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‘Good Muslims should build bridges with other faiths’

And 99% of the non-extremists won't do anything about it. Islam means submission - both to Allah and his self-appointed regents on Earth. The little people must abide by religion and suffer from the strictures of the regent, while the regent and his gang themselves do whatever they want.
Your bs again,what the 99% doesnt do nothing about it?
The people you refer to are mostly illiterate/poor people form rural areas,who cant or dont want to think for them selfs.
Most Muslims (90% of the Muslims worldwide are poor)only think about feeding their children/familly,they dont care about world politics,christians,jews,hindus or whatever.
Where are the poor/illiterate westerners,do they know what hunger is?
You cant compare the two can you?
When all have the same living standarts,your argumentation is right.
Since most Muslims barely make living,your bs thread is big bs!
Look at Muslims here on PDF,how do most look at things,or do we not count as Muslims for you?
Now counter that,but dont forget to think before you write.
Your bs again,what the 99% doesnt do nothing about it?
The people you refer to are mostly illiterate/poor people form rural areas,who cant or dont want to think for them selfs.
Most Muslims (90% of the Muslims worldwide are poor)only think about feeding their children/familly,they dont care about world politics,christians,jews,hindus or whatever -
I'm going to give you time to cool down and re-read what you wrote. That'll give you a chance to say something different. There were, after all, many possible ways you could have chosen to respond to my "99%" post.
I'm going to give you time to cool down and re-read what you wrote. That'll give you a chance to say something different. There were, after all, many possible ways you could have chosen to respond to my "99%" post.
Ty for your patience and your answer.
No need to go further,if thats all you can do.
Ty for your patience and your answer.
No need to go further,if thats all you can do.
I think I'm doing you a favor here through my restraint. Cool down, buddy. Maybe you need a couple of hours or a day.
Eid Mubarik Solomon.....

May you and your loved ones have a Joyous and Festive Eid Al Adha.
When Muslims stone the devil at the end of the haj, is it true that many of them chant or think "Jew" or "Zionist"? link Is "Joyous and Festive" thus supposed to mean you're wishing I become the victim of mass violence and so give a sick sort of joy to such depraved Muslims?
Sufism based on hinduism? Really? :rofl: Get your facts straights sufism started when Islam went to Persia and from there spread into India and influenced the Turks as well. Following that sufi Islam spread into many parts of the world heck you can even find orders in freaking Somalia. Most sufis are sunni while some are shia. Sect of hinduism, don't make me laugh. Considering my whole ancestors were sufis I can tell you wholeheartedly what they though about hinduism, they considered it jahiliya, most sufis would agree.

Get your fact right Dubby.
Bull ****, you should never be tolerant of an enemy

Hindu's, Jews anyone who oppressed muslims should be hated, despised and opposed

Triple bull ****

The hindu's were subjugated for centuries & they took it, millions killed, thousands of temples destroyed your land taken. Tamerlane marched into India occupied the capital and put tens of thousands of hindu's to the sword where were your kings then

Ridiculous hindu revision of history

If what you say is true why over 100 crores of Hindus are living in Hindustan?? Every country and culture have their bad time as well as good time. Couple of centuries were were not very good for us. But we put the resistant and finally defeated those invaders.
I want to ask you a question?

If we do not defeat them than who else did that? Who ended the Mughal regime? How Mughal regime collapse after Aurangzeb? Who defeated Tipu? Who vanished Adilshahi?

Any idea???

Any idea how Aurangzeb (Mughal Dynasty) and Adil shah Dynasty collapsed? How measurably they were defeated and ridiculed by Maratha??
When Muslims stone the devil at the end of the haj, is it true that many of them chant or think "Jew" or "Zionist"? link Is "Joyous and Festive" thus supposed to mean you're wishing I become the victim of mass violence and so give a sick sort of joy to such depraved Muslims?

That is the most perverted sick thing I have ever heard from you.

No, when muslims stone they have to imagine " Shaitan " ( Arabic word for Satan ) for his disobedience to God for not Bowing down to Adam as commanded by God.

Muslim lives do not revolve around you Zionist, Mr. Narcissistic Weirdo.....
That is the most perverted sick thing I have ever heard from you.

Fayez Abed, a middle-aged Syrian pilgrim, told AFP that when he was carrying out the stoning ritual, he imagined "those who are slaughtering Muslims; Zionists and the (Syrian) regime and those aiding him".

Glad to read that you and I agree on this. Thanks for your good wishes.

Muslim lives do not revolve around you Zionist, Mr. Narcissistic Weirdo.....
It's not narcissism. To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Yep. And when Muslims engage in plunder and murder anyway non-Muslims have no redress since non-Muslims are merely "tolerated". Hence, Muslims are to pretend Muslims are perfect and such deeds never happened, or if they did happen the victims must be blamed somehow.

you said nothing against the religion of Islam. Good for you.

No Jew or Christian has equal rights in practice in majority Muslim countries, including Pakistan. Just look at the kinds of jobs the Christians are relegated to. And, of course, the Jewish community long departed - otherwise they certainly would become unhappy victims and Jews would really rather live their lives happily instead.

so, its a matter of corruption, duh, like the one exists in Bulgaria for Muslims, not that the Orthodox Church is responsible for it, duh

In Pakistan converting from Muslim to Christian is legal. (I suppose converting from Muslim to Jew is legal, too, but where could you find the rabbi and sponsors and books to do it?) But in Egypt the last I read (pre-2010) was that converting from Muslim to Christian was illegal.
apostatizing is illegal in all Muslim societies

If you crunch the numbers I think you'll find that non-Muslims paid such huge sums of protection money to rulers that they financed well over half the sovereign's income. The Age of Faith records that conversions to Islam were not encouraged in the ninth century to maintain high tax returns as tax returns had fallen sharply as a result.

Islam was spread by Muslim missionaries [ Sufis ]. They have nothing to do with the kings that ruled, or the Saudi king you have an obsession with

Does your religious and moral practice depend upon unrelated acts perpetrated by neighbors? Should I commit a crime just because my neighbor did, or I thought he did?

THe Saudi king made it quite clear yesterday that the central principle of Islam is REVOCABLE tolerance:

the religion of Islam doesn't give a squat about what the Saudi king says, or who he is

its Saudi law, not Islamic law.

In Egypt 80 churches have been burned down since the Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown. Does any Muslim here hold their heart out to them? Do any of you recall that early in the Islamic period Egypt suffered a "mad mullah" ruler who burned down churches and synagogues and after he was removed Muslims chipped in their own money to rebuilt them?

Why should the good deeds of previous generations of Muslims give today's Muslims license to behave badly?

in Egypt, a church gets built every day, massive ones too down there in Assiut and Luxor
Fayez Abed, a middle-aged Syrian pilgrim, told AFP that when he was carrying out the stoning ritual, he imagined "those who are slaughtering Muslims; Zionists and the (Syrian) regime and those aiding him".Glad to read that you and I agree on this. Thanks for your good wishes.

It's not narcissism. To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

I feel sad for that Ignorant Syrian who went to the Holiest of Holy Places and let his bigotry ruin his Hajj.

He failed to follow the ritual as ordered by God so that would mean that his Hajj is not valid.

What a shame to go through all that tough process of Hajj and in the end not get the benefit of Hajj as surely his Hajj is not accepted as he offered it.

In the House of God ( Kaaba ) and during Hajj, you want your heart full of God's love and love of Humanity. To be in that place with Hatred for any Human Being negates the Purpose and reason to be in such a place.
in India, whenever the Hindus do a riot, the first thing they attack is a dargah [mausoleum of a sufi saint ]

in the middle of Ahmedabad, they bulldozed one of the most famous dargahs of Gujarat.

The indian country side is full of these dargahs of Muslim saints [ Sufis ], who converted millions of Hindus to Islam over 1000 years. You can find them in every nook and corner of India, and Muslims nearby.

Shah Jalal in Sylhet converted massive number of Bengali Hindus to Islam. Basically, he is the reason why the Bengali nation is majority Muslim today.
And 99% of the non-extremists won't do anything about it. Islam means submission - both to Allah and his self-appointed regents on Earth. The little people must abide by religion and suffer from the strictures of the regent, while the regent and his gang themselves do whatever they want.

What do you mean by this? Did not Christianity commit brutal atrocities as well? Such as in the Crusades?
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