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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions


Altaf Hussain come on TV for barking can't listen to him even if patiently try for 2 minute...
If they attack PM house and enter there I would also go live my rest of life there
Why is everybody assuming here that they would attack state buildings when they have clear orders to remain peaceful? Badzanni?
In UK, PM would have resigned the first day unlike our civilian dictator Noora.

In UK, or the US, they wouldn't have let 20K people attack the system either. There would be tear gas and all and jail time for people violating the constitution. There is a VERY SOLID line between a peaceful protest which is a democratic right of people and flat out violence which is happening here with terrorism included that killed many policemen
In UK, PM would have resigned the first day unlike our civilian dictator Noora.

In UK people are sent to jail who violate the agreement. Don't cheery pick, I am not here to defend PM.
I am right here. Getting messages from the silly parade. This is exactly what I said....they need a Face Saving. This is an agreed upon Face Saving event. It's about to end in a day

At least put one Pakistani flag... Don't be ashamed Noora...
In UK, or the US, they wouldn't have let 20K people attack the system either. There would be tear gas and all and jail time for people violating the constitution. There is a VERY SOLID line between a peaceful protest which is a democratic right of people and flat out violence which is happening here with terrorism included that killed many policemen

In UK people are sent to jail who violate the agreement.
When PM can't even allow filing of FIR against him and his brother CM properly, who cares about violation of agreement?
You may be able to fool some but not majority with your rhetoric ...

You need medications like IK and Mullah. Your majority is the little gang of 20 K people. Mine is the REMAINDER of 200 million people!
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