the gate of Prime Minister house
Is that bleeding or he just pained himself selectively with red paint? Plus why is he still playing with mobile -his thumb on the dial- while apparently unconscious?
It is from 2011 suicide attack Creatures of the Deep: January 2011
We aren't supporting him. If Padri and Khan are too brave then why they weren't outside the containers leading the protest ...
probably going in and out of consciousness and enough time to make a call attempt?
?????????????? Seriously?
But it doesn't appear to be coming out of the body, I can't notice the wounds/origins of bleeding.
blood ko skin pe mal liya hai... yaar in becharon ka mazaak na karo.. us bachay ka to abhi vote bhi nahi bana shayad... he doesn't even know why he is there
Is that bleeding or he just pained himself selectively with red paint? Plus why is he still playing with mobile -his thumb on the dial- while apparently unconscious?
Does it look like a time to joke around? probably someone else's blood could be a million things...why not you concentrate on NS and ask where the hell he is? hiding under his bed in Raiwand?
News on TV that all buildings under Army control are safe and not breached. And the police commandos and personnel were removed from those buildings yesterday.

Statement attributed to Bgd Cdr of 111 bgd. Who is the current Bgd Cdr?

@balixd, @Hyperion, @Xeric...
Arghh!!! Cant recall his name - i belueve itvwas Brigadier Sarfraz --- he use to come Pasban sports complex gym everyday --- but his name is just not coming to my head
Warna ye pata nai kitne logon ki jaan lene ka zummaydaar ban jaye ga. The government has to enforce state of the writ, if they want to enter the Prime Minister house, coup the parliament, the government must act or else leave the control in the hands of anarchist
Government was too soft..they should do something so that this episode cannot be repeat again and again by canadian mullah..its his habit to come after every year from canada for such inqalaab and then going back to canada after some casualties
Heavy police deployment @ Liberty Chowk.... PTI workers left... as soon as police left.. they gather again... i like this :)
nops, they first reported 7 people died and then reported 1 person died.. 7 person zakhmi is another news that was after the moment they broke the gate of Prime Minister house
They never reported it. If you still don't believe me then turn on ary and see with your own eyes
Then why his hand is in air????
Maybe he is writing his will
?????????????? Seriously?
Maybe you have not lost a serious amount of blood and dont know a person doesnt just drop dead until and unless vital organs are damaged...and substantial amount of blood is lost...Do you even know how much blood runs in 1 body? Well how much he is covered with...he may still be conscious unless his mind goes in shock then he might get unconscious! or if his vital organ is hit or if he has been bleeding for a while!
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