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Google vs China thread

But it was ccp,which hacked into google ids of some human right activists,commmunist.....wasnt it?...so google actually reacted to the ccp action. nothing wrong here. .wat u say? ...btw ,why was the ids of some human right activists hacked?.....something fishy,aint it?
NO its not bait its fact.

When was the last time China did not get things to go the way they want.
Internet censorship, what people said was impossible to do , was being done in China.

But now Google says no.

Now to top it all off and what is hilarious

iS all the member here have been going on about how bad Google is and how much better of they will be with out them.

But you don't get it do you yo are loosing Google. the best internet search engine out there. The best email, honestly your loosing "you been googled".

Well to be fair i use I-Google so Google practically runs my life. Google is the internet, or will inevitably be

but all everyone is saying is get lost, just because it said no to China for censorship.

I doubt China will let Google leave its sets a bad image.
But however if Google gets to stay it shows everyone that CPC can make concessions. Which is even more unlikely.

sir, did you really went through the first page comment by comment, especially the long one,posted by booo, explaning what are the possibles reason for its leaving? if you go through them carefully, maybe you may realise this was nothing but a trick! a trick that google intended to promote itself in china. here are some questions:

1)censorship was not a problem for google at all, many countries do that and google bowed to everyone of them, including china. so why all in a suddent, google decieded to leave because of "censorship"?

2) as google said, more than 20 companies in a variety of industries were attacked. financial giants ,political giants, hi tech giants... fair enough, worth a try at least. but for Gmail account? what a nonsense! there are millions of convenient and effective ways to find out what their owners are doing. so will google let us know the genuine reason of why they are being attacked or what they lost in the attack?

3)says google again, "...a sophisticated, coordinated attack... was mounted" + " Only two Gmail accounts appear to have been accessed". see , what a secure email system. but is gmail really that good?

4) is there a system(search engine and email server) more tempting than a censorship free and secure one? google it is, at least this is what google want us to believe! is there any better way to promote yourself rather than to launch a high-profile campaign: such as the statement of pulling out of china, no more censorship?

so, to sum up, i don't really think google is going to give up his 17% of the market share in china, on the contract, she wants more by sparking a heated debate.
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Anyway, I love google more.
tianya even deleted posts regarding this incident
I really dont know what are they afraid of?
What's full $hit in the CCP officials nut brain?
Are they still living in the 1960s?
Down with some predator!
^ and you will pull out the proof from your *** right..where does Google say it was by China's government and i laugh at indian clowns.If anything it won't effect China.China has its very own search engine Baidu and Bing and Yahoo.Nice way to vent your anti china anger.Let's insult them here as you can't beat them in war knowing fully well you'll get your ***** kicked so hard that you wont feel it anymore.
Anyway, I love google more.
tianya even deleted posts regarding this incident
I really dont know what are they afraid of?
What's full $hit in the CCP officials nut brain?
Are they still living in the 1960s?
Down with some predator!

Man, do not be an embarrassment for us.

I also do not support many CCP policies. But here CCP is not guilty. If google cannot protect the privacy of some individuals' personal account information, then its google's own technical fault. CCP has not asked google to share those information with them.

And please read Asim's post above to know which country actually censors google. Its not China.

I believe, we could creat another legend;)

Stop day dreaming!
Baidu in no way can compete with google in its core technology.
Many of its share comes from tieba(post bar) and free music downloading. It does not have a core tech like cloud Computing. It's a shame for some CCP Officials, not us every Chinese people. So dont defend it. We should be broaded minded. Not everything CCP does is good for China or Chinese.
They also do EVIL!:devil:
Stop day dreaming!
Baidu in no way can compete with google in its core technology.
Many of its share comes from tieba(post bar) and free music downloading. It does not have a core tech like cloud Computing. It's a shame for some CCP Officials, not us every Chinese people. So dont defend it. We should be broaded minded. Not everything CCP does is good for China or Chinese.
They also do EVIL!:devil:

You are not Chinese, but an indian.... its now confirmed. :chilli:
I believe, we could creat another legend;)

So you plan to topple google with your censored search engine.

Thats why Google is leaving for its refusal to say no to censorship.
CPC deciding on what to do with an uncensored search engine that google is now making available.
So you plan to topple google with your censored search engine.

Thats why Google is leaving for its refusal to say no to censorship.
CPC deciding on what to do with an uncensored search engine that google is now making available.

CPC has nothing to do here.

Its all about corporate rivalry. Even Google knows that. If Google leaves China, guess who will benefit, Google's corporate rival.... :smokin:
You are not Chinese, but an indian.... its now confirmed. :chilli:

I love China, I dont have to agree with everything CCP does. Even the event itself becomes sensitive. What are the officials afraid of? If they care people's accusation, dont do it. You did it but afraid of being commented. What good deed! Try searching 非法献花(illegal presenting flowers), if it still exists.
the Internet censorship is one of the CCP's most gross doings.
Stop day dreaming!
Baidu in no way can compete with google in its core technology.
Many of its share comes from tieba(post bar) and free music downloading. It does not have a core tech like cloud Computing. It's a shame for some CCP Officials, not us every Chinese people. So dont defend it. We should be broaded minded. Not everything CCP does is good for China or Chinese.
They also do EVIL!:devil:

Sorry, I don't think it is a day dreaming!
Do you know the different between dream and plan?
dream is just imagine something unreal!
Plan is the direction of workhard!
If you have no courage to plan future to become legend, Why you will have courage to overtake a legend?
Remember! every legend is created by human. Chinese is not worse than others! If others can do, Why chinese only could dream a dream in your side?

for gogbot,
No, I don't want to topple Google, If you find that you always could find some free press about how to overthrow India or full of coprological information(it is bad for children), I think you will support India to examine them too......
BTW, Google want to leave China is determined by themselves, if they find an excuse for chinese to "use chinese", why we don't take it?
I should say:"Thank you very much for leaving, Google!"

I love China, I dont have to agree with everything CCP does. Even the event itself becomes sensitive. What are the officials afraid of? If they care people's accusation, dont do it. You did it but afraid of being commented. What good deed! Try searching 非法献花(illegal presenting flowers), if it still exists.
the Internet censorship is one of the CCP's most gross doings.

If Google quits, immediately 非法献花 is picked up by competitor Baidu. I mean now. Just try it.

That's commercial competition.

I love China, I dont have to agree with everything CCP does. Even the event itself becomes sensitive. What are the officials afraid of? If they care people's accusation, dont do it. You did it but afraid of being commented. What good deed! Try searching 非法献花(illegal presenting flowers), if it still exists.
the Internet censorship is one of the CCP's most gross doings.

Man! I only want to tell you........... you are too radical.............
If Google quits, immediately 非法献花 is picked up by competitor Baidu. I mean now. Just try it.

That's commercial competition.

Better that. The problem is, every forum like tianya and mop cannot discuss this event. All related threads have been deleted. More than that, other websites also deleted regarding articles. What a coincidence!

If Baidu is really confident, it need not to grow up after google's quitting. It can be stronger with or without google.

Do you really think absolute monopolization is good for the market and users. Without competitor, Baidu may loose the motive to progress, and the users have less choice.
If the CCP themselves believe it does the right, why should it keeps silent after a whole day? I really wanna know What are they afraid of? Would any one please answer? The key point of this event is not about google and baidu, but google and ccp. We all know they the strongest economic and millitary power, why they still have a glass-fragile heart? Why They cannot bear any criticise as one of the largest party in the world? Should they be more tolerant and magnanimous? Dont muss the point with BAIDU. It's none of its business.
It's all about CCP and Google, partly the Chinese netizens.:rofl:
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