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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

In UK, PM would have resigned the first day unlike our civilian dictator Noora.
Okey PTI should arrange a similar sit in UK to get IK a premiership. He desperately needs it for his political as well as marital future :lol:
Goodie Goodie! Protestors Enter Pak-Secratariat! Let the Jalao-Ghirao begin.:D
Wish and pray that no any Third hand take advantage with situation, An unknown fire or stone change the whole situation, till now both parties peaceful as they directed.
Where are IK and Mullah here armed with AK 47 and Taliban style bombs trying to threaten the Democracy that these two work for?
Both IK and Qadri are unarmed. Seriously, what are your sources except US State Department?
You need medications like IK and Mullah. Your majority is the little gang of 20 K people. Mine is the REMAINDER of 200 million people!

You are not even Pakistani so as Bill Cosbey said 'have a coke and a smile and shut the f*ck up' :)
Where are IK and Mullah here armed with AK 47 and Taliban style bombs trying to threaten the Democracy that these two work for? Your picture is incomplete!!

Why can't you just put one Pakistani flag..... Don't be ashamed Pakistan is not that bad... Noora Kappora..... You should see videos which type of crowd is supporting IK.... Your Taliban Khan propaganda is busted out....
Don't feel bad for humiliation your soldier might had got from Taliban....
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