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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

Nawaz cant attack them. They are standing outside and if they are attacked then imran and qadri will have the peoples support big time and this will actually create a massive mess. N must show massive patience.
I think they should move in PM house and should live there for some days and enjoy good food and sleep in AC....
where is @orangzaib now and his 'I told you three days ago that the protestors are not going any further and are going home' ... what a load of a bullshitter american!
PM house represents prime minister of Pakistan, not Sharifs.... It's a national symbol and we are disgracing it. Well must be ashamed of this act, there's nothing to be proud of in it.

This symbol had been many time disgraced by Army... This time civilians having party...:rofl:
PM house represents prime minister of Pakistan, not Sharifs.... It's a national symbol and we are disgracing it. Well must be ashamed of this act, there's nothing to be proud of in it.

They'll be protesting OUTSIDE the PM house ... not ransacking it!
Ever seen protests outside 10 downing street in UK and protests outside White House in US?

Only excuse.... Can you disturb the life in London this long? No, you'll be jailed second day...

This symbol had been many time disgraced by Army... This time civilians having party...:rofl:

And this time by civilians.... Score levels.... Times now to uproot it to get a lead, eh?
Only excuse.... Can you disturb the life in London this long? No, you'll be jailed second day...
In UK, PM would have resigned the first day unlike our civilian dictator Noora.
If they attack PM house and enter there I would also go live my rest of life there...:p:
where is @orangzaib now and his 'I told you three days ago that the protestors are not going any further and are going home' ... what a load of a bullshitter american!

I am right here. Getting messages from the silly parade. This is exactly what I said....they need a Face Saving. This is an agreed upon Face Saving event. It's about to end in a day
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