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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions


The crowd is not even 30% of what PTI used to gather. They couldn't even fill one road properly. There is hardly any crowd there after 15 days... The usually gatherings of PTI, PML-N, PPP and MQM has always been far bigger than this. In fact Jamat-e-Islami and ANP manages to gather more people in Karachi and KPK
The number should not matter - what matters is there will --- these guys sat peacefully for days, even if they are 1000, no one should ignore them --- and btw the crowd was 70k just few days ago ----
This is a photo of daytime, and everyone knows that the place is empty almost at day.

I am sure you are well aware of the demographic make up of the PTI and PAT dharnas, hence the number disparity.
all the photos that has been shared on PDF, None of them contained more than few thousand people. Even on day 1, Oscar was arguing that there are 20,000 people and myself arguing that in PAT jalsa there are about 80,000 and for PTI jalsa far less.

After a day or two, the number was decreased manyfold in fact Imran Khan had to make another statement that those who has gone back please come back as I am serious and I will march towards the parliament (or probably lead country towards anarchy)
Ary Lahor is closed due to threats, they are forcefully closed, Nawaz gonda gardi
The number should not matter - what matters is there will --- these guys sat peacefully for days, even if they are 1000, no one should ignore them --- and btw the crowd was 70k just few days ago ----
70k is tiny, and any attempt to destabilize a government by this 70k has no justification.
Ok... I have been watching ARY news like 3 hours.

Nawaz is responsible for this mess.

The protesters was peaceful until Police or rangers throw gas tears at them and it became a mess.

It was well planned from Nawaz.

1 weeks ago, they all marches next Supreme Court, there was no trouble because Police Chef reject the requests from the government to attack them.

The number should not matter - what matters is there will --- these guys sat peacefully for days, even if they are 1000, no one should ignore them --- and btw the crowd was 70k just few days ago ----
yes at peak even if it was 70,000... Is it all? Normal jalsas of PTI used to easily gather 150,000 - 200,000 people.. it clearly reveals that despite months of mega campaigning, paid advertisements, gathering people from all over Pakistan and espacially bringing people from KPK still didn't gather many people. Both PTI and PAT had claimed that they will gather 1,000,000 in two separate jalsas... and see it wasn't even 100k when both jaslas's were combined. It clearly reveals the fact that the public is not supporting anarchy march

If there is a bloodshed and violence... They might get sympathy from one segment of society and hate from another segmant of society but in the tussle of power they have safely assured that they are not different to thugs and goons of PML-N, PPP, MQM, ANP, PML-Q and all.

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