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Google vs China thread

well, ofcourse since "Democracy” and “Human rights" has no meaning in communist ruled PRC ,that why its only natural that dont deliver any result on search machines.

That makes china a virtual police state.... and Chinese citizens ,the prisoners of the communist junta ruling over it.
I am not anti Chinese, but this singular incident has shown that China indeed has Great "Firewalls" and The Real China is Some what invisible, till a freedom of Expression is given.

When The Gov is Not interested to give freedom even for corporate interests , one can imagine the level of secrecy being deployed in other areas too.

All i can say is, China is a Gr8 nation but Technological and Economical Advancement is of lesser importance than freedom to a common man.

Perhaps even Pakistan is better in this regard where people can protest and Bring back a Judge removed in an incorrect fashion.

Our Chinese friends may bring more light to the issue.

It's best if I let another person say it. Read this carefully and understand the wisdom:

Only the naive believe there is total freedom of speech or expression. Politicians know media is the most powerful tools to conquer their opponent and they use it to the full. Money is everywhere to finance propaganda, which can be good or bad. If their propaganda is like the chinese type where everything is painted as calm and in order, no conflict or only small one is happening, they tell you not to worry about neighbors because you are brother and so it is safe to go out to improve your lot. Or the western propaganda where they convince you are different from your neighbors and you should not integrate into your society; they lie that many are killed even though they know it is not true, and they tell you not to trust neighbors and the street is dangerous, meaning don't go out and be productive. Do you notice the different in these propaganda? Do you think western kids will grow upright under these kind of propaganda? Most chinese know they wouldn't.

And by the way, while I was living in China I could access all sorts of news and pornography. What the government wants to limit is the harmful **** for children and horny old farts! Regarding some of these zionist owned propaganda outlets, the ONLY time they are blocked is AFTER they begin their propaganda used to distort the truth and present falsehoods as truths.

We can see how "intelligent" the Indian members with their false view of Chinese (and Muslims) and their false views of themselves. BRF is only a glimpse, we see it many times here. The same can be said of Americans, Canadian, etc --- how much do they know or understand of other cultures? nations? events? Not much. How much do Chinese and Orientals understand outside their nations --- A LOT. It really helps to be able to read multiple languages. Chinese and Koreans and Japanese and Malays etc can read in 2 or more languages, and get a better world view.

Now how many Indians or Americans or whatnot can read Chinese and understand Chinese??? Not many, yet it is these same people who criticize others WITHOUT knowing what they are talking about. And it also helps that they are OVER 100+ OF MILLION Chinese overseas (all over the planet), who have their own local websites and blogs and what not. Not only does it serve as a way to keep in touch and support one another, they also discuss various topics. These and a myriad more are AVAILABLE to Chinese in the Mainland. This serves as a sort of "cross-pollination" of ideas and debates.

Here's just one of many examples, to illustrate that Chinese on the mainland do NOT living in a bubble. They are keenly aware of domestic as well as international affairs.

In a country whose national emblem is Marianne, a bare-chested woman, there is deepening concern over the all-encompassing garb, often black or brown and worn with gloves, attire typical in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. Here, it is widely viewed as a gateway to radical Islam, an attack on gender equality and other French values, and a gnawing away at the nation's secular foundation.

President Nicolas Sarkozy opened the door to a possible ban in June, telling a parliament session in Versailles that such dress "is not welcome" in France. A parliamentary panel set to work in July on a six-month mission gathering information on the garments.

On Tuesday, the head of Sarkozy's conservative UMP party in parliament's lower house, Jean-Francois Cope, jumped the gun before the panel's report was finished, and filed draft legislation on a ban. "No one may, in spaces open to the public and on public streets, wear a garment or an accessory that has the effect of hiding the face," the draft text reads.

The document cites public security concerns, thus includes all face-covering clothes, in a bid to head off challenges from those who might claim such a law would violate constitutional rules on individual rights — a major concern along with how such a law would be enforced. It foresees fines for those who break the law.

The initiative, unlikely to go to debate before spring, would be the second time France targets Muslim dress. A 2004 law born in acrimony bans Muslim headscarves and other "ostentatious" religious symbols in the classrooms of French public schools. Sarkozy's party dominates parliament and the president reiterated Wednesday his wish for a law on full veils, though it's too early to say whether it will pass.

Europe's growing Muslim population has bred tension across the continent. Wariness is pervasive since deadly attacks in Madrid in 2004 and in London in 2005 by Islamic radicals living in Europe. And some non-Muslims sense a threat by a foreign culture to their way of life. It took only four minarets on Switzerland's 200 mosques to push the Swiss to vote "no" to minarets in a November referendum.

However, France, which wants an Islam tailored to the West, would be th....
It's best if I let another person say it. Read this carefully and understand the wisdom:

And by the way, while I was living in China I could access all sorts of news and pornography. What the government wants to limit is the harmful **** for children and horny old farts! Regarding some of these zionist owned propaganda outlets, the ONLY time they are blocked is AFTER they begin their propaganda used to distort the truth and present falsehoods as truths.

We can see how "intelligent" the Indian members with their false view of Chinese (and Muslims) and their false views of themselves. BRF is only a glimpse, we see it many times here. The same can be said of Americans, Canadian, etc --- how much do they know or understand of other cultures? nations? events? Not much. How much do Chinese and Orientals understand outside their nations --- A LOT. It really helps to be able to read multiple languages. Chinese and Koreans and Japanese and Malays etc can read in 2 or more languages, and get a better world view.

Now how many Indians or Americans or whatnot can read Chinese and understand Chinese??? Not many, yet it is these same people who criticize others WITHOUT knowing what they are talking about. And it also helps that they are OVER 100+ OF MILLION Chinese overseas (all over the planet), who have their own local websites and blogs and what not. Not only does it serve as a way to keep in touch and support one another, they also discuss various topics. These and a myriad more are AVAILABLE to Chinese in the Mainland. This serves as a sort of "cross-pollination" of ideas and debates.

Here's just one of many examples, to illustrate that Chinese on the mainland do NOT living in a bubble. They are keenly aware of domestic as well as international affairs.
Then why is the PRC so intent on censoring the Internet? If they have a better worldview their sophistication would intellectually protect them from Zionist propaganda, correct? Looky here...Your intellectual tap-dancing is entertaining but is fooling no one.
Then why is the PRC so intent on censoring the Internet? If they have a better worldview their sophistication would intellectually protect them from Zionist propaganda, correct? Looky here...Your intellectual tap-dancing is entertaining but is fooling no one.

A result of limited cognition caused you to missed the most important quote, which also happens to answer your question. It is also for the same reason that you become a soldier.

Only the naive believe there is total freedom of speech or expression. Politicians know media is the most powerful tools to conquer their opponent and they use it to the full. Money is everywhere to finance propaganda, which can be good or bad. If their propaganda is like the chinese type where everything is painted as calm and in order, no conflict or only small one is happening, they tell you not to worry about neighbors because you are brother and so it is safe to go out to improve your lot. Or the western propaganda where they convince you are different from your neighbors and you should not integrate into your society; they lie that many are killed even though they know it is not true, and they tell you not to trust neighbors and the street is dangerous, meaning don't go out and be productive. Do you notice the different in these propaganda? Do you think western kids will grow upright under these kind of propaganda? Most chinese know they wouldn't.

And the USA also censors and promotes the negative type of propaganda. That is why you betrayed your own countrymen, working as a "coolie" for a nation that doesn't value its soldiers after they are no longer of use. Discarded like a dirty diaper. Disdained and left jobless, homeless, and with PTSD.

Why do you continue to try to fool yourself? You are of no value to them, you are only used as a tool to act as a traitor to your own people and humanity. However, it appears you have severed your links to your countrymen, and now your only source of acceptance for your longing and bruised self is to act as a lapdog for the same people who discarded you.

This is called "soldiering" and it is no different from prostitution. You are not being loved, yet you fool yourself into hoping it is so. Day after day, you are left feeling empty and shallow, needing another daily dose of reassurances that you are indeed "loved" and that you "belong". But how can you belong with you are different from them and they don't see you as worthy to be an equal?!

When a man performs soldiering to betray his own peoples, he has become and will remain a male-prostitute. It is only until the time he wakes up from his overdose, builds up self-confidence, confronts and frees himself from his handlers, and slowly rebuild his life --- only then is he truly free again.

It is not only you who suffers from this mental disease. And it is not because you are weak either. War and the feeling of being used does this to a man. You are not alone.
What this nation of Bullion people, with trillion of $$$ in foreign assets and have ABM/ASAT capability..soo cruelly cage its citizens ? anyone ? even their stooges are silent in this matter...:hitwall:
China's software industry is about several times of India's, and therefore coders have more experience.

Well See This. It doesnt go well with ur statement.


What this nation of Bullion people, with trillion of $$$ in foreign assets and have ABM/ASAT capability..soo cruelly cage its citizens ? anyone ? even their stooges are silent in this matter...:hitwall:

First of all, almost every country do censoring, India is no angel either

Google Sets Censorship Precedent In India

"Censorship varies from country to country but India, home to a sixth of the world's population, appears to be shaping up much like China. Not far behind everyone else, Google has increasingly censored websites with an incident where a very popular politician died and Google forcibly deleted and dissolved a group on Orkut where offensive comments about the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh were posted. An official from India's Ministry of Communications and Information Technology said, 'If you are doing business here, you should follow the local law, the sentiments of the people, the culture of the country. If somebody starts abusing Lord Rama on a Web site, that could start riots.' The lengthy opinion piece calls attention to the beginnings of a definitive lack of free speech online for Indian citizens.

Yeah, give me a break, do look youself in the mirror and see whether

you still got the nerve to talk about "Cruelty" to their people.

Now lets do a reality check on how impressive the "Incredible India"

treat her own citizen;

(1) Shamelessly oppressing their own people through "Caste-system"

UN says caste system is a human rights abuse - Telegraph

(2) Spending billions on military instead of providing the basic need

for their own people resulted suffering and die because of "Extreme


Despite the economic growth and outsourcing of foreign jobs by western companies to India, majority of the Indian population still wallow in extreme poverty and disease. Behind India’s new-found economic strength are three hundred million poor people that live on less than $1 per day. Government figures may indicate a reduction in poverty. But the truth is, with increasing global food prices, poverty is spreading everywhere like a swarm of locust. Conditions are worst in the rural areas where close to 70% of India’s population resides. Statistics show, that 2.1 million children under 5 years old die of malnutrition yearly.

India is not be rated as the most corrupt country in the world as far as the figures go but corrupt practices exist here in India like any other place in Africa. Public school teachers rarely go for classes but still get paid at the end of the month. The ministry of education in India is struggling to identify thousands of so-called ghost-worker names of teachers that only exist on payroll – yet victory is far-fetched.

Mumbai is beautiful and businesses are flourishing but that is for the privileged few. The poor, who are majority, live in slums. They can only see and fantasize about the beautiful things in the city of Mumbai, but can't benefit. The streets of major cities in India, like the rural areas, are populated by persons who can’t even get the minimum amount of calories that is required for survival due to the low quality of food they eat. To many Indians, basic amenities such as proper sanitation, portable water, and health care are luxuries they can only get in their dreams.

Many young girls have resorted to prostitution as a way to escape from poverty and provide for their families. Increasing number of girls are dropping out of schools to look for jobs. In some extreme cases, parents force their girls out of school themselves. This ugly trend spells doom for India’s economy in the future.

As families cut back at the number, quality and quantity of food they consume per day; meat, a source of protein, is no more an option in the menu of many families. People now opt for less nutritional meals – just to put something in the stomach— which has a bad effect on child’s growth. Meanwhile, it’s estimated that 40% of children in India are suffering from stunted growth.

Extreme Poverty and Hunger in India

If China = "cruelty cage" India = live "Hell Hole":smitten:
A result of limited cognition caused you to missed the most important quote, which also happens to answer your question. It is also for the same reason that you become a soldier.
Yup...Just as I expected...Unable to answer the question...Go for the cheap insult.
US to serve formal notice to China over Google

16 Jan 2010, 1750 hrs IST, PTI

WASHINGTON: Observing that China needs to explain about internet freedom, the Obama Administration on Saturday said it would serve a formal demarche to the Chinese Government over the spat with Google.

The internet search engine has alleged Chinese attempts to "limit free speech on the Web", and threatened to stop cooperating with Chinese internet censorship and consider shutting down its operations in China.

"We need to hear now from the Chinese," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said.

"We are anxious to hear from them. I think Google will keep us apprised on their next steps as it relates to China as well," he said.

"We will be issuing a formal demarche to the Chinese Government in Beijing on this issue in the coming days, probably early next week," the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, P J Crowley, said.

Also Read
→ Yahoo knew of attacks before Google, kept mum
→ Yahoo had talks with Google about China attacks
→ China says ways to resolve Google issue, US cautious
→ China tries to limit Google dispute fallout

"It will express our concern for this incident and request information from China as to an explanation of how it happened and what they plan to do about it," Crowley said.

The State Department official said the US will continue to talk to China on this issue.

"It touches on things that are very important to us: Internet freedom, network security and human rights," he said.

Source : US to serve formal notice to China over Google- Internet-Infotech-The Economic Times
what are you doing on a web site for getting dates with latvian girls such a hypocrisy.pathetic loser.

I take it 2600 are indians then :rofl:

Its being posted by some one named (as posted on independent.ie) also known as Saint N sinnerr on this website trying to spread crap against pakistan i didnt no some of you are sinking this low.

Did you also read what some one has replied to your post on that website.

Shocked not even by this marriage schema, but... why Ireland is so popular in India for example? It's kind of dirty and impulsive country... I dislike it.choke on it read it again and again.

*** fool alert , fool alert***
I wonder why U said that ? jealous..hmm hmmm.. may be ....
now Looser , it was not a dating site... its a news web site.... sorry mate..
nd yes , where ever pakistanis will try to malign thte image of my country , they willl find my comments there.. and they will not be very pleasent...a nd I am NOT spreading CRAP agiast your country ... I am just trying to convince the people its NOT us indians its the Islam loving country who live `peacefully` next door to my country .
also ... there are more than 100 nationalities living in ireland...and LOT of pakistanis... and ireland is a popular country ... may be if U stepped out side your little city , LA LA LAND, U wud have known better. and beside ireland being a ****** country... these people have better living standards than your country and mine... and its the EURO power that draws people to ireland(europe).
NOTHING AGAINST your country... just dont USE indias name to spread shiite.
I've reposted this thread to the mods. Stop spreading false and malicious propaganda!

Are you going to blame Pakistanis for undersized Indian genitals too now? Take your fabricated garbage to any Indian forum where it will be appreciated.
The furor surrounding Google's bombshell announcement that it was contemplating withdrawing from business in China has centered on long-simmering issues of privacy, government control, and censorship. Google, a company whose DNA dictates that it "do no harm," is particularly well-cast in the role of defender of western values of freedom of expression and open access to information against a Chinese system that brooks no political dissent and reserves the right to forcibly prevent certain types of information ranging from political expression to ****.

But there is another story here, more prosaic but no less important to the future arc of global business and the global balance of power. Google has not been doing all that well in China, as many have noted in recent days, badly trailing the domestic Chinese search company Baidu. But it isn't just that Google has struggled. All of the New Economy western companies in the media and information business have failed to establish themselves in China. Before Google, eBay and Yahoo both made investments of years and millions upon millions of dollars to tap the fast-growing Internet generation in China, and like Google, they could not gain traction. Both companies ended up pulling the plug on their China ventures, with eBay losing out to domestic Chinese auction company Taobao, and Yahoo ceding its operations for an ownership stake in Alibaba.com (which also controls Taobao).
(See the top 10 internet blunders.)

The failure of these New Economy players in China is in stark contrast to the success of brick-and-mortar companies. Consumer stars like Nike, food franchises like Kentucky Fried Chicken, industrial giants like General Electric and United Technologies, and technology behemoths ranging from Microsoft to Intel to IBM have prospered in China. In fact, mainland China has been the most impressive growth market for hundreds of global companies for the past decade. So how did Google stumble so badly?

The rap on China's growth is that there's lots of building and selling but not much innovation. In many areas of the economy, that's true — and the same could have been said for the growth of the United States at the end of the 19th century. But in the areas of media and the Internet, it isn't. There, China has a thriving culture of thirtysomething entrepreneurs, many with U.S. work experience, who are creating home-grown franchises catering to the burgeoning world of the web in China. Baidu, the rival search engine to Google, is most in the news lately; others include web portal and entertainment companies Sina and Netease; on-line, multi-user gaming company Shanda (which recently made an acquisition of an American gaming company and plans to expand to the United States); internet and mobile applications giant Tencent; and a host of others, some public, some still in start-up mode.
(See the best business deals of 2009.)

These companies have a distinct advantage over foreign competitors because their founders and senior managers are part of the same elite class as the regulators who enforce the various and mostly unwritten rules of censorship. They have offices in Beijing, and they lobby the Chinese government through uncharted back channels and are in what amounts to a continuous dialogue about what is and what is not acceptable. This includes not only political censorship but morals — especially relating to **** and sex. Google may have hired its own cadre of Chinese executives but it — like Yahoo and eBay before — has always played catch-up to the more connected crowd of Chinese entrepreneurs and their companies.

Google and the Western media in general have effectively turned this imbroglio into a clash of morals. Perhaps. But it is also yet another symbol of the shifting balance of economic power globally. Other countries censor content, and not just rogue regimes such as the Iranian mullocracy. Web sites are blocked throughout the Persian Gulf and North Africa based on objectionable content and this hasn't created much of a furor. Other countries also engage in cyber espionage, especially Israel and of course the United States Government itself with the largest group of hackers in the world employed by the National Security Agency.

But China's efforts to censor and monitor the web represent a challenge to the uncontested hegemony of Western business and to the dominance of Silicon Valley in the world of new technologies. That story — of China's emergence and a burgeoning world of hungry entrepreneurs not willing to play second fiddle to America — is the backstory for the Google imbroglio and one that is about to assume center stage.

Zachary Karabell is the author of "Superfusion: How China and America Became One Economy and Why the World's Prosperity Depends On it" (Simon & Schuster 2009) and president of River Twice Research (RiverTwice Research :: Home)

The original link:

Google and China: Silicon Valley Is No Longer King - TIME
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What this nation of Bullion people, with trillion of $$$ in foreign assets and have ABM/ASAT capability..soo cruelly cage its citizens ? anyone ? even their stooges are silent in this matter...:hitwall:

Chinese government does not locked up any of her citizens. All Chinese are free to visit overseas.

Stop your anti-china statement!:china:
Chinese government does not locked up any of her citizens. All Chinese are free to visit overseas.

Stop your anti-china statement!:china:

Do you really think they do not know anything?

How can you think our enemies do not know anything?

They know everything. They know that what they are writing here is total BS and serves nothing other than defaming China.

They know China is better than their own country, but they still will say China is bad.

Why do they do so? Because of racist hostility, jealousy and low mentality. And this is the reason we consider them our enemies.

Let me give you an example.

Can you expect mercy from a ferocious wild crocodile when you are attacked by it?

If you expect mercy from an attacking crocodile, then you deserve death, because you are a stupid. But if you are intelligent, you should retaliate and kill the crocodile before it kills you without expecting any mercy from it.

Our enemy's main objective is to do harm to us, that is what they do, and in response our main objective is to do maximum harm to them.

Come to the real world. Be pragmatic and smart.

:china: :china: :china:
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