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Google vs China thread

Yeah right, do wait for a little while, you might want to swallow your

words back to your stomarch.

BTW, gogbot, seems to me you change alot lately, posting some

one liner flame bait as your favorite thing ?

NO its not bait its fact.

When was the last time China did not get things to go the way they want.
Internet censorship, what people said was impossible to do , was being done in China.

But now Google says no.

Now to top it all off and what is hilarious

iS all the member here have been going on about how bad Google is and how much better of they will be with out them.

But you don't get it do you yo are loosing Google. the best internet search engine out there. The best email, honestly your loosing "you been googled".

Well to be fair i use I-Google so Google practically runs my life. Google is the internet, or will inevitably be

but all everyone is saying is get lost, just because it said no to China for censorship.

I doubt China will let Google leave its sets a bad image.
But however if Google gets to stay it shows everyone that CPC can make concessions. Which is even more unlikely.

Dear all my Chinese brothers,

Please do not reply to indians. Ignore them no matter how much they provoke.

E-mail leak has Google threatening to leave China

SAN FRANCISCO – Google Inc. said Tuesday it might end its operations in China after it discovered that the e-mail accounts of human rights activists had been breached.

The company disclosed in a blog post that it had detected a "highly sophisticated and targeted attack on our corporate infrastructure originating from China." Further investigation revealed that "a primary goal of the attackers was accessing the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists," Google said in the post written by Chief Legal Officer David Drummond.

Google did not specifically accuse the Chinese government. But the company added that it is "no longer willing to continue censoring our results" on its Chinese search engine, as the government requires. Google says the decision could force it to shut down its Chinese site and its offices in the country.

It's unclear how much of a blow to its business Google would suffer by pulling out of China. The country has the world's largest population of Internet users but research firm Analysys International said last year that Baidu.com handled 62 percent of Web searches in China compared with 29 percent for Google.

Clothilde Le Coz, Washington director for Reporters Without Borders, called Google's willingness to stop censoring results a positive step, but added it doesn't necessarily mean more information will be available to the average Chinese person.

"The Chinese government is one of the most efficient in terms of censoring the Web," she said. The media watchdog group has long criticized Google and other Internet companies for caving to China's censorship regime.

A spokesman for the Chinese consulate in San Francisco had no immediate comment.

Google first agreed to censor search results in China in 2006 when it created a version of its search engine bearing China's Web suffix, ".cn." Previously, Chinese-language results had been available through the company's main Google.com site.

To obtain its Chinese license, Google agreed to omit Web content that the country's government found objectionable. At the time Google executives said they struggled with how to reconcile the censorship concessions with the company's motto of "don't be evil." By then Yahoo had come under fire for giving the Chinese government account information of a Chinese journalist who was later convicted for violating state secrecy laws.

E-mail leak has Google threatening to leave China - Yahoo! News


Hopefully the rest of the world will get sick of the Chinese government soon and do something about forcing its crappy communist ways out and free the people of China. Its a disgrace a country in this day and age can be run this way, Western companies have had serious headaches caused by trying to enter the Chinese market due to such things as extremely strict regulations on various things.

China needs Google and Yahoo 10x more than they need China. Bravo Google on the bold move! Go India :tup:
Shame on autocratic, authoritative, human-rights abusing regime of china.

Bravo Google !!!

Dear all my Chinese brothers,

Please do not reply to indians. Ignore them no matter how much they provoke.


If you cant take Criticism or as some like to call it another point of view there is always

Its an ancient defense mechanism one that i have been using for far to long.

And your no better communist

I had to read your plans on rounding up Indians in China and then executing them, that is also called genocide, whats wrong with you man.
The local branch has been in a embarrassment between the Government and the US headquarters since they lost ts great leader here-Lee Kai-fu.

If google retreat from China, I do wish some other company purchase google's business in China, otherwise Baidu will certainly expand its share and that means a 95% monopoly in the market.

Anyway it is so far so good with google. It is still too hard to believe that this giant will give up all its ambitions in China, after all that great efforts it have made.
The local branch has been in a embarrassment between the Government and the US headquarters since they lost ts great leader here-Lee Kai-fu.

If google retreat from China, I do wish some other company purchase google's business in China, otherwise Baidu will certainly expand its share and that means a 95% monopoly in the market.

Anyway it is so far so good with google. It is still too hard to believe that this giant will give up all its ambitions in China, after all that great efforts it have made.

Google wont censor, that's its status quo.

CPC has to decide if it wants to tell Google to leave or not.
Let's boot our google!

Save google for India

its your loss

Any Nerd will tell yo Google i s legend.

In fact this nerd is saying you will be loosing one of the best services in the world
Let's boot our google!

Save google for India

Yeaaa we dont mind having one of the worlds greatest search engine in India..you guys dont realise what will happen to you..you will become a frog in the well..anyway leave it dont want to fight about it.its your govt decision..and you guys supports it..so why do i care?? :cheers:
I don't get it, nobody censors Google as much as UAE... Of course as far as I know, Google doesn't censor itself in UAE and the ISPs here do that. But still end result is the same, Google is being censored and Google only raises its voice against China?


Don't get me wrong, I'm against censorship of all kinds. But why the double standards?
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