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Good: Pakistani Mangoes in Germany

One of these days I’ll have to try a Pakistani mango
Even last year my family brought them
Okie...now your just rubbing it in :(

One of these days I’ll have to try a Pakistani mango
Ya....goodluck fam. You can always pop down to Toronto and get them


You CAN NOT Bring These Items Into Canada
  • Food: Fresh fruits and vegetables, animal and fish products. Since you will declare these items at Canadian customs (i.e., you will tell Canadian customs that you have these items), customs agents will determine what is safe to bring in and what is not. Generally, no fresh fruits, vegetables, or fresh/uncooked animal products (meat, fish) will be allowed in.

It's same in US more or less....there is some leeway etc but are pretty stringent overall (I just don't risk it tbh)

You need permit if its your business as importer etc....be it you get it shipped or air/rail-freight

Flying into airports as private individual with fresh produce on you, you will have to declare it at customs...and if its fresh produce, they will inspect and make a decision there....and generally further away in world it is, they less likely they gonna let it thru.

@Pakhtoon yum

Generally its left to discretion of the customs agent, they will inspect it (after you declare on ur card), ask you some questions of the origin of it etc. But generally its a no-no in most cases (if fresh).

Normally I just bring in spices, preserved stuff (pickles) etc.. at most. They have no issue with that at all.

They make some distinction between commercial packaging/sealed/dated etc versus loose produce in a bag etc. Latter definitely they wont let past.
Well it happened so I guess there is a big black market for them.
sorry but in our home sindhri is at num one.

Sure, of course. In fact, it is a matter of personal taste. What I gave, was a common ranking, based upon my observation and discussion with different people.
For me.. Its
Anwar ratool.. Then
Then jo bhi hou... Pakistani hou and bus paka hua hou
Amongst indian mangoes dosehri and alphonso are gud.. Rest are below par
Mujhay to saray hi aik jaisay lagtay I can't tell difference in the taste of mangoes bas metha ho

Same with me, I am surprised that people here have such "extensive knowledge" about different varieties of mangoes. I never cared about the "variety" of mangoes in Pakistan, I always thought a good mango is the one which is sweet and that's all, like water melon , a good water melon is the one that has red flesh and is sweet.
I hope tht one day u get the chance to try a ripened mangoe rt out of the tree... Its life is 3 days max bfore it rots.
Try a few varieties of tapka aam (ripened on tree mangoe) and u wud be hooked...
All i get out of a mangoe is a hint of the taste of the ripened one
Same with me, I am surprised that people here have such "extensive knowledge" about different varieties of mangoes. I never cared about the "variety" of mangoes in Pakistan, I always thought a good mango is the one which is sweet and that's all, like water melon , a good water melon is the one that has red flesh and is sweet.
In order of preference I like

  • Sindhri
  • Anwar ratol
  • That small mango that you usually suck on (Chaunsa?)
I prefer taste over sweetness
That's it :butcher:

One of these days I’ll have to try a Pakistani mango
and you world will change forever :D

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