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GoP to approach China for inclusion of Iran,KSA and Afghanistan in CPEC


Sep 19, 2008
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If Chinese approve it, Pakistan would suggest setting up a 5 Nation Working Group on CPEC

If Chinese approve it, Pakistan would suggest setting up a 5 Nation Working Group on CPEC
Fake news... Iran and KSA differences all time high ... Hiw they agreed to join same economic project ?
Iran and Saudi can keep their differences as they are and simultaneously benifit from CPEC individually.
This era is an era of reeping benifits from wherever you can.
Do you think they are intelligent enough ? KSA and Irans decision makers are the prime reason that despite of controling wast world resources we muslims are worst then slaves and killing each other without any reason ... Both are just power hungry and are using religion for gaining power ...

They will not sit on same table ...
Fake news... Iran and KSA differences all time high ... Hiw they agreed to join same economic project ?
CPEC is not a road, it's a framework. Saudis and Iranis joining the CPEC means that both the government as well as private companies of their can have access to Chinese funding for investment in approved industrial zones under CPEC framework just like Pakistani private sector like Engro,KAPCO,HUBCO etc pursuing mining and energy projects with Chinese funding.
afghanistan will then start asking to add india too like they are doing on trade agreements.
This doesn't need approval. This has always been the grand plan. To secure China energy needs via CPEC from ME (both Iran and GCC). Saudi crown prince, recently was not burning the midnight oil in Islamabad before heading to Beijing for no reason. America is twisting and turning for obvious reasons and you are actually hearing American talk when Indian leaders express their frustrations and verbal diarrhoea against CPEC. And when the petro dollar is replaced with other regional currencies for energy import/export, that is the end of American empire as we know.

Do not for once think India is expressing it's frustration on its own, they have been forced into by yanks. Indians jumped into American lap without realising what they are getting themselves into.
Mark my word, in a few years it will be India who will be isolated and maybe the only real US poodle in Asia. Chinese policies are very long-term, very subtle and without the bluster typical of the Indians. Despite the current love affair between India and Hassina, Bangladesh will move over to the Chinese camp. Philippines also already moving away from the US sphere of influence. Smaller countries like Srilanka and Afghanistan will soon see the writing on the wall. The tea seller will ultimately prove he is just a tea seller. He has done enough damage to India's credibility already
how stupid can Pakistan be to include Afghanistan in that project.. They will only work against our interest and in future both iran and Afghanistan will root for indian inclusion, and then we will be sitting outside just like saarc


If Chinese approve it, Pakistan would suggest setting up a 5 Nation Working Group on CPEC
What will Saudis gain from CPEC? Isn't it outside the CPEC range ?

We don't need Afghanistan as they are a fake govt right now which is run by Indians and Americans.

Iran is understandable as we already have a Rail Link to Turkey through Iran and also Central Asian countries can benefit by Road and Rail Link through Iran instead of Afghanistan.
What will Saudis gain from CPEC? Isn't it outside the CPEC range ?

We don't need Afghanistan as they are a fake govt right now which is run by Indians and Americans.

Iran is understandable as we already have a Rail Link to Turkey through Iran and also Central Asian countries can benefit by Road and Rail Link through Iran instead of Afghanistan.
Saudis export oil to China, they can use Gawadar to route the oil shipments. They can invest in energy projects offering guaranteed 18% Dollar IRR.
Do you think they are intelligent enough ? KSA and Irans decision makers are the prime reason that despite of controling wast world resources we muslims are worst then slaves and killing each other without any reason ... Both are just power hungry and are using religion for gaining power ...

They will not sit on same table ...

Saudi and Iranians sit together on the same table for OPEC all the time. They will put their differences aside for economic reasons.
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Don't you think that if they wanted to invest in Pakistan then they would have done it by now.

However so far nothing big involvement has been seen by the Saudis in Pakistan till now.

Saudis export oil to China, they can use Gawadar to route the oil shipments. They can invest in energy projects offering guaranteed 18% Dollar IRR.

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