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‘Good Muslims should build bridges with other faiths’


Dec 12, 2008
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‘Good Muslims should build bridges with other faiths’


Sheik Ahmed el-Tayeb, 2nd right, Grand Imam of Egypt's Al-Azhar University, welcomes Coptic Orthodox Clergymen before his meeting with the Coptic Orthodox Church's Pope Tawadros II in Cairo on Oct. 5, 2013. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Published — Wednesday 16 October 2013

A Pakistani-American pilgrim here says Muslims should build bridges with other faiths to counter the growing misperception of Islam.

Jamil Waqar, a 62-year-old from New York City, who works as a pharmacist and runs a real estate business, said the recent acts of terror carried out by so-called Muslims have tarnished Islam.
Waqar is one of 2,000 pilgrims from the United States and Canada performing the Haj this year with nearly 1.6 million other pilgrims from across the globe.

Some of the pilgrims are reverts who recently embraced Islam. When Arab News approached some for interviews at their camp in Mina on Tuesday, they politely refused saying they were in a state of ihram. “Sorry,” said one of who was referred to by his fellow pilgrims as Patrick. He was heading to Makkah with his group to perform tawaf (circumambulation of the Holy Kaaba).

In another section of the tent for Americans and Canadians, religious scholars delivered speeches on how to lead life after Haj. Women pilgrims were also present.

“If you ask me, non-Muslims have become afraid of Islam, and the number of people that have embraced Islam have gone down,” he said. “Here in Mina and at Arafat, I prayed to Allah to show us the right direction and to help us wash away this stain of terrorism,” said Waqar.

When he arrived in New York 35 years ago there were not many mosques, he said. “Now you can find mosques in all neighborhoods; the mosques are full of people, especially young people, which is quite heartening.”

Waqar said it was wrong for Muslims to berate non-Muslims all the time.

“My son, Shaan, is studying at Albany Medical College, and since he always eats halal food, his non-Muslim friends make it a point to only go to halal-food restaurants,” he said. “Are they not better than us? And here we are passing strictures against them all the time.” He said Muslims need to be tolerant of other faiths. “Unless and until we appreciate them, we will not be able to bridge this gap between us and them,” he said. “We need to exercise moderation rather than condemning non-Muslims.”

He said events taking place in the Muslim world was harming the pristine image of Islam and Muslims. “If we are going to blow up schools, then what do we expect other people to think of us? Now is the time for introspection, and now is the time for good people to stand up and be counted.”

He praised the Saudi government and leadership for the excellent Haj arrangements and helping to ensure pilgrims can perform their Haj rituals in comfort.
“They deserve our gratitude.”

Waqar said he was here for the first time and "was very happy.” He did not find the Haj very difficult. “I was expecting hardships, but everything went well for me; it was very easy,” he said. He said it was a great feeling to be here. “You get to know people from other parts of the world,” he said. “It's good to share and care, which is what the Haj is all about.”

Waqar said their tour operator made good arrangements. “Nearly 2,000 pilgrims have come with this group from the United States and Canada,” he said. “I paid for the high-end package that cost me $14,000. The lowest package was $10,000.”

Solomon2 comment: however well-intentioned this fellow is, he misses what appears to me to be the essential failing of sharia: tolerance is inferior to rights. If the non-Muslim has no right to sharply criticize Islam or Mohammed or if a Muslim cannot switch his allegiance to another faith without evoking a violent response that is endorsed by the perpetrator's community, people will always live under tyranny or its shadow.

Pakistanis here don't have to believe me, of course. It is perfectly legal in Pakistan for an individual to convert from Islam to another faith. But what feelings run through your mind at the thought of doing so? There you go.
very well written. one of the most associated words with muslims is - INTOLERANCE

The central principle of the religion called "islam" is TOLERANCE. That is the reason why Egypt has 8 million Christians, while Spain, Italy, and much of Eastern Europe were wiped out of Muslims.

That is the reason why, the Mughals did not get rid of every Hindu in India, but let them live and prosper. That is also the reason why tens of thousands of Sufi Saints can be found all over the Indian country-side, and on whose hands millions of Hindus converted to Islam. Khawaja Ajmeri being one saint who settled in Rajasthan and is well known to have converted a million Hindus all over India, by just his spiritual state and love. This was in the late 1200s.
Tell this to the likes of the Taliban and their fundamentalist mindset. If it was that easy to convince them, there would be no terrorism in this world.

Forget building bridges with 'other faiths', they cant even stand the sight of people of their own Muslim faith like the Shias!!
Nothing? I suppose I can classify the response of Pakistanis here as "embarrassed silence."

Whatever Muslims do, has no significance in reality, because what sanctions Islamic doing and practice is what is sanctioned by the religion of Islam itself.

The government appointed dude Al-Tayeb, is a Shafi'i Sunni Scholar by profession having gained his qualification from the 1000 years old Al Azhar Institution. However, as said in the above paragraph, what really matters is what Islamic Jurisprudence (Shafi'i Shari'ah in Egypt) tells as how the Muslims should behave with non-Muslims, who live in their lands.

This is what its says: they are to be given protection, and their lives, their wealth is illegal for plunder. They have equal rights, and full freedom of faith and practice and movement. They are to be treated with full respect, and dignity, and helped in all ways possible when in need. They are part of the Muslim country, and are citizens. Any Muslim who apostatizes from Islam [ becomes a non-Muslim ] is to be banished from the Muslim community, because Egypt is a Muslim society overall, and this is for the protection of this existing Muslim community and country.

Any Christian who wishes to convert to Islam, out of his/her own free will, shall be given full protection by the Muslim state, if in danger.

Under a Caliphate (which does not exist in Egypt), only able bodied men are to pay a tax called "jizya", for not participating in the army, no one else.

Tell this to the likes of the Taliban and their fundamentalist mindset. If it was that easy to convince them, there would be no terrorism in this world.

Forget building bridges with 'other faiths', they cant even stand the sight of people of their own Muslim faith like the Shias!!

there is massive hindu terrorism in india perpetrated daily on the 180 million dalits

then you have the Sangh Parivar, RSS/VHP etc hooligans, who terrorise millions of minorities in India every day

youtube is full of their hate videos
You know in day to day life, religion does not matter. I've got christian, muslim, hell even knew a hindu once. Religion never really comes into play. No one associates anyone's religion with anything. If you asked anyone of my friends or most people in america, they simply don't care. But when I come to this supposedly muslim site or go anywhere else on the internet, you see all these things kafirs say that really make your blood boil. If I didn't remember GOD from time to time, I would forget I was a muslim or my friend is this or that. That's how insignificant religion is in most peoples life. Thank God I've got a life besides the internet, otherwise I would think religion is the only thing that matters to people or that everyone thinks muslims are intolerable.
Good Muslim, Bad Muslim...

At the end they all are Muslim...

recently a kenyan mulla talk about Islam.. Hope everyone remember it..
I cant agree more, they need tolerance. They should NOT draw a circle and shout to others: this is my land, you should keep out. The Muslims in Xinjiang need study this recall.

Don't you mean uhigurs?? Alot of Hui and Pakistani muslims are pro-chinese who recognize xinjiang as a part of china.
The central principle of the religion called "islam" is TOLERANCE. That is the reason why Egypt has 8 million Christians, while Spain, Italy, and much of Eastern Europe were wiped out of Muslims.

That is the reason why, the Mughals did not get rid of every Hindu in India, but let them live and prosper. That is also the reason why tens of thousands of Sufi Saints can be found all over the Indian country-side, and on whose hands millions of Hindus converted to Islam. Khawaja Ajmeri being one saint who settled in Rajasthan and is well known to have converted a million Hindus all over India, by just his spiritual state and love. This was in the late 1200s.

You are totally wrong.

Mughals were never in a position to Mess with Rajput kings and Hindus so they maintained good relationship with Hinudus. Soon as they tried to become fundamentalist and tried to convert Hindua on the age of swords, they were retaliated and finished. As soon as Aurangzeb tried become fundamentalist, he and Mughal rein was eleminated by Marathas. Same is the case with Tipu who was crushed by Marathas.
So far as as Sufism is concern, It was just like a sect of Hinduism with effect of Islam. The sufis used to say "Unal Haq" means I am the God. It is totally unIslamic as per the current theology of Islam. It was highly influenced by Shankar's philosophy of Advait Vedant. If you check the medieval Hindi Literature, You will find the most beautiful poems and Dohas on Ram and Krishna written by Muslim poets like Rahim. Even Bismillah Khan the learned the Shahenai from local Hinu priest.

Radicalization of Islam in India took place later particularly in 20th century. Pakistan almost eliminated Hindus form Pakistan and reduced them to 1% from 21%. No need to say that it was not by by just his spiritual state and love. So get your facts right.
Nothing? I suppose I can classify the response of Pakistanis here as "embarrassed silence."

Embarrassed of what? The good muslims are trying to build bridges but people like geller,spencer,bachmaan,peter king, entire Fox news have devoted their lives to make the lives of muslims more difficult.
we should appreciate good effort ........

i know Muslim are not bad , is been 10 year living in Muslim country ,

we can't generalize entire Muslim based on certain mind set,

it is brutal fact those who are fundamentalist ,they dominate on society,because they are aggressive by nature,

liberal and Mordred always try avoid conflict ,so they never try to impose their ideology on other ,

it good that people are coming forward and putting their effort for better world ,
The central principle of the religion called "islam" is TOLERANCE. That is the reason why Egypt has 8 million Christians, while Spain, Italy, and much of Eastern Europe were wiped out of Muslims.

That is the reason why, the Mughals did not get rid of every Hindu in India, but let them live and prosper. That is also the reason why tens of thousands of Sufi Saints can be found all over the Indian country-side, and on whose hands millions of Hindus converted to Islam. Khawaja Ajmeri being one saint who settled in Rajasthan and is well known to have converted a million Hindus all over India, by just his spiritual state and love. This was in the late 1200s.

I don't think there is anyone who will deny that...in fact this is true for every religion out there in world...because there is not a single religion who is teaching anything against tenets of humanity....However that is the not the problem...in today's world perception about Muslims is that they are an intolerant lot(just for records i don't believe that)...Even growing so called Islamic Terror(they have nothing to do with Islam) and mis-represtation of Sharia Law(along with some obvious flaws within it) are some of the reasons why Muslims are seen as Intolerant folks...It is this perception which i believe needs to be killed and moderate Muslims needs to step forward...
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