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Google rank modi pm of India in top 10 criminal list

Google does that. Just search 'terrorist country' and see what you get.

whether they apologize or etc its all about your indian cronies heading the google doesnt negate the fact that what modi did in gujarat

woow ....while ago some posted Pakistan number 1 . But, unable to find Pakistan in this data.

You did lot of effort using snipping tool to add Pakistani flag......

Can not see Pakistan............you need little more practice for cut and paste...even simple searches are insulting for this IndoBrit...brown monkey.

View attachment 319620

Interesting no Pakistani in this list...

Before you make retarded racist slurs & accusations like a racist you are , at least put some effort into the facts . Look at what you are searching .

I searched " terrorist country flag "
You searched "terrorist countries flags"

You can't even copy a simple text & here you are insulting me :rofl: kek , here is the side by side mobile view of both search.

Congratulations you just made a fool of yourself.

Ok , now go learn using snipping tool again. Take some cut and paste classes too.

or you could get a pair of spectacles and learn to read before jumping to conclusions .
Before you make retarded racist slurs & accusations like a racist you are , at least put some effort into the facts . Look at what you are searching .

I searched " terrorist country flag "
You searched "terrorist countries flags"

You can't even copy a simple text & here you are insulting me :rofl: kek , here is the side by side mobile view of both search.

Congratulations you just made a fool of yourself...

or you could get a pair of spectacles and learn to read before jumping to conclusions .
Pakistan flag moved to another location.........lolzz.....take some photoshop classes.......and ooooooooooooo please...leave it alone


One more for you

Pakistan flag moved to another location.........lolzz.....take some photoshop classes.......and ooooooooooooo please...leave it alone


One more for you

View attachment 319753

Dude are you even reading my post , LEARN TO READ

Now Google :

" terrorist country flag"

^^^ post this screen shot I dare you
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Please use common sense , this is my fault for arguing with people who can't understand simple technology. browsers allow you too zoom xhtml pages .

This is so simple to understand , look the Pakistan flags are both in the 3rd spot in both of my both post 23 & post 51 image.

They are literally in the same spot

Dude are you even reading my post , LEARN TO READ

Now Google :

" terrorist country flag"

^^^ post this screen shot I dare you
Waste of time. Move on.....

Let me make you happy...(.these are all wordpress.com ....blog links, non of them national media outlet).

Lol so its suddenly a waste of time when you are wrong .

99% of all the images on modi when you search " top ten criminals" are articles about the topic , nothing to do with any riot .
Sometime fail to understand, why Indian elect Modi as PM. Guy has been known for his criminal activities and right under his nose, thousands of his own people (muslims) been killed for hours and he kept silent.

Lol so its suddenly a waste of time when you are wrong .

99% of all the images on modi when you search " top ten criminals" are articles about the topic , nothing to do with any riot .
Your are trying to save Modi and diverting issue toward terrorism in Pakistan. So, its waste of time. Or you are calling little sweet " ban" . Obviously , you are IndoBrit in love of Modi.
Your are trying to save Modi and diverting issue toward terrorism in Pakistan. So, its waste of time. Or you are calling little sweet " ban" . Obviously , you are IndoBrit in love of Modi.

The topic is literally about Google's algorithm , its got nothing to do with riots or terrorism. Read the article, my posts are completely in context .

Saying things Google search shoes about Pakistan is false but everything about modi is true is peak of double standard hypocrisy
woow ....while ago someone posted Pakistan number 1 . But, unable to find Pakistan in this data.

You can manipulate to get around the system. But they always the trail behind. That's when they can get caught. :D


I think you guys don't understand how the google work. It is not defined by the popularity or the stats of the regulated report. Rather it is calculated by the constant googling that defines the result appear to you. In neutral google, you won't find Pakistan in the list. But if you are constantly googling Pakistan in relate to terrorism, that's the engineered result you get which has nothing to do with the popularity or the statistics of crime rate, more to do with your predictable inputs, in other word, the algorithm for you.

Indians are obsessed with Pakistan in everywhere. That's why google provides that special engineered result for Indians. Neutral-wise, Pakistan is hardly in the list. Because Pakistan is not that popular as China-USA, USA-Russia, Middle East and the constant sectarian war between KSA-Iran.

Only Indians are obsessed with Pakistan, the world is not. In fact, the above google-result derided from the engineered algorithm based on Indians usual searching, proved that and once again, why Indians will always be obsessed with Pakistan. :D
You can manipulate to get around the system. But they always the trail behind. That's when they can get caught. :D


I think you guys don't understand how the google work. It is not defined by the popularity or the stats of the regulated report. Rather it is calculated by the constant googling that defines the result appear to you. In neutral google, you won't find Pakistan in the list. But if you are constantly googling Pakistan in relate to terrorism, that's the engineered result you get which has nothing to do with the popularity or the statistics of crime rate, more to do with your predictable inputs, in other word, the algorithm for you.

Indians are obsessed with Pakistan in everywhere. That's why google provides that special engineered result for Indians. Neutral-wise, Pakistan is hardly in the list. Because Pakistan is not that popular as China-USA, USA-Russia, Middle East and the constant sectarian war between KSA-Iran.

Only Indians are obsessed with Pakistan, the world is not. In fact, the above google-result derided from the engineered algorithm based on Indians usual searching, proved that and once again, why Indians will always be obsessed with Pakistan. :D

this is the most uneducated description of the page rank algorithm (which itself has been changed recently btw) I have seen. But guess that's still one step better for the guys it is addressed to
this is the most uneducated description of the page rank algorithm (which itself has been changed recently btw) I have seen. But guess that's still one step better for the guys it is addressed to

The algorithm is changing. Nobody care about the truth. Everyone want the content they wanna hear. Neutrality is out of question. Like the generated ads based on the history of the users, similarity google search responds the same way. It is no wonder why Indians sees Pakistan on the google image because it is based on the generated algorithm of the user input's history.

In short, Indians are obsessed with Pakistan, hence seeing Pakistan everywhere. :D
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