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Government likely to increase gas prices

Bruh Imran khan can change the country but not its people , time for people to take matters on its on hands.. try raising some businesses and stuff like that just like how people do it , something revolutionary can literally change the direction of this country! , talking about gas i thought we had more gas than India?
ITS 27% NOT 270 some moron jurno cant distinguish between 0 and %. Still its a massive jump and will be additional burden in cold winter. Also OP has added 270 figure by himself and distorted the original article to suite his/her agenda. Shame on you.
غریب کی فکر تھی تو خطے میں بجلی کے مہنگے ترین منصوبے کیوں لگائے تمہارے بھگوڑے لیڈر نے؟
no use explaining this to people again and again, they simply do not want to understand. i am no fan of current policies of PTI and their misgovernance, but what PMLN did is inexcusable.

people do not understand the reason for increasing prices, people do not know why dollar is high, and even if you take the time to patiently explain all of this to them, they will again say in the end "issay acha to nawaz shareef tha, qarza to woh bhi leta tha, magar sab kuchh sasta tha". these people do not want to understand.

The truth is that we are stuck in endless cycle, which we can only breakout off if our industrialists decide to target exports, and the government decides to introduce policies that incentivize localization.
Petrol price already hurting me badly. Another surprise from this government. I think civil war is near.
You can do whatever war you wish. But lemme tell you the truth. Pakistan's petrol prices are one of the lowest in the region and the world. China, India, Bangladesh, United States, etc all have higher prices compared to Pakistan. It is stupid of govt to provide subsidy on this import.

P. S. I hate this complaining nature of Pakistanis. A country with 220 million people is importing every thing. So what are these people good for? Even the exports they are doing is primarily purchased by over seas Pakistanis. The only good thing our awaam can do is sit home and complain. In today's world there is zero reason to complain.
غریب کی فکر تھی تو خطے میں بجلی کے مہنگے ترین منصوبے کیوں لگائے تمہارے بھگوڑے لیڈر نے؟
Ghareeb will stay Ghareeb because he think his only job is to complain, give birth, more complain and ask govt to provide.
Bruh Imran khan can change the country but not its people , time for people to take matters on its on hands.. try raising some businesses and stuff like that just like how people do it , something revolutionary can literally change the direction of this country! , talking about gas i thought we had more gas than India?
A country with useless 220 million who import everything, can never change. Even Bangladesh export about 20 billion more than pakistan. The over seas Pakistani send more remits compare to the export from 220M people.
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I guess this moron PM will make the ppl come out on streets n kick him out. I doubt if anyone will vote this liar idiot next time.
The Overseas Pakistanis don't care, let the folks back home suffer.

You are a ill educated and ignorant person.

There isn't any gas to supply or sell.
There aren't any more gas reserves.
Whereas there is a surplus of electricity that isn't getting consumed.

You may also want to look at who gave sovereign guarantees to electricity producers who are being paid
regardless if it is consumed or not.

Thus, it makes sense to encourage customers to use electricity rather than gas
which is not efficient to distribute.

The only thing you and the likes of you can do, is make drama without making any effort to understand the problem, leave alone approaching a solution.

Regardless change title and content to match the orignal news article. It is against forum rules to change title and content of article to your liking. There will be 27% increase for big time consumers for example who use 2 gysers or use 2 kitchens in same house otherwise bill wont be that high. We should be conservative in usage of Electricity and Gas in first place. Here in Australia people wear extra clothing's and turn off heaters to avoid extra bills. Even here not every one can afford to run AC or heater 24/7. At best its 4-5 hours of usage at night.
You may also want to look at who gave sovereign guarantees to electricity producers who are being paid
regardless if it is consumed or not.
This is a standard practice in every country. Setting up a power plant is an expensive proposition and it requires certain guarantees.
Nawaz today seemed to have overestimated the power requirement. Had it not been Imran's dharnas and other gheraos the development would have picked up pace and today Pakistan would have consumed all the electricity produced.
This is a standard practice in every country. Setting up a power plant is an expensive proposition and it requires certain guarantees.
Nawaz today seemed to have overestimated the power requirement. Had it not been Imran's dharnas and other gheraos the development would have picked up pace and today Pakistan would have consumed all the electricity produced.

there are NEVER any sovereign guarantees offered on rates of return.
The only thing a government offers is conditions and legislation
What nawaz and croonies ( Zardari) did was offer ridiculous contracts without any due diligence.
there are NEVER any sovereign guarantees offered on rates of return.
The only thing a government offers is conditions and legislation
What nawaz and croonies ( Zardari) did was offer ridiculous contracts without any due diligence.
That were needed because your Iron friend didn't trust Pakistan to return and demanded them in guarantees. Nawaz had to do it because no one else wanted to invest in your country.

How come PTI which set out to convince China to forego some of their profit came back empty handed? It's the same reason Nawaz had to too. That is Chinese bargains hard and Imran had no other options. It's their mistake to put all their capital in one basket.
You can do whatever war you wish. But lemme tell you the truth. Pakistan's petrol prices are one of the lowest in the region and the world. China, India, Bangladesh, United States, etc all have higher prices compared to Pakistan. It is stupid of govt to provide subsidy on this import.

P. S. I hate this complaining nature of Pakistanis. A country with 220 million people is importing every thing. So what are these people good for? Even the exports they are doing is primarily purchased by over seas Pakistanis. The only good thing our awaam can do is sit home and complain. In today's world there is zero reason to complain.

Ghareeb will stay Ghareeb because he think his only job is to complain, give birth, more complain and ask govt to provide.

A country with useless 220 million who import everything, can never change. Even Bangladesh export about 20 billion more than pakistan. The over seas Pakistani send more remits compare to the export from 220M people.
Sir kindly look at the salary range that bangladesh and indians give to their public. Comparing it with pakistan is a joke. Yes we can make excuse that lowest petrol price is in pakistan as compared to india but you should also look at the overall economy and whether a person can afford it or not. It's very easy to blame citizens. Which sector in pakistan is doing great? Industrial? Agricultural? Look at export and import.
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